The Seat Adjuster setup requires:
- Eclipse Mosquitto
- Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Databroker
- Eclipse Kuksa.VAL Seat Service example
- Eclipse Velocitas Seat Adjuster example
- Eclipse Kanto Container Management
- Eclipse Leda Quickstart image
The containers are integrated with deployment descriptors in the Leda Quickstart image. Please see meta-leda/meta-leda-components/recipes-sdv/eclipse-leda/kanto-containers/example for details.
Mosquitto, Kuksa, Kanto and Leda have pre-built images.
This documentation is about building the Eclipse Velocitas Seat Adjuster example application using the SDK tooling.
With cloning the repo:
git clone
cd leda-example-applications/seat-adjuster
docker build .
Without cloning the repo:
docker build
Note: If this build fails with subdir not supported yet, set
and retry.
To build the tagged container (using Eclipse Leda image ref):
cd seat-adjuster
Set up a Docker BuildX with QEMU support to build for ARM64:
sudo apt-get install -y qemu-user-static
sudo apt-get install -y binfmt-support
docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset -p yes
docker buildx rm ledabuilder
docker buildx create --name ledabuilder --use
Run the build: