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Asset Management Operations


This operation is used to create assets

struct asset_create_operation : public base_operation
   struct fee_parameters_type {
      uint64_t symbol3        = 500000 * ECHO_BLOCKCHAIN_PRECISION;
      uint64_t symbol4        = 300000 * ECHO_BLOCKCHAIN_PRECISION;
      uint64_t long_symbol    = 5000   * ECHO_BLOCKCHAIN_PRECISION;
      uint32_t price_per_kbyte = 10; /// only required for large memos.

   asset                   fee;
   /// This account must sign and pay the fee for this operation. Later, this account may update the asset
   account_id_type         issuer;
   /// The ticker symbol of this asset
   string                  symbol;
   /// Number of digits to the right of decimal point, must be less than or equal to 12
   uint8_t                 precision = 0;

   /// Options common to all assets.
   /// @note common_options.core_exchange_rate technically needs to store the asset ID of this new asset. Since this
   /// ID is not known at the time this operation is created, create this price as though the new asset has instance
   /// ID 1, and the chain will overwrite it with the new asset's ID.
   asset_options              common_options;
   /// Options only available for BitAssets. MUST be non-null if and only if the asset is a bitasset
   optional<bitasset_options> bitasset_opts;

   extensions_type extensions;

   account_id_type fee_payer()const { return issuer; }
   share_type      calculate_fee( const fee_parameters_type& k )const;

asset asset_options bitasset_options

JSON Example

      "fee": {
         "amount": 0,
         "asset_id": "1.3.0"
      "issuer": "1.2.0",
      "symbol": "",
      "precision": 0,
      "common_options": {
         "max_supply": "1000000000000000",
         "issuer_permissions": 15,
         "flags": 0,
         "core_exchange_rate": {
            "base": {
                  "amount": 0,
                  "asset_id": "1.3.0"
            "quote": {
                  "amount": 0,
                  "asset_id": "1.3.0"
         "whitelist_authorities": [],
         "blacklist_authorities": [],
         "description": "",
         "extensions": []
      "extensions": []


Update options common to all assets.

There are a number of options which all assets in the network use. These options are enumerated in the asset_options struct. This operation is used to update these options for an existing asset.

struct asset_update_operation : public base_operation
   struct fee_parameters_type {
      uint64_t fee            = 500 * ECHO_BLOCKCHAIN_PRECISION;
      uint32_t price_per_kbyte = 10;


   asset           fee;
   account_id_type issuer;
   asset_id_type   asset_to_update;

   /// If the asset is to be given a new issuer, specify his ID here.
   optional<account_id_type>   new_issuer;
   optional<asset_options>     new_options;

   extensions_type             extensions;

   account_id_type fee_payer()const { return issuer; }
   share_type      calculate_fee(const fee_parameters_type& k)const;

asset asset_options

JSON Example

      "fee": {
         "amount": 0,
         "asset_id": "1.3.0"
      "issuer": "1.2.0",
      "asset_to_update": "1.3.0",
      "extensions": []


Update options specific to BitAssets.

BitAssets have some options which are not relevant to other asset types. This operation is used to update those options for existing BitAsset.

struct asset_update_bitasset_operation : public base_operation
   struct fee_parameters_type { uint64_t fee = 500 * ECHO_BLOCKCHAIN_PRECISION; };

   asset           fee;
   account_id_type issuer;
   asset_id_type   asset_to_update;

   bitasset_options new_options;

   extensions_type  extensions;

   account_id_type fee_payer()const { return issuer; }

asset bitasset_options

JSON Example

      "fee": {
         "amount": 0,
         "asset_id": "1.3.0"
      "issuer": "1.2.0",
      "asset_to_update": "1.3.0",
      "new_options": {
         "feed_lifetime_sec": 86400,
         "minimum_feeds": 1,
         "short_backing_asset": "1.3.0",
         "extensions": []
      "extensions": []


Update the set of feed-producing accounts for a BitAsset.

BitAssets have price feeds selected by taking the median values of recommendations from a set of feed producers. This operation is used to specify which accounts may produce feeds for a given BitAsset.

struct asset_update_feed_producers_operation : public base_operation
   struct fee_parameters_type { uint64_t fee = 500 * ECHO_BLOCKCHAIN_PRECISION; };

   asset           fee;
   account_id_type issuer;
   asset_id_type   asset_to_update;

   flat_set<account_id_type> new_feed_producers;

   extensions_type           extensions;

   account_id_type fee_payer()const { return issuer; }


JSON Example

      "fee": {
         "amount": 0,
         "asset_id": "1.3.0"
      "issuer": "1.2.0",
      "asset_to_update": "1.3.0",
      "new_feed_producers": [],
      "extensions": []


Asset issue to account.

struct asset_issue_operation : public base_operation
   struct fee_parameters_type {
      uint64_t fee = 20 * ECHO_BLOCKCHAIN_PRECISION; 

   asset            fee;
   account_id_type  issuer; ///< Must be asset_to_issue->asset_id->issuer
   asset            asset_to_issue;
   account_id_type  issue_to_account;

   extensions_type      extensions;

   account_id_type fee_payer()const { return issuer; }
   share_type      calculate_fee(const fee_parameters_type& k)const;


JSON Example

      "fee": {
         "amount": 0,
         "asset_id": "1.3.0"
      "issuer": "1.2.0",
      "asset_to_issue": {
         "amount": 0,
         "asset_id": "1.3.0"
      "issue_to_account": "1.2.0",
      "extensions": []


Used to take an asset out of circulation, returning to the issuer

struct asset_reserve_operation : public base_operation
   struct fee_parameters_type { uint64_t fee = 20 * ECHO_BLOCKCHAIN_PRECISION; };

   asset             fee;
   account_id_type   payer;
   asset             amount_to_reserve;

   extensions_type   extensions;

   account_id_type fee_payer()const { return payer; }


JSON Example

      "fee": {
         "amount": 0,
         "asset_id": "1.3.0"
      "payer": "1.2.0",
      "amount_to_reserve": {
         "amount": 0,
         "asset_id": "1.3.0"
      "extensions": []


Used to transfer asset from account to asset fee pool. For more information see Asset Fee Pool.

struct asset_fund_fee_pool_operation : public base_operation
   struct fee_parameters_type { uint64_t fee =  ECHO_BLOCKCHAIN_PRECISION; };

   asset           fee; ///< core asset
   account_id_type from_account;
   asset_id_type   asset_id;
   share_type      amount; ///< core asset

   extensions_type extensions;

   account_id_type fee_payer()const { return from_account; }


JSON Example

      "fee": {
         "amount": 0,
         "asset_id": "1.3.0"
      "from_account": "1.2.0",
      "asset_id": "1.3.0",
      "amount": 0,
      "extensions": []


Publish price feeds for market-issued assets (BitAssets).

Price feed providers use this operation to publish their price feeds for market-issued assets. A price feed is used to tune the market for a particular market-issued asset. For each value in the feed, the median across all committee_member feeds for that asset is calculated and the market for the asset is configured with the median of that value.

The feed in the operation contains three prices: a call price limit, a short price limit, and a settlement price. The call limit price is structured as (collateral asset) / (debt asset) and the short limit price is structured as (asset for sale) / (collateral asset). Note that the asset IDs are opposite to eachother, so if we're publishing a feed for USD, the call limit price will be ECHO/USD and the short limit price will be USD/ECHO. The settlement price may be flipped either direction, as long as it is a ratio between the market-issued asset and its collateral.

struct asset_publish_feed_operation : public base_operation
   struct fee_parameters_type { uint64_t fee = ECHO_BLOCKCHAIN_PRECISION; };

   asset                  fee; ///< paid for by publisher
   account_id_type        publisher;
   asset_id_type          asset_id; ///< asset for which the feed is published
   price                  core_exchange_rate;

   extensions_type        extensions;

   account_id_type fee_payer()const { return publisher; }


JSON Example

        "fee": {
            "amount": 0,
            "asset_id": "1.3.0"
        "publisher": "1.2.0",
        "asset_id": "1.3.0",
        "core_exchange_rate": {
            "base": {
                "amount": 0,
                "asset_id": "1.3.0"
            "quote": {
                "amount": 0,
                "asset_id": "1.3.0"
        "extensions": []


Used to transfer accumulated fees back to the issuer's balance

struct asset_claim_fees_operation : public base_operation
  struct fee_parameters_type {
      uint64_t fee = 20 * ECHO_BLOCKCHAIN_PRECISION;

  asset           fee;
  account_id_type issuer;
  asset           amount_to_claim; /// amount_to_claim.asset_id->issuer must == issuer
  extensions_type extensions;

  account_id_type fee_payer()const { return issuer; }


JSON Example

      "fee": {
         "amount": 0,
         "asset_id": "1.3.0"
      "issuer": "1.2.0",
      "amount_to_claim": {
         "amount": 0,
         "asset_id": "1.3.0"
      "extensions": []