Update devcontainer.json #3
2 errors and 6 warnings
Analyze (c-cpp)
We were unable to automatically build your code. Please change the build mode for this language to manual and specify build steps for your project. For more information, see https://docs.github.com/en/code-security/code-scanning/troubleshooting-code-scanning/automatic-build-failed. Encountered a fatal error while running "/opt/hostedtoolcache/CodeQL/2.17.2/x64/codeql/codeql database trace-command --use-build-mode -O=cpp.trap.cache.dir=/home/runner/work/_temp/trapCaches/cpp -O=cpp.trap.cache.bound=1024 -O=cpp.trap.cache.write=true /home/runner/work/_temp/codeql_databases/cpp". Exit code was 2 and error was: A fatal error occurred: Exit status 1 from command: [/opt/hostedtoolcache/CodeQL/2.17.2/x64/codeql/cpp/tools/autobuild.sh] See the logs for more details.
Analyze (csharp)
We were unable to automatically build your code. Please change the build mode for this language to manual and specify build steps for your project. For more information, see https://docs.github.com/en/code-security/code-scanning/troubleshooting-code-scanning/automatic-build-failed. Encountered a fatal error while running "/opt/hostedtoolcache/CodeQL/2.17.2/x64/codeql/codeql database trace-command --use-build-mode /home/runner/work/_temp/codeql_databases/csharp". Exit code was 2 and error was: A fatal error occurred: Exit status 1 from command: [/opt/hostedtoolcache/CodeQL/2.17.2/x64/codeql/csharp/tools/autobuild.sh] See the logs for more details.
Analyze (c-cpp)
The process '/usr/bin/git' failed with exit code 128
Analyze (csharp)
The process '/usr/bin/git' failed with exit code 128
Analyze (javascript-typescript)
The process '/usr/bin/git' failed with exit code 128
Analyze (java-kotlin)
The process '/usr/bin/git' failed with exit code 128
Analyze (python)
The process '/usr/bin/git' failed with exit code 128
Analyze (go)
The process '/usr/bin/git' failed with exit code 128