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Conference call notes 20170913

Kenneth Hoste edited this page Sep 27, 2017 · 4 revisions

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Notes on the 85th EasyBuild conference call, Wednesday September 13th 2017 (5pm - 6pm CEST)


Alphabetical list of attendees (4):

  • Damian Alvarez (JSC, Germany)
  • Kenneth Hoste (HPC-UGent, Belgium)
  • Davide Vanzo (Vanderbilt University)
  • Bart Oldeman (McGill University, Canada)


  • Python in GCCcore, to be used as build dependency
  • feedback on --trace output
  • labels for issues & pull requests
  • Q&A


Python at GCCcore
  • Damian: setup at JSC
    • Python at GCCcore as main Python installation
      • also make Python packages installed there available via $PYTHONPATH
    • currently no Python installed on compiler-level
    • Python interpreter + SciPy stack is installed with Intel compilers
      • no separate Python module, python is part of SciPy module
    • relevant numpy issue:
      • Intel libm, but only relevant for single-value variables (not for numpy arrays)
    • Bart: python provided via Nix
      • Python packages made available via which modifies sys.path via $EBPYTHONPREFIXES
      • alternate approach than using $PYTHONPATH, to avoid issues with virtualenv
    • also follow this approach in central repository?
      • Damian: yes, if there's a general policy to pull things down to the proper level
      • in EasyBuild v3.4.0: already a movement to pull things down to GCCcore, see easyconfigs that use GCCcore-6.4.0
      • should also be done for Perl?
        • Kenneth: yes, but should benchmark effect on performance?
    • Bart: also pulling down mkl to core level, with some
    • Fotis: has anyone benchmarked IntelPython vs Python built with Intel compilers/MKL?
      • possible advantage from Intel DAAL library e.g. for pandas
      • tool to help figure out which Python installation + packages is being used?
Feedback on --trace
  • trace output of commands could be formatted better?
    • multiple lines of output per command?
  • Davide: looks pretty good to go
Labels for issues & pull requests
  • issues

[green] question [orange] problem report (e.g., software doesn't install, crippled functionality, performance issues, ...) [red] bug report (e.g., unexpected crash, faulty behaviour) [blue] feature request [yellow] change request (e.g., doesn't work as expected/hoped, different default behaviour) [grey] priority:low, priority:medium, priority:high, priority:critical

pull requests

[red] bug fix [blue] new feature [orange] enhancement [green] new software (easyblocks, easyconfigs) [purple] update (easyblocks, easyconfigs) [yellow] change (change in current (default) behaviour) [grey] priority:low, priority:medium, priority:high, priority:critical

  • Davide: presentation area at SC17 booth
    • could give EasyBuild presentation(s) there
    • maybe follow "pick-your-own-adventure" style presentation like Robert McLay
  • Fotis: should module commands be idempotent?
  • Damian: EasyBuild presentation at CESGA (Spain)
    • starting to pick it up, Damian will show him the ropes
  • EasyBuild user meeting 2018, possible locations?
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