Welcome! Visit my website to know more about me and my work.
Also, these are some direct links to my profile on different platforms:
Here, you can find a list of my publications. You'll find the links to the papers, but if your institution or you don't have a subscription to the publisher sites, you can send me an email and I'll be happy to share them with you.
Here, you can find a list of application software and other development projects I have worked on. Most of them are colavorative works. You'll find the links to the repositories and the documentation, as well as the credits to the other co-authors or contributors.
You can send me an email 📧 at any of these addresses:
| eamontoyaa@gmail.com | eamontoyaa@unal.edu.co | eamontoyaa@eafit.edu.co | exneyder.montoya@centralesupelec.fr |