"AI SweetTalker" is a tool written in python defined as a Montessorian AI Prompt Grammar Analyzer, the script main goal is assist users to improve AI prompts, it analyzes the grammar functions of sentences in AI prompts and provides suggestions according quantity and quality in the use and ammount of grammar functions, and sentences structures. The script uses Montessori grammar studies-color codification to classify different grammar functions, appealing to the visual memory and helping users understand patterns in their prompts.
- Analyzes the grammar functions of sentences in AI prompts
- Classifies different grammar functions using color codification based on the Montessori Method
- Provides suggestions for improvement based on the quantity of different grammar functions
- Can process input in the form of a text file or copy-pasted text
- Prints suggestions in the terminal with the respective assigned color
- python 3.x
- python3-pip
- colorama
- re
- nltk
Git clone repository.
Navigate to AI-Sweet-talker directory
cd ~/AI-Sweet-talker
Install requirements using pip3.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Run the script:
python3 AI-Sweet-talker.py
Copy and paste your prompt into the terminal
The script will analyze the grammar functions of the prompt and provide suggestions for improvement.
Please enter your prompt: "Ini mini mainy moe, ini mini mainy moe... chat gpt!"
The suggestions will be printed in the terminal with the respective assigned color according Montessori Scientific Pedagogy for the Language and Psico-Grammar studies.
This script is distributed under the MIT License.