Library to interface with GPS devices. More specifically parses NMEA and UBX messages.
Reads from serial interface data from a GPS device. Then matches the data with the known messages (NMEA and UBX), then it parses the data and eventually saves the parsed values in corresponding CSV files.
Use gps_interface.h to access to utils functions to read data from the connected GPS.
int gps_interface_open(
gps_serial_port* new_serial_port,
const char* port,
speed_t speed
gps_protocol_type gps_interface_get_line(
gps_serial_port* port,
char start_sequence[GPS_MAX_START_SEQUENCE_SIZE],
int* start_sequence_size,
char line[GPS_MAX_LINE_SIZE],
int* line_size
- gps_interface_open: is to open a serialport given the device name (ex: /dev/ttyACM0) and given speed.
- gps_interface_get_line: reads a line from the device returning the protocol of the line, the start sequence and the actual line.
gps_protocol_type protocol_type = gps_interface_get_line(&port, start_sequence, &start_sequence_bytes, line, &line_bytes);
if(protocol_type == GPS_PROTOCOL_TYPE_SIZE){
cout << "error reading gps" << endl;
// All ok, do stuff
Setting protocol_type to max, is used to notify that an error occurred reading the port.
To parse GPS data use functions and structures in gps.h.
Define the data struct:
gps_parsed_data_t data;
To parse data fist must be detected the message type, then if it is a velid type the parsing can take place:
gps_protocol_and_message match;
if(gps_match_message(&match, line, protocol_type) == -1){
printf("Protocol: %d, match failed", match.protocol); // it fails if the message is not supported from this lib
gps_parse_result_t result = gps_parse_buffer(&parsed_gps, &match, line, timestamp);
if(result == GPS_PARSE_RESULT_OK){
// Do stuff
printf("Protocol %d. Message %d. Parse failed with error: %s", match.protocol, match.message, gps_parse_result_string[result]);
The first thing is to open GPS files:
const char* path = "/path/to/folder/";
gps_files_t gps_files; // struct containing gps files
gps_open_files(&gps_files, path); // open one csv file per message
gps_header_to_file(&gps_files); // write csv headers
FILE* raw_log = fopen((std::string(path) + "gps.log").c_str(), "w"); // to log raw data from gps
To save raw data from the GPS:
for(int i = 0; i < start_sequence_bytes; i++)
fprintf(raw_log, "%c", start_sequence[i]);
for(int i = 0; i < line_bytes; i++)
fprintf(raw_log, "%c", line[i]);
fprintf(raw_log, "\n");
To save also the parsed data in a CSV file:
if(result == GPS_PARSE_RESULT_OK){ // only if parsing was successfull
gps_to_file(&gps_files, &parsed_gps, &match);