Perl Script to Count Lines of Code of Perl, PHP and HTML Files on Linux
Place script in directory with files to count
Grant permission to run script:
$ sudo chmod 755
For example, to count lines of all the Perl files in a directory and each subdirectory
$ ./ --type=Perl
For example, to count lines of all PHP files in a directory and each subdirectory
$ ./ --type=PHP
There is now support for counting .shtml and .htm files along with vanilla .html files. Use flag --type=HTML for each variation
For example, to count lines of all HTML files in a directory and each subdirectory
$ ./ --type=HTML
To count lines of code of a webpage, run something like the following in the same directory as the script
$ wget -cO - > filename.html
Then run the script...
$ ./ --type=HTML
To get a count for a single HTML file try a variation of the following...
$ ./ --type=HTML | grep -A 4 "filename.html"
Or for a single Perl file...
$ ./ --type=Perl | grep -A 5 ""
Files to be counted require read permission. If there is a permission error you could try running script with sudo, something like the following...
$ sudo ./ --type=Perl | grep -A 5 ""