In this project we will make an arduino clock alarm with timer and a temperature sensor.
- Arduino UNO
- Arduino Proto Shield
- Real Time Clock
- 16x2 Display
- Tactile Switch
- Buzzer
- Breadboard
- Wires
- AM2302 DHT22
Button #1 Mode - connected to digtal pin 2
Button #2 Select - connected to digtal pin 4
Button #3 Plus - connected to digtal pin 3
Button #4 Minus - connected to digtal pin 12
Button #5 Timer on/0ff - connected to digtal pin 11
You can wire all of the component to a breadboard or wire to a arduino proto shield if you would like to use the case.
Open your arduino ide and upload clock_alarm.ino
make sure to downlod these libraries first
LiquidCrystal I2C -
Wire -
virtuabotixRTC -
RTCLib -
- Change between screens by pressing mode button
- Set time by holding mode button in screen 1
- Screen 1 - time date and temprature
- Screen 2 - set up the alarm
- Screen 3 - timer
- Screen 4 - alarm On/off
You can find all of the 3d print file in the model folder
Contact me or more info at Arduino Project Hub: