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Utility to download or clone AWS Lambda Layers, including extensions distributed as layers.


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dt-awslayertool is an utility to download or clone AWS Lambda Layers, including extensions distributed as layers.


It is recommended that you install to a Python virtual environment (venv) and update the pip, setuptools and wheel packages before installation.

$ python3 -m venv .venv # On Windows use "py -3" instead of "python3"
$ . .venv/bin/activate  # On Windows use .venv\Scripts\activate
(.venv) $ python -m pip install -U pip
(.venv) $ pip install -U setuptools wheel

To install the latest released version from PyPI, use

pip install -U dt-awslayertool

To install the latest development version, use

pip install 'git+'

See the pip install documentation for more information, e.g. how to install a particular version.


This sections is extracted from dt-awslayertool --help output.

usage: dt-awslayertool [-h] [-p <aws profile>] [--debug] {info,pull,clone} ...

Utility to download or clone an AWS Lambda layer.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -p <aws profile>, --profile <aws profile>
                        use the specified AWS profile (~/.aws/credentials)
  --debug               enable verbose debug logging

    info                print layer meta information
    pull                download given layer to <layer name>-<layer version>.zip file
    clone               clone layer to AWS account defined by current profile

 Downloads the layer content to file
  dt-awslayertool pull arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:1234861453:layer:my_layer:1

 Clone layer to default account
  dt-awslayertool clone arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:1234861453:layer:my_layer:1


Print layer meta information.

usage: dt-awslayertool info [-h] layer_arn

positional arguments:
  layer_arn   ARN of the layer to operate on

Example output:

$ dt-awslayertool info arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:725887861453:layer:Dynatrace_OneAgent_1_207_6_20201127-103507_nodejs:1
querying layer version meta information for arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:725887861453:layer:Dynatrace_OneAgent_1_207_6_20201127-103507_nodejs:1
Description:         Dynatrace OneAgent for Node.js runtime.
LicenseInfo:         Copyright (c) 2012-2020 Dynatrace LLC. All rights reserved.
CompatibleRuntimes:  nodejs10.x nodejs12.x
Version:             1
CreatedDate:         2020-11-27T09:40:44.607+0000
CodeSize:            1833343
CodeSha256:          PHsE+LnCmzo9aP2+HC7BDNXKwNxKITtRU9+2TnxPmNQ=

Using the aws command line tool (aws lambda get-layer-version-by-arn --arn arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:725887861453:layer:Dynatrace_OneAgent_1_207_6_20201127-103507_nodejs:1) displays more complete information.


Download given layer to <layer name>-<layer version>.zip file. See also Clone Dynatrace OneAgent AWS Lambda extension.

usage: dt-awslayertool pull [-h] [-o] [-x <folder>] layer_arn

positional arguments:
  layer_arn             ARN of the layer to operate on

optional arguments:
  -o, --overwrite       overwrite existing layer contents or extracted folders
  -x <folder>, --extract <folder>
                        extract the downloaded layer content to given folder


Clone layer to AWS account defined by current profile. See also Enable Dynatrace monitoring for containerized AWS Lambda functions.

usage: dt-awslayertool clone [-h] [-o] [-t <aws region>] layer_arn

positional arguments:
  layer_arn             ARN of the layer to operate on

optional arguments:
  -o, --overwrite       overwrite existing layer contents or extracted folders
  -t <aws region>, --target-region <aws region>
                        clone the layer to the specified AWS region. By default, the region of the source ARN is used