Implementation detailed
- void startGame(): Deal with all game initial setting, including create player, create map etc.
- void createPlayer(): Create a new player, ask player what name he/she want.
- void setMember(): Initialize set member status including name, lv, tag, etc.
- void createMap(): Create a map, which include several different rooms.
- void runDungeon(): Deal with the whole game process
- bool checkGameLogic(): Check whether to end the game or not.
- bool isAlive(): If he/she dead, return true
- void printTitle(), void printMap(), void printMoveMap(): Print Game screen.
- void handleMovement(): Dealing with the player's moving action and updating the current room
- void handleEvent(): Deal with player's interaction with objects in that room
- Home: void homeEvent(): Including
- Recover health
- Change career: including Knight, Archer, Wizard, Worker.
- Update Factory: including Armor, Arrow, Axe Factories and Magic Tower
- Build Ladder: use for enter boss room(the goal) quicker.
- Copper, Wood: Get item which can upgrade Factories
- Money: Get money to buy items
- Monster, Boss: char fight(Player*, Monster*): Allows the player to engage in combat with monsters.
- NPC: Told player what to do to reach his/her goal.
- Shop: Place to buy your item.
- Ladder: Only place to place Ladder.
- Home: void homeEvent(): Including
UML Design
⇧Enter Home?
⇧第一次走到Empty space會告訴你這格Empty
⇧Get Copper
⇧Get Wood
⇧當Worker = Lv3時,拿到物品(不含錢)加倍
⇧選擇建造Ladder(當Worker = Lv3且Wood>5時顯示此功能)
⇧Get Ladder
⇧Wizard = Lv3且問過NPC後可以Set Fire
⇧Worker Lv>=3時可以點火(點火會增加攻擊力)
⇧Fight and Win
⇧Get Money
⇧Ladder格可以置放Ladder,可以快速進出Boss Room