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mesos-module-dvdi Build Status

This repo contains the Docker Volume Driver Isolator Module for Mesos. The purpose is to create a module that lives on the Mesos Slaves (agents) that enables external storage to be created/mounted/unmounted with each task that is assigned to a slave.

The module leverages dvdcli to enable any existing Docker Volume Drivers to be used without the Docker containerizer. All Volume Drivers that work with Docker, will also work with dvdcli and thus this Isolator Module.

Currently it targets Mesos 0.23.0.

Project Summary

This repo is part of a larger project to deliver external storage and introduce cluster wide resources capabilities to the Mesos platform.

The existing Mesos architecture (0.23.0) is based on having cluster node agents (aka slaves) determine and report their available resources. This works adequately when workloads consume storage exclusively from direct attached storage on the cluster nodes, but no so well for external storage volumes possibly shared among Mesos slaves.

See the notes, project, and planning information here.


With this module running, the frameworks are now able to leverage the environment variables parameters to determine which Volume, from which Storage Platform to make available on the Mesos Slaves. This is without a resource advertisement. Below is an example of Marathon specifying an environment variable for Volume Management.

In addition, notice how the VOLUME_OPTS parameter allows for specifying extra functionality. The size, iops, and volumetype can be requested from the Storage Platform if the Volume does not exist yet. In addition, when the Volume is then created, a filesystem (EXT4/XFS) can be specified to be used on the Volume.

There is one additional option, overwritefs which can be used to determine whether to overwrite the filesystem or not. When the overwritefs flag is set and the Volume is detected to contain a EXT4/XFS filesystem, it wil be replaced. Otherwise a filesystem will always be created if EXT4/XFS is not found.

Options like these are only available if your Volume Driver exposes them. For REX-Ray, these are supported but depend on the Storage Driver. See the dvdcli for a full list of options.

"env": {
  "DVDI_VOLUME_NAME": "testing",
  "DVDI_VOLUME_DRIVER": "platform1",
  "DVDI_VOLUME_OPTS": "size=5,iops=150,volumetype=io1,newfstype=ext4,overwritefs=false",
  "DVDI_VOLUME_NAME1": "testing2",
  "DVDI_VOLUME_DRIVER1": "platform2",
  "DVDI_VOLUME_OPTS1": "size=6,volumetype=gp2,newfstype=xfs,overwritefs=true"

Mesos Agent Configuration

Volume Driver Endpoint

REX-Ray is a Docker Volume Driver endpoint that runs as a service that can be then consumed by dvdcli. Any volume driver can be used in it's place. See the Docker Plugin List.

REX-Ray provides visibility and management of external/underlying storage via guest storage introspection.

Below is a one-liner REX-Ray install. Further than this, a configuration file or environment variables must be specified followed by rexray start to begin servicing requests. See the project page for more details.

curl -sSL | sh -

Issuing a rexray volume should return you a list of volumes if the configuration is correct for your storage platform.

Docker Volume Driver CLI

The isolator utilizes a CLI implementation of the Docker Volume Driver, called dvdcli. Below is a one-liner install for dvdcli.

curl -sSL | sh -

The dvdcli functions exactly as the Docker daemon would by looking up spec files from /etc/docker or socket files from /run/docker/plugins based on the Volume Driver name. To make dvdcli work, a Volume Driver service must be actively running.

The combination of the mesos-module-dvdi isolator, dvdcli, and the Docker Volume Driver must be functioning on each Mesos agent to enable external volumes. The Docker daemon is not required.

The following commands should work which means the isolator should function as expected. You should be returned a path to a mounted volume. Following this, perform a unmount.

dvdcli mount --volumedriver=rexray --volumename=test1

Docker Volume Driver Isolator

The installation of the isolator is simple. It is a matter of placing the .so file, creating a json file, and updating the startup parameters.

  1. Copy/Update the libmesos_dvdi_isolator-<version>.so to /usr/lib/ on each Mesos Agent node that will offer external storage volumes.

  2. Compose or copy a json configuration file tells the agent to load the module and enable the isolator.

  3. Create a text file similar to /usr/lib/dvdi-mod.json with respective paths set.

       "libraries": [
           "file": "/usr/lib/",
           "modules": [
               "name": "com_emccode_mesos_DockerVolumeDriverIsolator"
  4. (optional) Mesos slave/agent option flags may be specified in several ways. One common way is to create a text file in /etc/mesos-slave/modules and additionally /etc/mesos-slave/isolation matching the flags in step 4.

  5. (optional) Run slave/agent with explicit --modules flag and --isolation flags.

    nohup  /usr/sbin/mesos-slave \    
    --master=zk:// \
    --log_dir=/var/log/mesos \
    --containerizers=docker,mesos \
    --executor_registration_timeout=5mins \
    --ip= --work_dir=/tmp/mesos \
    --modules=file:///usr/lib/dvdi-mod.json \
    --isolation="com_emccode_mesos_DockerVolumeDriverIsolator" &

Example Marathon Call

The following will submit a job, which mounts a volume from an external storage platform.

Up to nine additional volumes may be mounted by appending a digit (1-9) to the environment variable name. (e.g DVDI_VOLUME_NAME1=).

curl -i -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @test.json localhost:8080/v2/apps

  "id": "hello-play",
  "cmd": "while [ true ] ; do touch /var/lib/rexray/volumes/test12345/hello ; sleep 5 ; done",
  "mem": 32,
  "cpus": 0.1,
  "instances": 1,
  "env": {
    "DVDI_VOLUME_NAME": "test12345",
    "DVDI_VOLUME_DRIVER": "rexray",
    "DVDI_VOLUME_OPTS": "size=5,iops=150,volumetype=io1,newfstype=xfs,overwritefs=true"


See the /var/log/mesos/mesos-slave.INFO log for details. Troubleshooting via dvdcli is always a great first step.

Building Module with Docker Images

To simplify the process of assembling and configuring a build environment for the docker volume driver isolator, a Docker image is offered.

Build using our Docker Module Build Image

These steps can be used to compile your own Isolat Module from a specific commit.

git clone
cd mesos-module-dvdi
docker run -ti -v `pwd`:/isolator emccode/mesos-module-dvdi-dev:0.23.0

Following this locate the libmesos_dvdi_isolator-<version>.so file under isolator/build/.libs and copy it to the /usr/lib directory.

(optional) Build a custom Mesos Build Image

These steps can be used to compile a custom Mesos build image allowing you to change whether 0.23.0 is used or not.

docker build -t name/mesos-build-module-dev:0.23.0 - < Dockerfile-mesos-build-module-dev
docker build -t name/mesos-module-dvdi-dev:0.23.0 - < Dockerfile-mesos-build-module-dvdi

Release information

Please refer to the wiki for more information relating to the project.


Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


If you have questions relating to the project, please either post Github Issues, join our Slack channel available by signup through and post questions into #projects, or reach out to the maintainers directly. The code and documentation are released with no warranties or SLAs and are intended to be supported through a community driven process.


Mesos Docker Volume Driver Isolator module







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  • C++ 55.0%
  • Makefile 42.3%
  • Shell 2.0%
  • Protocol Buffer 0.7%