A Custom Ezsignfoldertype Object
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
pkiEzsignfoldertypeID | Integer | The unique ID of the Ezsignfoldertype. | |
sEzsignfoldertypeNameX | String | The name of the Ezsignfoldertype in the language of the requester | [optional] |
bEzsignfoldertypeSendproofezsignsigner | Boolean | Whether we send the proof in the email to Ezsignsigner | [optional] |
bEzsignfoldertypeAllowdownloadattachmentezsignsigner | Boolean | Whether we allow the Ezsigndocument to be downloaded by an Ezsignsigner | [optional] |
bEzsignfoldertypeAllowdownloadproofezsignsigner | Boolean | Whether we allow the proof to be downloaded by an Ezsignsigner | [optional] |
bEzsignfoldertypeDelegate | Boolean | Wheter if delegation of signature is allowed to another user or not | [optional] |
bEzsignfoldertypeDiscussion | Boolean | Wheter if creating a new Discussion is allowed or not | [optional] |
bEzsignfoldertypeReassignezsignsigner | Boolean | Wheter if Reassignment of signature is allowed by a signatory to another signatory or not | [optional] |
bEzsignfoldertypeReassignuser | Boolean | Wheter if Reassignment of signature is allowed by a user to a signatory or another user or not | [optional] |