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Releases: eclipse-ee4j/cargotracker

Major release (Jakarta EE 10)

21 Sep 14:35
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This release upgrades the project to Java SE 11, Jakarta EE 10 and Payara 6. PrimeFaces and all dependencies have been moved to the latest version. Support for GlassFish was also added. IDE support was shifted to Visual Studio Code.

Minor bug fix release (Jakarta EE 8)

01 Jan 19:28
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This is the last release targeting Jakarta EE 8/Payara 5. The project will move to Jakarta EE 10/Payara 6. It primarily contains bug fixes and dependency upgrades.

Minor release (Jakarta EE 8)

09 Nov 01:58
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This is a minor release and most likely the last release targeting Jakarta EE 8/Payara 5. It primarily contains some long pending cleanup items, significant documentation improvements and the inclusion of a cloud demo of the application.

Major release (Jakarta EE 8)

14 Mar 16:54
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This is the first major release targeting Jakarta EE 8, Java SE 8/11, Payara 5. It adopts a number of new features such as Java SE streams, lambdas, repeatable annotations, the date-time API, async CDI events, JSON binding, Server-Sent Events and JPA second-level caching.

Minor bug fix release (Java EE 7)

03 Jan 23:05
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This is a minor release and most likely the last release targeting Java EE 7/Payara 4.1. It primary contains fixes for some long-standing bugs and technical debt related to DDD.

First stable release (Java EE 7)

29 Nov 21:34
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This is the first stable release of Cargo Tracker under the Eclipse Foundation. The release targets Java EE 7.