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5th EasyBuild User Meeting

Kenneth Hoste edited this page Feb 4, 2020 · 60 revisions

Group picture at 4th EasyBuild User Meeting @ UC Louvain (group picture at 5th EasyBuild User Meeting, Jan'20)


The EasyBuild User Meeting is an open and highly interactive event that provides a great opportunity to meet fellow EasyBuild enthusiasts, discuss related topics and learn about new aspects of the tool.

It is intended for people that are already familiar with EasyBuild, ranging from occasional users to EasyBuild core developers and experts, and topics will be less introductory in nature than during EasyBuild hackathons/workshops that have been organized in the past.

The program includes presentations by both EasyBuild users and developers, next to hands-on sessions.

The presentations will cover a wide variety of EasyBuild related topics, including how EasyBuild has been integrated into existing infrastructures, how it can be combined with other tools, (new) EasyBuild features that are considered particularly useful, or other tools that are somehow (loosely) related to EasyBuild and could be of interest to attendees.

The hands-on sessions are intended for becoming more familiar with the practical aspects of EasyBuild, resolving problems with the help of others, and/or working together to further enhance EasyBuild. Participants are expected to decide for themselves what they work on during the hands-on sessions.

Practical information



Contact I you have suggestions or ideas for a presentation!

Recordings are available via YouTube

Wed Jan 29th 2020

  • [09:00-10:00] registration + welcome
  • [10:00-11:00] EasyBuild State of the Union (Kenneth Hoste, HPC-UGent) (slides, video)
  • [11:00-11:30] (coffee break)
  • [11:30-12:30] EasyBuild State of the Union (Kenneth Hoste, HPC-UGent) (continued) (slides, video)
  • [12.30-13:00] EasyBuild @ Fred Hutch + easy_update (John Dey, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center - Seattle) (slides, video)
  • [13:00-14:00] (lunch)
  • [14:00-14:30] Building an Easybuild Container Library in Sylabs Cloud (Shahzeb Siddiqui) (slides, video)
  • [14:30-16:00] open discussion & hands-on (recording)
  • [16:00-16:30] (coffee break)
  • [16:30-17:15] Providing a Unified User Environment for Canada's National Advanced Computing Centers (Maxime Boissonneault, ComputeCanada) (slides, video)
  • [17:15-18:00] Spack update (Massimiliano Culpo, Sylabs, Inc.) (slides, video)
  • [19:00] (informal group dinner at La Esquinica)

Thu Jan 30th 2020

  • [09:00-09:30] buildtest: HPC Software Stack Testing Framework (Shahzeb Siddiqui) (slides, video)
  • [09:30-10:00] ReFrame: a framework for writing regression tests for HPC systems (Vasileios Karakasis, CSCS) (slides, video)
  • [10:00-11:00] Site presentations (part 1)
    • EasyBuild @ HPCNow! (Oriol Mula, HPCNow!) (slides, video)
    • EasyBuild and POWER9 (Simon Branford, University of Birmingham) (slides, video)
  • [11:00-11:30] (coffee break)
  • [11:30-12:00] HPC on OpenStack - the good, the bad and the ugly (Ümit Seren, Vienna BioCenter) (slides, video)
  • [12:00-13:00] Site presentations (part 2)
    • EasyBuild installations in a clean room (Åke Sandgren, Umeå University) (slides, video)
    • EasyBuild @ CSCS (Luca Marsella, CSCS) (slides, video)
    • EasyBuild @ SURFsara (Caspar Van Leeuwen, SURFsara) (slides, video)
  • [13:00-14:00] (lunch)
  • [14:00-15:00] Tutorial/demo on contributing back to EasyBuild (Samuel Moors, Free University of Brussels) (slides, video)
  • [15:00-16:00] discussions & hands-on (recording)
  • [16:00-16:30] (coffee break)
  • [16:30-17:30] Update on Lmod (slides, video) & XALT (slides, video) (Robert McLay) [remote presentation]
  • [20:30] (official group dinner at Can Cortada, sponsored by HPC-UGent)

Fri Jan 31st 2020

  • [07:30-10:00] (visit MareNostrum at Barcelona Supercomputing Center)
    • 07:30: bus leaves at hotel Ibis Meridiana, the bus does NOT go past Parc Tecnoògic. and it leaves the hotel at 07:30 sharp.
    • 08:30: visit starts (until ~09:15)
  • [10:00-10:30] (coffee break)
  • [10:30-11:00] Sarus: Highly Scalable Docker Containers for HPC Systems (Luca Marsella, CSCS) (slides, video)
  • [11:00-11:30] Site presentations (part 3)
    • EasyBuild at University of Melbourne (Jin Zhang, University of Melbourne) (slides, video)
    • EasyBuild at ZIH - TU Dresden (Alexander Grund, TU Dresden) (slides, video)
    • (open slot)
  • [11:30-12:00] 10 things you did not know yet about EasyBuild (Kenneth Hoste, HPC-UGent) (slides, video)
  • [12:00-13:00] discussions & hands-on

Previous EasyBuild User Meetings

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