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Conference call notes 20190918

Kenneth Hoste edited this page Sep 18, 2019 · 2 revisions

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Notes on the 132nd EasyBuild conference call, Wednesday Sep 18th 2019 (17:00 - 18:00 CEST)


Alphabetical list of attendees (6):

  • Markus Geimer (Jülich Supercomputing Centre)
  • Kenneth Hoste (HPC-UGent)
  • Adam Huffman (Big Data Institute, Oxford)
  • Hugo Meilan (Microsoft HPC)
  • Mikael Öhman (Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden)
  • Davide Vanzo (Vanderbilt University, USA)


  • update on 2019b common toolchains
  • update on progress towards EasyBuild 4.0
  • Q&A

2019b common toolchains

  • both foss/2019b and intel/2019b are set in stone
    • see and
    • foss/2019b
      • GCC 8.3.0 + binutils 2.32
      • Open MPI 3.1.4
      • OpenBLAS 0.3.7 (+ ScaLAPACK 2.0.2)
      • FFTW 3.3.8
    • intel/2019b
      • (base: GCC 8.3.0 + binutils 2.32)
      • iccfort 2019 update 5 (2019.5.281)
      • impi 2018 update 5 (2018.5.288)
        • not 2019 update 5 because of segmentation faults issue on Intel Skylake in cgroup environment
        • apparently impi 2019.x should (still) not be considered stable?
      • imkl 2019 update 5 (2019.5.281)
    • no more GCC/binutils version in versionsuffix
    • both will be included with EasyBuild v4.0 release
    • also: updated easyconfigs for Perl, Python (2.7.16 & 3.7.4), X11, ...
    • Davide: was already using OpenMPI 3.1.4 in foss/2019a because of spurious errors confusing users

EasyBuild 4.0


  • Davide: problems with impi 2018.x with UCX
    • suggestion by Intel was to use latest impi 2019
  • Markus: OpenMPI 4.0.1 w/ UCX
    • use case: test suite of Scalasca tool (40-50 short MPI jobs in single job)
    • occasional issues when launching MPI calculations in Slurm jobs
      • Kenneth: error messages?
    • Davide: only known issues with 3.1.4
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