Repo Guidelines is a set of recommendations that help to structure a project before releasing it to the open source community.
##Dependencies This section must have a complete list of all the dependencies required to run the project.
##Installation / Setup This section is a step by step guide to install the project. An ordered list is recommended.
##Usage Optional section. Describes how to use your project.
##Screenshots Optional section. Add some cool screenshots of your project. Highly recommended.
##Demo Optional section. A link to a running demo of your project.
##Questions or issues? This section describes how other developers and users should interact with your project. Here's an example:
We keep the project's conversation in our issues page issues. If you have any other question you can reach us at
##Using our code? We'd love to know Optional section. In case you want to keep tabs on the impact of your initial project or later do a gallery of other projects that were based on yours.
##Contribute Section to explain how to contribute to your project. Must add link to the file. Example:
We want this project to be the result of a community effort. You can collaborate with code, ideas and bugs. Read our CONTRIBUTE file.
##Core Team List the core team members that are responsible for development and maintenance of this project. Add reference to their github profiles. Example:
This project is an initiative of Codeando México. The core team:
##License Section to add the license. The default license is AGPL-3.0. Might vary depending of the project. Example:
Available under the license: GNU Affero General Public License (AGPL) v3.0. Read the document LICENSE for more information
Created by Codeando México, 2014.