Releases: eclipse-basyx/basyx-java-server-sdk
Milestone 4 BaSyx Java V2
This update includes the new submodel-based RBAC rule backend. This feature allows administrators to configure RBAC rules at runtime without restarting the BaSyx components.
In addition, attachment files are now included when an AAS environment is serialized through its serialization endpoint and downloaded as an AASX file.
What's Changed
- Updates version to 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT by @FrankSchnicke in #392
- Adds Testenvironment for FileRepository by @ahoimariew in #336
- Allow multiple descriptor endpoints by @geso02 in #356
- Fixes bug with nested Submodel Elements when MQTT is enabled by @FriedJannik in #393
- Added test methods for submodelrepository and submodelservice by @VivekHub97 in #335
- Move Aas/SmDescriptorFactories to registry-clients; Remove aasenvironment-client dep. to registry-integration by @mateusmolina-iese in #375
- Fixes 'same Submodel Reference can be applied to same AAS again without throwing 409' by @FriedJannik in #388
- Change examples/BaSyxSecured/keycloak to use an arm64 compatible image by @mateusmolina-iese in #397
- Thread-Safe implementation of the *InmemoryBackends by @mateusmolina-iese in #400
- Bump org.testng:testng from 7.1.0 to 7.10.2 by @dependabot in #380
- Typos in groupId for aasregistry-client-native POM by @StenGruener in #354
- MQTT for SubmodelService by @masud-svg in #339
- Fix inoutvariables not being processed in SubmodelService/Repository Controllers :: invokeOperation by @mateusmolina-iese in #396
- Adds Files in AASX Serialization by @FriedJannik in #399
- Implements a feature to support the Submodel-based RBAC rules backend (also Dynamic RBAC rules management) by @mdanish98 in #407
- Increases CI Speed by @FriedJannik in #406
- Removes Multi Thread Build by @FriedJannik in #438
- Fixes AAS Environment Test by @FriedJannik in #441
- Bump de.dfki.cos.basys.common:jsonpatch-maven-plugin from 0.5.0 to 0.5.1 by @dependabot in #381
- Bump from 0.9.4 to 0.9.14 by @dependabot in #382
- Bump org.yaml:snakeyaml from 2.2 to 2.3 by @dependabot in #420
- Change status code for thumbnail upload to 204 (no_content) by @geso02 in #426
- Updates Version to milestone-04 by @FriedJannik in #442
- Adds missing name in pom.xml by @FriedJannik in #444
New Contributors
- @StenGruener made their first contribution in #354
- @masud-svg made their first contribution in #339
Full Changelog: 2.0.0-milestone-03.1...2.0.0-milestone-04
Milestone 3.1 BaSyx Java V2
This update fixes an issue that prevents the off-the-shelf components from starting correctly in certain scenarios.
What's Changed
- Fixes poms to include Project Names by @aaronzi in #371
- Fixes the outdated JarLauncher in Dockerfile of registries by @mdanish98 in #372
- Adds new Secured Setup Example for BaSyx by @FriedJannik in #374
- Adds missing network to Secured Example by @FriedJannik in #377
- Updates Examples image versions by @FriedJannik in #379
- Fixes AAS Environment MongoDB not working by @FriedJannik in #383
- Updates Version to milestone-03.1 by @FriedJannik in #386
Full Changelog: 2.0.0-milestone-03...2.0.0-milestone-03.1
Milestone 3 BaSyx Java V2
This is the second milestone release containing all components of BaSyx Java V2. For a detailed list of all supported endpoints and features, see the documentation in the respective wiki pages
What's Changed
AAS Environment
The AAS Environment now supports all relevant features when using it's RBAC secured version.
It also got an ConnectedAASManager als a central client for managing AASs in the environment.
The following list shows all changes made to the AAS Environment:
- Add AAS Environment Upload Endpoint to CORS Configuration by @mateusmolina-iese in #248
- Fixes AASX upload/preconfig ignoring thumbnail by @mdanish98 in #259
- Fixes reuploading AASX does not work even after complete deletion by @mdanish98 in #271
- Implement ConnectedAASManager in AASEnvironment by @mateusmolina-iese in #278
- Modify output of ConnectedAasManager to be Connected*Service by @mateusmolina-iese in #288
- Adds feature to get all submodels from a shell by @jannisjung in #293
- Implements authorization for ConnectedAasManager by @mdanish98 in #307
- Fixes Serialization of AAS Environment by @FriedJannik in #320
- Implements Authorized Registry Integration in AAS/SM Repo by @mdanish98 in #330
- Adds authorization support for preconfigured AAS Environment by @FriedJannik in #325
- Test if Environment Repositories are being saved in different MongoDB collections by @mateusmolina-iese in #337
- Fix referredIdSemanticId not being set in client - createSubmodelInAas by @mateusmolina-iese in #369
AAS Repository
Minor changes and bugfixes were made to the AAS Repository:
- Refactor AasRepository to use AASService for Thumbnail operations by @mateusmolina-iese in #247
- Fixes wrong Descriptors endpoint when reg-int is enabled by @mdanish98 in #265
Submodel Repository
Several improvements were made regarding the serialization and value-only serialization of Submodel Elements. The following list shows all changes made to the Submodel Repository:
- Adds submodel mqtt events by @jannisjung in #242
- Refactor SubmodelRepository FileHandling Methods into SubmodelService by @mateusmolina-iese in #244
- Removes mandatory inclusion of Submodel IDs during serialization by @mdanish98 in #250
- Value-Only serialization of BasicEvent by @zhangzai123 in #262
- Implement missing Client methods for SubmodelRepository/Service and AasRepository/Service by @mateusmolina-iese in #256
- Adds Connected Variants of Submodel Elements by @FriedJannik in #280
- Fixed post new SubmodelElement in Collection by @aaronzi in #306
- provides tests for updating a submodel element in root by @ahoimariew in #297
- Sends MQTT Message when Submodel is Updated by @FriedJannik in #327
- Makes Value Only of SubmodelElementCollection conform standard by @FriedJannik in #357
Concept Description Repository
No dedicated changes were made to the Concept Description Repository.
AAS Discovery
The AAS Discovery service now also supports the RBAC security feature. The following list shows all changes made to the AAS Discovery service:
- AAS Discovery Security by @mateusmolina-iese in #270
- Refactor AASDiscoveryService & AASXFileServer to use CrudRepository by @aaronzi in #284
AASX File Server
The AASX File Server was added as a new component to the BaSyx Java SDK.
- Finalizes AASX File Server by @FriedJannik in #334
AAS/Submodel Registry
The AAS/Submodel Registries now supports the RBAC security feature. The following list shows all changes made to the AAS/Submodel Registry:
- Implements RBAC Authorization for AAS/Submodel Registry by @mdanish98 in #249
- Fixes Bean conflict when using Aas registry and Submodel registry simultaneously by @FriedJannik in #290
- Modifies Registries TargetInformation to accept List of Ids by @aaronzi in #308
- Registry: ObjectMapperTest Failing by @oalagtash in #319
- Adds missing License to ObjectMapperTest by @aaronzi in #352
Several general improvements were made to the BaSyx community standards and the CI/CD pipeline. In addition to that, the RBAC features from the last milestone release were improved based on feedback. The following list shows all general changes that contributed to the BaSyx Java V2 milestone 3 release:
- Rename docker-compose.yml to ci/docker-compose.yml by @FrankSchnicke in #239
- Updated topic path in Readme by @VivekHub97 in #243
- Adds documentation for max-file/request size by @mdanish98 in #251
- Fixes bean collision by @FrankSchnicke in #253
- Updates the Readme for operation delegation feature by @mdanish98 in #254
- Updates to AAS4J 1.0.2 by @FrankSchnicke in #266
- Refactors RBAC rules to support list of target informations by @mdanish98 in #257
- Building Containers locally fails due to connectivity error by @mateusmolina-iese in #277
- Add Persistency Testing for MongoDB by @mateusmolina-iese in #258
- provide favicon by @PatriceKammognie in #275
- Updated example for BaSyx NGINX configuration by @aaronzi in #289
- Updated the Docker Image tag of the AAS Web UI by @aaronzi in #285
- Refactors Integration tests for Authorization by @mdanish98 in #282
- Ignore unnecessary paths in Maven CI workflow by @aaronzi in #291
- Create an OperationDelegation feature example by @FriedJannik in #303
- Adds Exception in Authorization for OPTIONS Method by @FriedJannik in #304
- Updated Dockerfiles to fix port issue by @aaronzi in #305
- Fixes MongoDBFileRepository by @FriedJannik in #311
- Adds CI folder to CI ignore by @aaronzi in #315
- Updates docker compose files to use server port env by @aaronzi in #316
- Reverts Port Configuration by @FriedJannik in #317
- Fix: AasService Thumbnail Tests by @ShehriyarShariq-Fraunhofer in #298
- Fixes maven docker plugin config by @aaronzi in #321
- Improves GitHub Community Standards for Repo by @aaronzi in #343
- Adds workflows directory to CI triggers by @aaronzi in #351
- Fixes token retrieval mechanism issue in Authorized version of Connected client versions by @mdanish98 in #355
- Fix authorization tests using http configuration bean by @mateusmolina-iese in #338
- Fixes token retrieval mechanism issue in Authorized version of Connected client versions in AAS/SM Service by @mdanish98 in #366
- Improves access rule proce...
This is the first milestone release containing all components of BaSyx Java V2. For a detailed list of all supported endpoints and features, see the documentation in the respective Readmes.
It contains all the content previously published via snapshot releases and in addition the following updates:
Submodel Repository
- Features:
o Operation Delegation, enabling usage of the off-the-shelf components in combination with small microservices representing single operations.
o RBAC Security Support
o PATCH /submodel/$value - Bugfixes:
o Deleting a FileSubmodelElement now also correctly deletes its attachment.
ConceptDescription Repository
- Features:
o RBAC Security Support
AAS Repository
- Features:
o RBAC Security Support
AAS Environment:
- Features:
o RBAC Security Support
o Dedicated AASX Upload endpoint - Bugfixes:
o Fixed NullPointerExcepetion in AASX De-/Serializer when file.value is null (Update of AAS4J to 1.0.1)
o Fixed AASX De-/Serializer ignoring File elements nested inside SubmodelElementList (Update of AAS4J to 1.0.1)
AAS Discovery:
- Bugfixes:
o The passed specificAssetIds are now linked with an OR instead of an AND
The artifacts are available via Maven Central as well as on DockerHub.