Eclipse BaSyx provides the AAS Environment as off-the-shelf component:
docker run --name=aas-env -p:8081:8081 -v C:/tmp/ eclipsebasyx/aas-environment:2.0.0-SNAPSHOT
Disclaimer: In this example, configuration files are located in
Disclaimer: The binding of volume
is tested using Windows Powershell. Other terminals might run into an error.
It aggregates the AAS Repository, Submodel Repository and ConceptDescription Repository into a single component. For its features and configuration, see the documentation of the respective components.
In addition, it supports the following endpoint defined in DotAAS Part 2 V3 - Serialization Interface:
- GenerateSerializationByIds. For more information about this endpoint please refer to Swagger API
The Aggregated API endpoint documentation is available at:
The Aggregated Swagger UI for the endpoint is available at:
For a configuration example, see The Health Endpoint and CORS Documentation can be found here.
The AAS Environment Component supports the preconfiguration of AAS Environments (e.g., XML, JSON, AASX) via the basyx.environment parameter.
The feature supports both preconfiguring explicit files (e.g., file:myDevice.aasx) as well as directories (e.g., file:myDirectory) that will be recursively scanned for serialized environments.
Please note that collision of ids of Submodels and AAS in the preconfigured environments will lead to an error. For ConceptDescriptions, however, id collisions are ignored since they are assumed to be identical. Thus, only the first occurance of a ConceptDescription with the same Id will be uploaded. Further ConceptDescriptions with the same Id will only lead to a warning in the log.
Furthermore, if Identifiables (AAS, Submodels, ConceptDescriptions) are already existing in the repositories before adding the preconfigured environments (e.g., due to using MongoDB persistency and restarting the server), the Version & Revision (cf. AdministrativeInformation) are leveraged for determining if the existing Identifiables should be overwritten. The following examples illustrate this behavior:
- Preconfigured Identifiable has same version and same revision in comparison to the already existing => No overwriting
- Preconfigured Identifiable has older version or same version and older revision in comparison to the already existing => No overwriting
- Preconfigured Identifiable has newer version or same version but newer revision in comparison to the already existing => Server version is overwritten
For examples, see
AAS environments (e.g. XML, JSON, AASX) can be uploaded by a multipart/form-data POST on the /upload
endpoint. Please note that the following MIME types as Accept Header are expected for the respective file uploads:
- AASX: application/asset-administration-shell-package
- JSON: application/json
- XML: application/xml
Below is an example curl request:
curl --location 'http://localhost:8081/upload' \
--header 'Accept: application/asset-administration-shell-package' \
--form 'file=@"Sample.aasx"'
The upload follows the same rules as the preconfiguration in terms of handling existing AAS, submodels and concept descriptions. In order for the file to be recognized correctly, please make sure that its MIME type is properly configured.
Note If the AAS Environment file (XML, JSON, or AASX) size exceeds the below mentioned default limit, it is important to set the below two properties in the based on the size of the file to be uploaded:
spring.servlet.multipart.max-file-size (default 1 MB)
spring.servlet.multipart.max-request-size (default 10 MB)
To configure the favicon, add the favicon.ico to basyx-java-server-sdk\basyx.common\basyx.http\src\main\resources\static.