DYnamics, Age and Metallicity Indicators Tracing Evolution.
A package for Schwarzschild- and stellar-population modelling of stellar systems.
See the documentation for full instructions. An overview is:
- Install the Galahad optimization library
in the directorylegacy_fortran/galahad-2.3/
- Compile the Fortran programs
make all
in the directorylegacy_fortran/
- Install DYNAMITE Python package
python setup.py install
in the root directory
import dynamite as dyn
c = dyn.config_reader.Configuration('my_config.yaml') # read configuration
parset = c.parspace.get_parset() # extract a parameter set from configuration
model = dyn.model.Model(
parset=parset) # make a Schwarzschild model
model.setup_directories() # make directory tree
model.get_orblib() # make an orbit library
model.get_weights() # find orbital weights