Issues and Pull Requests
[Issue 4158 ] - Tests in jdk-http fail on windows/jdk8
[Pull 4144 ] - Update Jackson to 2.9.9
[Pull 4143 ] - fix for JAX-RS SPI resource finder
[Issue 4134 ] - Fix ValidationErrorMessageBodyWriter
[Issue 4119 ] - Path annotation of different methods are interfering
[Pull 4112 ] - Filter synthetic methods from the resource - bug #4005 fix
[Issue 4111 ] - Return a possibility to use HK2 AbstractBinder in Jersey
[Issue 4110 ] - Create a way to better configure Jersey
[Issue 4109 ] - Separate tests depending on jMockit into separate test submodule
[Issue 4099 ] - @priority is not always picked up correctly for JAX-RS providers
[Issue 4092 ] - Provider registered to Hk2InjectionManager cannot be process because of incompatible type
[Pull 4086 ] - MP rest client 1.2.1 implementation
[Issue 4082 ] - JerseyClientBuilder modifies Map content during provider registration
[Pull 4079 ] - Update hk2 osgi-resource-locator to latest 1.0.3 version
[Issue 4068 ] - EncodingFilter handles 'Accept-Encoding' header with empty String awkwardly
[Pull 4067 ] - Build core-common on JDK 11
[Pull 4055 ] - Enable @ConstrainedTo on Features
[Issue 3992 ] - CDI Bean created (but fails) when interface has @path annotation
[Pull 3983 ] - Upgrade Netty and expose Netty Context
[Pull 3979 ] - Cleanup old JDK collection compatibility classes
[Pull 3844 ] - MicroProfile REST Client v1.1 support
[Issue 3796 ] - Jersey creates multiple provider instances if a class implements more than one provider interface
[Issue 3670 ] - Broken ParamConverterProvider ordering in 2.26
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