From da348ed14eadbb486b4efe79734a9bdae9c8fede Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jaro Hartmann Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2023 13:19:32 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 01/58] chore(trg): Add LICENSE and legal notice to documentation --- docs/src/docs/LICENSE | 395 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ docs/src/docs/index.adoc | 8 +- 2 files changed, 402 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) create mode 100644 docs/src/docs/LICENSE diff --git a/docs/src/docs/LICENSE b/docs/src/docs/LICENSE new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f987f3daa1 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/src/docs/LICENSE @@ -0,0 +1,395 @@ +Attribution 4.0 International + +======================================================================= + +Creative Commons Corporation ("Creative Commons") is not a law firm and +does not provide legal services or legal advice. Distribution of +Creative Commons public licenses does not create a lawyer-client or +other relationship. 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.../TRI-821-expected-submodels.json | 407 +++++++++--------- 2 files changed, 382 insertions(+), 394 deletions(-) diff --git a/irs-cucumber-tests/src/test/resources/expected-files/TRI-821-expected-relationships.json b/irs-cucumber-tests/src/test/resources/expected-files/TRI-821-expected-relationships.json index c54cb72bda..b3fc88a183 100644 --- a/irs-cucumber-tests/src/test/resources/expected-files/TRI-821-expected-relationships.json +++ b/irs-cucumber-tests/src/test/resources/expected-files/TRI-821-expected-relationships.json @@ -1,208 +1,211 @@ { - "relationships": [ - { - "catenaXId": "urn:uuid:aad27ddb-43aa-4e42-98c2-01e529ef127c", - "linkedItem": { - "quantity": { - "quantityNumber": 6.0, - "measurementUnit": { - "datatypeURI": "urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:1.0.0#curie", - "lexicalValue": "unit:piece" - } - }, - "lifecycleContext": "asPlanned", - "assembledOn": "2022-02-03T14:48:54.709Z", - "lastModifiedOn": "2022-02-03T14:48:54.709Z", - "childCatenaXId": 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.../TRI-528-expected-submodels.json | 2268 ++++++++--------- 2 files changed, 1185 insertions(+), 1703 deletions(-) diff --git a/irs-cucumber-tests/src/test/resources/expected-files/TRI-528-expected-relationships.json b/irs-cucumber-tests/src/test/resources/expected-files/TRI-528-expected-relationships.json index 00a09045a1..5c48643670 100644 --- a/irs-cucumber-tests/src/test/resources/expected-files/TRI-528-expected-relationships.json +++ b/irs-cucumber-tests/src/test/resources/expected-files/TRI-528-expected-relationships.json @@ -1,707 +1,339 @@ { "relationships" : [ { - "catenaXId" : "urn:uuid:513d7be8-e7e4-49f4-a22b-8cd31317e454", + "catenaXId" : "urn:uuid:262de409-5d2b-439e-853a-d63a23078b2a", "linkedItem" : { "quantity" : { - "quantityNumber" : 1.0, + "quantityNumber" : 2.5, "measurementUnit" : { - "datatypeURI" : "urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:1.0.0#curie", - "lexicalValue" : "unit:piece" + "datatypeURI" : null, + "lexicalValue" : "unit:litre" } }, "lifecycleContext" 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c4c366bb5ac536df8aa39bf27694d09c1a40f828 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ds-ext-abugajewski <> Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2023 11:23:33 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 07/58] chore(trg): TRI-1457 TRG 7.05 Add legal information to distribution - change place in script --- Dockerfile | 8 ++++---- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile index e549311b77..25efe5f158 100644 --- a/Dockerfile +++ b/Dockerfile @@ -29,10 +29,6 @@ COPY .config .config COPY .mvn .mvn COPY pom.xml . -COPY LICENSE LICENSE -COPY -COPY DEPENDENCIES DEPENDENCIES - COPY irs-ess irs-ess COPY irs-policy-store irs-policy-store COPY irs-integration-tests irs-integration-tests @@ -63,6 +59,10 @@ WORKDIR /app COPY --chmod=755 --from=maven /build/irs-api/target/irs-api-*-exec.jar app.jar +COPY LICENSE LICENSE +COPY +COPY DEPENDENCIES DEPENDENCIES + USER ${UID}:${GID} ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-Djava.util.logging.config.file=./", "-jar", "app.jar"] From 8d7f475ddc2f710969c8baec486881aec448a83f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ds-alexander-bulgakov Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2023 15:14:58 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 08/58] TRI-1350: adjusted expected file for TRI-1009 --- .../TRI-1009-expected-relationships.json | 20 +++++++++---------- 1 file changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) diff --git a/irs-cucumber-tests/src/test/resources/expected-files/TRI-1009-expected-relationships.json b/irs-cucumber-tests/src/test/resources/expected-files/TRI-1009-expected-relationships.json index 592702ad76..73c9cd6a0c 100644 --- a/irs-cucumber-tests/src/test/resources/expected-files/TRI-1009-expected-relationships.json +++ b/irs-cucumber-tests/src/test/resources/expected-files/TRI-1009-expected-relationships.json @@ -1,24 +1,24 @@ { "relationships": [ { - "catenaXId": "urn:uuid:ceb6b964-5779-49c1-b5e9-0ee70528fcbd", + "catenaXId": "urn:uuid:0b45c63b-0e5e-4232-9074-a05607783c33", "linkedItem": { "quantity": { - "quantityNumber": 1.0, + "quantityNumber": 2.5, "measurementUnit": { "datatypeURI": null, - "lexicalValue": "unit:piece" + "lexicalValue": "unit:litre" } }, "lifecycleContext": "asBuilt", - "assembledOn": "2022-02-03T14:48:54.709Z", - "lastModifiedOn": "2022-02-03T14:48:54.709Z", - "childCatenaXId": "urn:uuid:a4a26b9c-9460-4cc5-8645-85916b86adb0" + "assembledOn" : "2022-02-03T14:48:54.709Z", + "lastModifiedOn" : "2022-02-03T14:48:54.709Z", + "childCatenaXId": "urn:uuid:29fa531a-1482-4040-8e09-e60be826fc1e" }, "aspectType": "SingleLevelUsageAsBuilt" }, { - "catenaXId": "urn:uuid:d3c0bf85-d44f-47c5-990d-fec8a36065c6", + "catenaXId": "urn:uuid:ed333e9a-5afa-40b2-99da-bae2fd21501e", "linkedItem": { "quantity": { "quantityNumber": 1.0, @@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ } }, "lifecycleContext": "asBuilt", - "assembledOn": "2022-02-03T14:48:54.709Z", - "lastModifiedOn": "2022-02-03T14:48:54.709Z", - "childCatenaXId": "urn:uuid:ceb6b964-5779-49c1-b5e9-0ee70528fcbd" + "assembledOn" : "2022-02-03T14:48:54.709Z", + "lastModifiedOn" : "2022-02-03T14:48:54.709Z", + "childCatenaXId": 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"unit:percent", + "value" : 30 + }, + "quantity" : { + "unit" : { + "datatypeURI" : "urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:1.0.0#curie", + "lexicalValue" : "unit:percent" + }, + "value" : 30 + }, + "aggregateState" : "", + "materialAbbreviation" : "" + } ] + } + } ] } \ No newline at end of file From f0bf99100dc05d6ad59c7ce3d76c4fb9b8ec9bb5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ds-ext-abugajewski <> Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2023 16:01:11 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 10/58] fix(irs-api): [TRI-1428] Batch processing fail due to missing bpn --- .../irs/connector/batch/ | 5 +++-- .../irs/services/ | 15 +++++++------- .../irs/services/ | 11 +++++----- .../services/ | 18 +++++++++++------ .../services/ | 20 ++++++++++++------- 5 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-) diff --git a/irs-api/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/connector/batch/ b/irs-api/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/connector/batch/ index a19f269ef6..7da4eaa322 100644 --- a/irs-api/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/connector/batch/ +++ b/irs-api/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/connector/batch/ @@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ import lombok.Data; import lombok.extern.jackson.Jacksonized; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; +import org.eclipse.tractusx.irs.component.PartChainIdentificationKey; import org.eclipse.tractusx.irs.component.enums.JobState; /** @@ -40,9 +41,9 @@ public class JobProgress { /** - * Global Asset Id that was requested by Batch Order + * Key object contains required attributes for identify part chain entry node */ - private String globalAssetId; + private PartChainIdentificationKey identificationKey; /** * Job Id that was registered by Batch Order process diff --git a/irs-api/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/services/ b/irs-api/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/services/ index 08b409691f..b9fd22d0b7 100644 --- a/irs-api/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/services/ +++ b/irs-api/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/services/ @@ -108,14 +108,15 @@ public void handleBatchProcessingFinishedEvent(final BatchProcessingFinishedEven } private void startBatch(final BatchOrder batchOrder, final Batch batch) { + // here we use only globalAssetId final List createdJobIds = batch.getJobProgressList() .stream() - .map(JobProgress::getGlobalAssetId) - .map(globalAssetId -> createRegisterJob(batchOrder, globalAssetId)) + .map(JobProgress::getIdentificationKey) + .map(identificationKey -> createRegisterJob(batchOrder, identificationKey)) .map(registerJob -> createJobProgress( irsItemGraphQueryService.registerItemJob(registerJob, batch.getBatchId()), - registerJob.getKey().getGlobalAssetId())) + registerJob.getKey())) .toList(); batch.setJobProgressList(createdJobIds); batch.setStartedOn(; @@ -125,17 +126,17 @@ private void startBatch(final BatchOrder batchOrder, final Batch batch) { batchOrder.getJobTimeout()); } - private JobProgress createJobProgress(final JobHandle jobHandle, final String globalAssetId) { + private JobProgress createJobProgress(final JobHandle jobHandle, final PartChainIdentificationKey identificationKey) { return JobProgress.builder() .jobId(jobHandle.getId()) .jobState(JobState.INITIAL) - .globalAssetId(globalAssetId) + .identificationKey(identificationKey) .build(); } - private RegisterJob createRegisterJob(final BatchOrder batchOrder, final String globalAssetId) { + private RegisterJob createRegisterJob(final BatchOrder batchOrder, final PartChainIdentificationKey identificationKey) { return RegisterJob.builder() - .key(PartChainIdentificationKey.builder().globalAssetId(globalAssetId).build()) + .key(identificationKey) .bomLifecycle(batchOrder.getBomLifecycle()) .aspects(batchOrder.getAspects()) .depth(batchOrder.getDepth()) diff --git a/irs-api/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/services/ b/irs-api/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/services/ index bf2c681f3a..26ad964fe0 100644 --- a/irs-api/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/services/ +++ b/irs-api/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/services/ @@ -74,7 +74,8 @@ public UUID create(final RegisterBatchOrder request) { .callbackUrl(request.getCallbackUrl()) .build(); - final List batches = createBatches(List.copyOf(request.getKeys().stream().map(PartChainIdentificationKey::getGlobalAssetId).toList()), + // need to use whole key + final List batches = createBatches(request.getKeys().stream().toList(), request.getBatchSize(), batchOrderId);, batchOrder); batches.forEach(batch -> { @@ -85,8 +86,8 @@ public UUID create(final RegisterBatchOrder request) { return batchOrderId; } - public List createBatches(final List globalAssetIds, final int batchSize, final UUID batchOrderId) { - final List> globalAssetIdsBatches = Lists.partition(globalAssetIds, batchSize); + public List createBatches(final List keys, final int batchSize, final UUID batchOrderId) { + final List> globalAssetIdsBatches = Lists.partition(keys, batchSize); final AtomicInteger batchNumber = new AtomicInteger(1); @@ -100,8 +101,8 @@ public List createBatches(final List globalAssetIds, final int ba .batchUrl(buildBatchUrl(batchOrderId, batchId)) .batchState(ProcessingState.INITIALIZED) .jobProgressList( - .map(globalAssetId -> JobProgress.builder() - .globalAssetId(globalAssetId) + .map(identificationKey -> JobProgress.builder() + .identificationKey(identificationKey) .jobState(JobState.UNSAVED) .build()) .toList()) diff --git a/irs-api/src/test/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/services/ b/irs-api/src/test/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/services/ index a3c22775c6..6b26498c3d 100644 --- a/irs-api/src/test/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/services/ +++ b/irs-api/src/test/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/services/ @@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ import; import org.eclipse.tractusx.irs.component.JobHandle; +import org.eclipse.tractusx.irs.component.PartChainIdentificationKey; import org.eclipse.tractusx.irs.component.enums.ProcessingState; import org.eclipse.tractusx.irs.connector.batch.Batch; import org.eclipse.tractusx.irs.connector.batch.BatchOrder; @@ -92,7 +93,7 @@ void shouldStartFirstBatch() { .batchState(ProcessingState.PARTIAL) .batchNumber(1) .batchOrderId(BATCH_ORDER_ID) - .jobProgressList(createJobProgressList(numberOfJobs)) + .jobProgressList(createJobProgressList()) .build(); final Batch secondBatch = Batch.builder() .batchId(SECOND_BATCH_ID) @@ -139,7 +140,7 @@ void shouldStartNextBatchWhenPreviousFinished() { .batchState(ProcessingState.INITIALIZED) .batchNumber(2) .batchOrderId(BATCH_ORDER_ID) - .jobProgressList(createJobProgressList(numberOfJobs)) + .jobProgressList(createJobProgressList()) .build(); given(irsItemGraphQueryService.registerItemJob(any(), any())).willReturn( @@ -182,7 +183,7 @@ void shouldPublishBatchOrderProcessingFinishedEventWhenAllBatchesCompleted() { .batchNumber(2) .batchState(ProcessingState.COMPLETED) .batchOrderId(BATCH_ORDER_ID) - .jobProgressList(createJobProgressList(numberOfJobs)) + .jobProgressList(createJobProgressList()) .build();, batchOrder); @@ -194,10 +195,15 @@ void shouldPublishBatchOrderProcessingFinishedEventWhenAllBatchesCompleted() { verify(applicationEventPublisher, times(1)).publishEvent(any(BatchOrderProcessingFinishedEvent.class)); } - private List createJobProgressList(Integer size) { - return IntStream.range(0, size) + private List createJobProgressList() { + return IntStream.range(0, 10) .boxed() - .map(i -> JobProgress.builder().globalAssetId(i.toString()).build()) + .map(i -> JobProgress.builder() + .identificationKey(PartChainIdentificationKey.builder() + .globalAssetId(i.toString()) + .bpn("BPN" + i) + .build()) + .build()) .collect(Collectors.toList()); } diff --git a/irs-api/src/test/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/services/ b/irs-api/src/test/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/services/ index df46168ac0..3f714d6542 100644 --- a/irs-api/src/test/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/services/ +++ b/irs-api/src/test/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/services/ @@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import; +import; import org.eclipse.tractusx.irs.IrsApplication; import org.eclipse.tractusx.irs.component.PartChainIdentificationKey; @@ -85,14 +86,19 @@ void shouldStoreBatchOrder() throws MalformedURLException { assertThat(batchStore.findAll()).hasSize(1); Batch actual = batchStore.findAll().stream().findFirst().orElseThrow(); - assertThat(actual.getJobProgressList().stream().map(JobProgress::getGlobalAssetId).collect( + assertThat(actual.getJobProgressList().stream().map(JobProgress::getIdentificationKey).map( + PartChainIdentificationKey::getGlobalAssetId).collect( Collectors.toList())).containsOnly(FIRST_GLOBAL_ASSET_ID, SECOND_GLOBAL_ASSET_ID); } @Test - void shouldSplitGlobalAssetIdIntoBatches() throws MalformedURLException { + void shouldSplitIdentificationKeysIdIntoBatches() throws MalformedURLException { // given - final List globalAssetIds = List.of("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18" , "19" , "20"); + final List globalAssetIds = IntStream.range(0, 20) + .mapToObj(i -> PartChainIdentificationKey.builder() + .globalAssetId(String.valueOf(i)) + .bpn("BPN" + i).build() + ).toList(); final int batchSize = 3; given(irsConfiguration.getApiUrl()).willReturn(new URL(EXAMPLE_URL)); @@ -101,10 +107,10 @@ void shouldSplitGlobalAssetIdIntoBatches() throws MalformedURLException { // then assertThat(batches).hasSize(7); - assertThat(batches.get(0).getJobProgressList().stream().map(JobProgress::getGlobalAssetId).collect( - Collectors.toList())).containsExactly("1", "2", "3"); - assertThat(batches.get(6).getJobProgressList().stream().map(JobProgress::getGlobalAssetId).collect( - Collectors.toList())).containsExactly("19", "20"); + assertThat(batches.get(0).getJobProgressList().stream().map(JobProgress::getIdentificationKey).map( + PartChainIdentificationKey::getGlobalAssetId).toList()).containsExactly("1", "2", "3"); + assertThat(batches.get(6).getJobProgressList().stream().map(JobProgress::getIdentificationKey).map( + PartChainIdentificationKey::getGlobalAssetId).toList()).containsExactly("19", "20"); assertThat(batches.get(0).getBatchUrl()).isEqualTo( EXAMPLE_URL + "/" + IrsApplication.API_PREFIX + "/orders/" + batches.get(0).getBatchOrderId() + "/batches/" + batches.get(0).getBatchId() From 722e57816d72bd84158b821f40a625166a256eb7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ds-ext-abugajewski <> Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2023 16:14:07 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 11/58] fix(irs-api): [TRI-1428] Batch processing fail due to missing bpn - small fix for test data --- .../eclipse/tractusx/irs/services/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/irs-api/src/test/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/services/ b/irs-api/src/test/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/services/ index 3f714d6542..0e1fd27dbb 100644 --- a/irs-api/src/test/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/services/ +++ b/irs-api/src/test/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/services/ @@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ void shouldStoreBatchOrder() throws MalformedURLException { @Test void shouldSplitIdentificationKeysIdIntoBatches() throws MalformedURLException { // given - final List globalAssetIds = IntStream.range(0, 20) + final List globalAssetIds = IntStream.range(1, 21) .mapToObj(i -> PartChainIdentificationKey.builder() .globalAssetId(String.valueOf(i)) .bpn("BPN" + i).build() From 12b04e4803d84c2a59e359c45421fe294bf0c77e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "Krzysztof Massalski (Extern)" Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2023 10:04:45 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 12/58] feat(impl):[TRI-1440] known knows --- | 14 +++++++++++++- 1 file changed, 13 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/ b/ index a368ec822e..ef3f8de46e 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -10,7 +10,19 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning]( - The client code for accessing the Digital Twin Registry (central and decentral) is now available as a spring boot maven library. See the README in the irs-registry-client module for more information. ### Known knowns -- PLACEHOLDER REMOVE IF EMPTY: risks that were introduced or discovered in the release and are known but not resolved +- Digital Twin Registry load problem - after few subsequent requests DTR starts answering with 500 Http status +- ESS Notifications not working with Decentral Digital Twin Registry Service - bpn is not passed +- Unpredictable 500 Http status returned by EDC during submodel retrievals when full test data is uploaded (EDC version: 0.4.1) +- High EDC resource demands - each EDC provider postgres uses > 2 CPU-Cores. The database storage gets filled after few days, until then, resource consumption increases. (EDC version: 0.4.1) +- Lack of rate limiting of requests in IRS - IRS allows sending API requests in a massive, automated manner +- Potential denial-of-service (DoS) attack - IRS allows to enter a large number of characters, which are reflected in the response of the server +- Software related information disclosure - IRS returns redundant information about the type and version of used software +- Misconfigured Access-Control-Allow- Origin Header - by intercepting network traffic it could be possible to read and modify any messages that are exchanged with server +- HTTP security headers configuration could be improved and allow for additional protection against some web application attacks +- Synchronous communication with external services without circuit breaker pattern - potentially could affect IRS resilience when other services becomes non-responsive +- Cascading effects of failure when Digital Twin Registry becomes non-responsive - potentially bulkhead pattern could improve IRS resilience +- Retry mechanism used by IRS could potentially affect IRS resilience - DDOS other services on which IRS is dependent, exhaustion of resources and available threads, etc. +- IRS was not scaled to multiple instances, and was not tested in such environment ## [3.1.0] - 2023-06-28 ### Changed From c2eceed7d5c2a85c1aa9554b5be7c36f3e627e57 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "Krzysztof Massalski (Extern)" Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2023 10:07:06 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 13/58] feat(impl):[TRI-1440] known knows --- | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index ef3f8de46e..b540851b8d 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -14,14 +14,14 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning]( - ESS Notifications not working with Decentral Digital Twin Registry Service - bpn is not passed - Unpredictable 500 Http status returned by EDC during submodel retrievals when full test data is uploaded (EDC version: 0.4.1) - High EDC resource demands - each EDC provider postgres uses > 2 CPU-Cores. The database storage gets filled after few days, until then, resource consumption increases. (EDC version: 0.4.1) -- Lack of rate limiting of requests in IRS - IRS allows sending API requests in a massive, automated manner +- Lack of rate limiting of requests - IRS allows sending API requests in a massive, automated manner - Potential denial-of-service (DoS) attack - IRS allows to enter a large number of characters, which are reflected in the response of the server - Software related information disclosure - IRS returns redundant information about the type and version of used software - Misconfigured Access-Control-Allow- Origin Header - by intercepting network traffic it could be possible to read and modify any messages that are exchanged with server - HTTP security headers configuration could be improved and allow for additional protection against some web application attacks - Synchronous communication with external services without circuit breaker pattern - potentially could affect IRS resilience when other services becomes non-responsive - Cascading effects of failure when Digital Twin Registry becomes non-responsive - potentially bulkhead pattern could improve IRS resilience -- Retry mechanism used by IRS could potentially affect IRS resilience - DDOS other services on which IRS is dependent, exhaustion of resources and available threads, etc. +- Retry mechanism used inside IRS could potentially affect IRS resilience - DDOS other services on which IRS is dependent, exhaustion of resources and available threads, etc. - IRS was not scaled to multiple instances, and was not tested in such environment ## [3.1.0] - 2023-06-28 From fc6656ebbe006510d1611875a4e3d95017e0688c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "Krzysztof Massalski (Extern)" Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2023 11:11:24 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 14/58] feat(impl):[TRI-1440] update --- | 1 - 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/ b/ index b540851b8d..a099fb75d9 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -13,7 +13,6 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning]( - Digital Twin Registry load problem - after few subsequent requests DTR starts answering with 500 Http status - ESS Notifications not working with Decentral Digital Twin Registry Service - bpn is not passed - Unpredictable 500 Http status returned by EDC during submodel retrievals when full test data is uploaded (EDC version: 0.4.1) -- High EDC resource demands - each EDC provider postgres uses > 2 CPU-Cores. The database storage gets filled after few days, until then, resource consumption increases. (EDC version: 0.4.1) - Lack of rate limiting of requests - IRS allows sending API requests in a massive, automated manner - Potential denial-of-service (DoS) attack - IRS allows to enter a large number of characters, which are reflected in the response of the server - Software related information disclosure - IRS returns redundant information about the type and version of used software From 2c3c5d03c2162692145dd4c81579145295136be8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "Krzysztof Massalski (Extern)" Date: Fri, 14 Jul 2023 09:39:51 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 15/58] feat(impl):[TRI-1440] update --- | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/ b/ index a099fb75d9..a34f08fc94 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning]( - Synchronous communication with external services without circuit breaker pattern - potentially could affect IRS resilience when other services becomes non-responsive - Cascading effects of failure when Digital Twin Registry becomes non-responsive - potentially bulkhead pattern could improve IRS resilience - Retry mechanism used inside IRS could potentially affect IRS resilience - DDOS other services on which IRS is dependent, exhaustion of resources and available threads, etc. +- Lack of resources management - max threads, heap limitation, etc. - IRS was not scaled to multiple instances, and was not tested in such environment ## [3.1.0] - 2023-06-28 From 40d2706da74a8625ce32c3368bd29dfc235e0529 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ds-ext-kmassalski <> Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2023 10:28:56 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 16/58] Update Co-authored-by: ds-mkanal <> --- | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/ b/ index a34f08fc94..4098039c90 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning]( - Digital Twin Registry load problem - after few subsequent requests DTR starts answering with 500 Http status - ESS Notifications not working with Decentral Digital Twin Registry Service - bpn is not passed - Unpredictable 500 Http status returned by EDC during submodel retrievals when full test data is uploaded (EDC version: 0.4.1) -- Lack of rate limiting of requests - IRS allows sending API requests in a massive, automated manner +- [TRI-1441] - No limiting of requests in paralle - IRS allows sending API requests unlimited - Potential denial-of-service (DoS) attack - IRS allows to enter a large number of characters, which are reflected in the response of the server - Software related information disclosure - IRS returns redundant information about the type and version of used software - Misconfigured Access-Control-Allow- Origin Header - by intercepting network traffic it could be possible to read and modify any messages that are exchanged with server From 156b942b748ad8a41f75aeff031132f11533581e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ds-ext-kmassalski <> Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2023 10:29:05 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 17/58] Update Co-authored-by: ds-mkanal <> --- | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 4098039c90..9c6ed1a08f 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning]( ### Known knowns - Digital Twin Registry load problem - after few subsequent requests DTR starts answering with 500 Http status - ESS Notifications not working with Decentral Digital Twin Registry Service - bpn is not passed -- Unpredictable 500 Http status returned by EDC during submodel retrievals when full test data is uploaded (EDC version: 0.4.1) +- [TRI-1455] Random 500 http status code returned by EDC during submodel retrievals. (EDC version: 0.4.1) - [TRI-1441] - No limiting of requests in paralle - IRS allows sending API requests unlimited - Potential denial-of-service (DoS) attack - IRS allows to enter a large number of characters, which are reflected in the response of the server - Software related information disclosure - IRS returns redundant information about the type and version of used software From 4cb5811941faaa5ab8117b14aeab1a86667ac3c1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ds-ext-kmassalski <> Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2023 10:29:14 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 18/58] Update Co-authored-by: ds-mkanal <> --- | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 9c6ed1a08f..a269f0d4b5 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning]( ### Known knowns - Digital Twin Registry load problem - after few subsequent requests DTR starts answering with 500 Http status -- ESS Notifications not working with Decentral Digital Twin Registry Service - bpn is not passed +- [TRI-1460] ESS Notifications endpoints are not working in the decentral Digital Twin Registry scenario because endpoints does not provide bpn as a parameter. - [TRI-1455] Random 500 http status code returned by EDC during submodel retrievals. (EDC version: 0.4.1) - [TRI-1441] - No limiting of requests in paralle - IRS allows sending API requests unlimited - Potential denial-of-service (DoS) attack - IRS allows to enter a large number of characters, which are reflected in the response of the server From a3385be04cb7968bb8f032d7c7726522a86cf738 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ds-ext-kmassalski <> Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2023 10:29:25 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 19/58] Update Co-authored-by: ds-mkanal <> --- | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/ b/ index a269f0d4b5..a45df2c1f1 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning]( - The client code for accessing the Digital Twin Registry (central and decentral) is now available as a spring boot maven library. See the README in the irs-registry-client module for more information. ### Known knowns -- Digital Twin Registry load problem - after few subsequent requests DTR starts answering with 500 Http status +- [TRI-1346] Digital Twin Registry(DTR) - performance issues - after subsequent requests DTR starts responding 500 http status code - [TRI-1460] ESS Notifications endpoints are not working in the decentral Digital Twin Registry scenario because endpoints does not provide bpn as a parameter. - [TRI-1455] Random 500 http status code returned by EDC during submodel retrievals. (EDC version: 0.4.1) - [TRI-1441] - No limiting of requests in paralle - IRS allows sending API requests unlimited From abc90c60ad28b59a188012b2d55a8cbf0d95c539 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "Krzysztof Massalski (Extern)" Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2023 10:36:10 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 20/58] feat(impl):[TRI-1440] add jira ticket numbers --- | 10 +++++----- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index a45df2c1f1..8ab0c1f091 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -13,11 +13,11 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning]( - [TRI-1346] Digital Twin Registry(DTR) - performance issues - after subsequent requests DTR starts responding 500 http status code - [TRI-1460] ESS Notifications endpoints are not working in the decentral Digital Twin Registry scenario because endpoints does not provide bpn as a parameter. - [TRI-1455] Random 500 http status code returned by EDC during submodel retrievals. (EDC version: 0.4.1) -- [TRI-1441] - No limiting of requests in paralle - IRS allows sending API requests unlimited -- Potential denial-of-service (DoS) attack - IRS allows to enter a large number of characters, which are reflected in the response of the server -- Software related information disclosure - IRS returns redundant information about the type and version of used software -- Misconfigured Access-Control-Allow- Origin Header - by intercepting network traffic it could be possible to read and modify any messages that are exchanged with server -- HTTP security headers configuration could be improved and allow for additional protection against some web application attacks +- [TRI-1096] No limiting of requests in parallel - IRS allows sending API requests unlimited +- [TRI-1100] Potential denial-of-service (DoS) attack - IRS allows to enter a large number of characters, which are reflected in the response of the server +- [TRI-1098] Software related information disclosure - IRS returns redundant information about the type and version of used software +- [TRI-793] Misconfigured Access-Control-Allow- Origin Header - by intercepting network traffic it could be possible to read and modify any messages that are exchanged with server +- [TRI-1095] HTTP security headers configuration could be improved and allow for additional protection against some web application attacks - Synchronous communication with external services without circuit breaker pattern - potentially could affect IRS resilience when other services becomes non-responsive - Cascading effects of failure when Digital Twin Registry becomes non-responsive - potentially bulkhead pattern could improve IRS resilience - Retry mechanism used inside IRS could potentially affect IRS resilience - DDOS other services on which IRS is dependent, exhaustion of resources and available threads, etc. From 21d25489ab8c97eb405b4fa79deea763375f54c6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jaro Hartmann Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2023 13:17:36 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 21/58] chore(docs): Add copyright statements --- docs/src/docs/index.adoc | 7 ++++++- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/src/docs/index.adoc b/docs/src/docs/index.adoc index 9d7df2c0b9..7677540833 100644 --- a/docs/src/docs/index.adoc +++ b/docs/src/docs/index.adoc @@ -13,5 +13,10 @@ xref:api-specification/api-specification.adoc[OpenApi specification] == License * SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 * Licence Path: -* Copyright statements +* Copyright (c) 2021,2023 Contributors to the Eclipse Foundation +* Copyright (c) 2021,2022 ZF Friedrichshafen AG +* Copyright (c) 2022 ISTOS GmbH +* Copyright (c) 2021,2023 Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft (BMW AG) +* Copyright (c) 2022,2023 BOSCH AG + * Source URL: \ No newline at end of file From fcbdc48828d0dfa3ebc3ed21805df8e3be03fbe5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jaro Hartmann Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2023 13:34:47 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 22/58] chore(workflows): Add local docker build step --- .github/workflows/trivy-image-scan.yml | 23 +++++++---------------- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-) diff --git a/.github/workflows/trivy-image-scan.yml b/.github/workflows/trivy-image-scan.yml index 4aa7588541..08b8b802ca 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/trivy-image-scan.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/trivy-image-scan.yml @@ -33,21 +33,12 @@ jobs: - name: Checkout repository uses: actions/checkout@v3 - - name: Determine image version - id: version - run: | - # Strip git ref prefix from version - VERSION=$(echo "${{ github.head_ref || github.ref }}" | sed -e 's,.*/\(.*\),\1,') - # Strip "v" prefix from tag name - [[ "${{ github.head_ref || github.ref }}" == "refs/tags/"* ]] && VERSION=$(echo $VERSION | sed -e 's/^v//') - # Support PR ref versions - [[ "${{ github.ref }}" == "refs/pull/"* ]] && VERSION=PR-$(echo "${{ github.ref }}" | sed -e 's,.*/\(.*\)/merge,\1,') - # Use Docker `latest` tag convention - [ "$VERSION" == "main" ] && VERSION=latest - # Use input parameter 'image-tag' if present - [[ "${{ github.event.inputs.image-tag }}" != '' ]] && VERSION=$(echo "${{ github.event.inputs.image-tag }}") - echo VERSION=$VERSION - echo "::set-output name=image_tag::$VERSION" + - name: Build image + uses: docker/build-push-action@v4 + with: + context: . + push: true + tags: irs-api:testing # It's also possible to scan your private registry with Trivy's built-in image scan. # All you have to do is set ENV vars. @@ -59,7 +50,7 @@ jobs: uses: aquasecurity/trivy-action@master with: # Path to Docker image - image-ref: "${{ steps.version.outputs.image_tag }} " + image-ref: "irs-api:testing" format: "sarif" output: "trivy-results2.sarif" exit-code: "1" From d391c01fe57940ab118b5276e12bd9e8842a2431 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jaro Hartmann Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2023 13:45:41 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 23/58] chore(workflows): Add local registry --- .github/workflows/trivy-image-scan.yml | 9 +++++++-- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/.github/workflows/trivy-image-scan.yml b/.github/workflows/trivy-image-scan.yml index 08b8b802ca..1b07bc1fd8 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/trivy-image-scan.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/trivy-image-scan.yml @@ -28,6 +28,11 @@ jobs: actions: read contents: read security-events: write + services: + registry: + image: registry:2 + ports: + - 5000:5000 steps: - name: Checkout repository @@ -38,7 +43,7 @@ jobs: with: context: . push: true - tags: irs-api:testing + tags: localhost:5000/irs-api:testing # It's also possible to scan your private registry with Trivy's built-in image scan. # All you have to do is set ENV vars. @@ -50,7 +55,7 @@ jobs: uses: aquasecurity/trivy-action@master with: # Path to Docker image - image-ref: "irs-api:testing" + image-ref: "localhost:5000/irs-api:testing" format: "sarif" output: "trivy-results2.sarif" exit-code: "1" From 656221029e546ebbb38e3f956b07a52b1a8f5363 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jaro Hartmann Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2023 14:23:06 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 24/58] chore(workflows): Remove trivy scan trigger from irs-build action --- .github/workflows/irs-build.yml | 13 ------------- .github/workflows/trivy-image-scan.yml | 26 +++++++++++++------------- 2 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 26 deletions(-) diff --git a/.github/workflows/irs-build.yml b/.github/workflows/irs-build.yml index c515fdf406..f013d63385 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/irs-build.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/irs-build.yml @@ -173,16 +173,3 @@ jobs: username: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_HUB_USER }} password: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_HUB_TOKEN }} repository: ${{ env.IMAGE_NAMESPACE }}/${{ env.IMAGE_NAME }} - - trigger-trivy-image-scan: - if: >- - (github.event_name != 'pull_request' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository) && - != 'dependabot[bot]' - needs: - - build_images - uses: ./.github/workflows/trivy-image-scan.yml - with: - image-tag: ${{ needs.build_images.outputs.image_tag }} - ref: ${{ github.ref }} - sha: ${{ github.sha }} - diff --git a/.github/workflows/trivy-image-scan.yml b/.github/workflows/trivy-image-scan.yml index 1b07bc1fd8..fcde93dfa4 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/trivy-image-scan.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/trivy-image-scan.yml @@ -5,19 +5,19 @@ name: "Trivy vulnerability scanner for image" on: workflow_dispatch: # Trigger manually - inputs: - image-tag: - required: false - type: string - workflow_call: # Trigger by another workflow - inputs: - image-tag: - required: true - type: string - ref: - type: string - sha: - type: string + pull_request: + paths-ignore: + - '**/*.md' + - '**/*.txt' + - 'charts/**' + - 'docs/**' + - 'local/**' + - '' + push: + branches: + - main + tags: + - '**' schedule: - cron: '0 0 * * *' # Once a day From 69caa38e794ae5b502891f20c218af17484d8de1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jaro Hartmann Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2023 14:52:04 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 25/58] chore(testdata): Fix script issues after merge conflicts --- local/testing/testdata/ | 15 +++++---------- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) diff --git a/local/testing/testdata/ b/local/testing/testdata/ index f5ddd2faef..d61b017533 100644 --- a/local/testing/testdata/ +++ b/local/testing/testdata/ @@ -417,24 +417,18 @@ def create_registry_asset(edc_upload_urls_, edc_asset_path_, edc_contract_defini name_at_manufacturer = tmp_data[tmp_key][0]["partTypeInformation"]["nameAtManufacturer"].replace( " ", "") - if is_aas3: - for specific_asset in specific_asset_ids_temp: - specific_asset["name"] = specific_asset.pop("key") - - - if "PartAsPlanned" in tmp_key: name_at_manufacturer = tmp_data[tmp_key][0]["partTypeInformation"]["nameAtManufacturer"].replace( " ", "") specific_asset_ids_temp.append({ "value": tmp_data[tmp_key][0]["partTypeInformation"]["manufacturerPartId"], - "name": "manufacturerPartId" + "key": "manufacturerPartId" }) print(name_at_manufacturer) - specific_asset_ids.append({ - "name": "manufacturerId", + specific_asset_ids_temp.append({ + "key": "manufacturerId", "value": tmp_data["bpnl"] }) if is_aas3: @@ -455,7 +449,8 @@ def create_registry_asset(edc_upload_urls_, edc_asset_path_, edc_contract_defini print(f"Policy: {policy_id}") for tmp_key in tmp_keys: - if "PlainObject" not in tmp_key and "catenaXId" not in tmp_key and "bpn" not in tmp_key and "policy" not in tmp_key: + if "PlainObject" not in tmp_key and "catenaXId" not in tmp_key and "bpn" not in tmp_key \ + and "policy" not in tmp_key and "urn:bamm:io.catenax.aas:1.0.0#AAS" not in tmp_key: # Prepare submodel endpoint address submodel_url = submodel_server_urls[contract_id % len(submodel_server_urls)] submodel_upload_url = submodel_server_upload_urls[contract_id % len(submodel_server_upload_urls)] From 95e8c4e7a4f1e51302409eb6377d90d4780d360b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jaro Hartmann Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2023 16:22:43 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 26/58] chore(workflows): Add maven cache step --- .github/workflows/trivy-image-scan.yml | 7 +++++++ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+) diff --git a/.github/workflows/trivy-image-scan.yml b/.github/workflows/trivy-image-scan.yml index fcde93dfa4..4f8c605b4d 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/trivy-image-scan.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/trivy-image-scan.yml @@ -38,6 +38,13 @@ jobs: - name: Checkout repository uses: actions/checkout@v3 + - name: Cache maven packages + uses: actions/cache@v3 + with: + path: ~/.m2 + key: ${{ runner.os }}-m2-${{ hashFiles('**/pom.xml') }} + restore-keys: ${{ runner.os }}-m2 + - name: Build image uses: docker/build-push-action@v4 with: From 0cfa18b17f26748f07a24a002a53ae758534438b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jaro Hartmann Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2023 16:26:24 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 27/58] chore(workflows): Revert Add maven cache step --- .github/workflows/trivy-image-scan.yml | 7 ------- 1 file changed, 7 deletions(-) diff --git a/.github/workflows/trivy-image-scan.yml b/.github/workflows/trivy-image-scan.yml index 4f8c605b4d..fcde93dfa4 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/trivy-image-scan.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/trivy-image-scan.yml @@ -38,13 +38,6 @@ jobs: - name: Checkout repository uses: actions/checkout@v3 - - name: Cache maven packages - uses: actions/cache@v3 - with: - path: ~/.m2 - key: ${{ runner.os }}-m2-${{ hashFiles('**/pom.xml') }} - restore-keys: ${{ runner.os }}-m2 - - name: Build image uses: docker/build-push-action@v4 with: From 76035d4f73a5fee50e8b91f829e9c1b32835ac0e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: "Krzysztof Massalski (Extern)" Date: Mon, 17 Jul 2023 17:42:01 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 28/58] feat(impl):[TRI-1440] update after review --- | 2 -- 1 file changed, 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 8ab0c1f091..5c2875d461 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -10,9 +10,7 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning]( - The client code for accessing the Digital Twin Registry (central and decentral) is now available as a spring boot maven library. See the README in the irs-registry-client module for more information. ### Known knowns -- [TRI-1346] Digital Twin Registry(DTR) - performance issues - after subsequent requests DTR starts responding 500 http status code - [TRI-1460] ESS Notifications endpoints are not working in the decentral Digital Twin Registry scenario because endpoints does not provide bpn as a parameter. -- [TRI-1455] Random 500 http status code returned by EDC during submodel retrievals. (EDC version: 0.4.1) - [TRI-1096] No limiting of requests in parallel - IRS allows sending API requests unlimited - [TRI-1100] Potential denial-of-service (DoS) attack - IRS allows to enter a large number of characters, which are reflected in the response of the server - [TRI-1098] Software related information disclosure - IRS returns redundant information about the type and version of used software From 38091807ec0cbcf15b0de9409ac45064c067410b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ds-ext-abugajewski <> Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2023 10:24:13 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 29/58] fix(irs-api): [TRI-1408] Correct Swagger API documentation for ESS API --- .../irs/configuration/ | 40 +++++++++++++++++++ .../ess/controller/ | 2 +- .../ess/service/ | 6 +++ 3 files changed, 47 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/irs-api/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/configuration/ b/irs-api/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/configuration/ index f1e95ed425..51a8cbb17a 100644 --- a/irs-api/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/configuration/ +++ b/irs-api/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/configuration/ @@ -29,10 +29,12 @@ import io.swagger.v3.oas.models.Components; import io.swagger.v3.oas.models.examples.Example; +import org.eclipse.tractusx.ess.service.NotificationSummary; import org.eclipse.tractusx.irs.component.AsyncFetchedItems; import org.eclipse.tractusx.irs.component.BatchResponse; import org.eclipse.tractusx.irs.component.BatchOrderResponse; import org.eclipse.tractusx.irs.component.Bpn; +import org.eclipse.tractusx.irs.component.FetchedItems; import org.eclipse.tractusx.irs.component.GlobalAssetIdentification; import org.eclipse.tractusx.irs.component.Job; import org.eclipse.tractusx.irs.component.JobErrorDetails; @@ -110,6 +112,7 @@ public void createExamples(final Components components) { .withStatusCode(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND) .build())); components.addExamples("complete-job-result", createCompleteJobResult()); + components.addExamples("complete-ess-job-result", createCompleteEssJobResult()); components.addExamples("complete-order-result", createCompleteOrderResult()); components.addExamples("complete-batch-result", createCompleteBatchResult()); components.addExamples("job-result-without-uncompleted-result-tree", createJobResultWithoutTree()); @@ -242,6 +245,43 @@ private Example createCompleteJobResult() { .build()); } + private Example createCompleteEssJobResult() { + final Jobs essJobsJobs = Jobs.builder() + .job(Job.builder() + .id(UUID.fromString(JOB_ID)) + .globalAssetId(createGAID(GLOBAL_ASSET_ID)) + .state(JobState.COMPLETED) + .owner("") + .createdOn(EXAMPLE_ZONED_DATETIME) + .startedOn(EXAMPLE_ZONED_DATETIME) + .lastModifiedOn(EXAMPLE_ZONED_DATETIME) + .completedOn(EXAMPLE_ZONED_DATETIME) + .owner("") + .summary(createSummary()) + .parameter(createJobParameter()) + .exception(createJobException()) + .build()) + .relationships(List.of(createRelationship())) + .shells(List.of(createShell())) + .tombstone(createTombstone()) + .submodel(createEssSubmodel()) + .bpn(Bpn.withManufacturerId("BPNL00000003AYRE").updateManufacturerName("OEM A")) + .build(); + final NotificationSummary newSummary = new NotificationSummary( + AsyncFetchedItems.builder().running(0).completed(3).failed(0).build(), + FetchedItems.builder().completed(3).failed(0).build(), 6, 6); + final Job job = essJobsJobs.getJob().toBuilder().summary(newSummary).build(); + return toExample(essJobsJobs.toBuilder().job(job).build()); + } + + private Submodel createEssSubmodel() { + return Submodel.builder() + .aspectType("supply_chain_impacted") + .identification(SUBMODEL_IDENTIFICATION) + .payload(Map.of("supplyChainImpacted", "YES")) + .build(); + } + private Example createCompleteOrderResult() { return toExample(BatchOrderResponse.builder() .orderId(UUID_ID) diff --git a/irs-ess/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/ess/controller/ b/irs-ess/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/ess/controller/ index b71f5bb944..35c615ecf3 100644 --- a/irs-ess/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/ess/controller/ +++ b/irs-ess/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/ess/controller/ @@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ public JobHandle registerBPNInvestigation(final @Valid @RequestBody RegisterBpnI content = { @Content(mediaType = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, schema = @Schema(implementation = Jobs.class), examples = @ExampleObject(name = "complete", - ref = "#/components/examples/complete-job-result")) + ref = "#/components/examples/complete-ess-job-result")) }), @ApiResponse(responseCode = "400", description = "Return job failed.", content = { @Content(mediaType = APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, diff --git a/irs-ess/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/ess/service/ b/irs-ess/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/ess/service/ index 683e61ba1d..4c58c35ee8 100644 --- a/irs-ess/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/ess/service/ +++ b/irs-ess/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/ess/service/ @@ -46,6 +46,12 @@ public NotificationSummary(final AsyncFetchedItems asyncFetchedItems, final Fetc super(asyncFetchedItems, bpnLookups); this.notifications = notificationItems; } + + public NotificationSummary(final AsyncFetchedItems asyncFetchedItems, final FetchedItems bpnLookups, + final Integer sentNotification, final Integer receivedNotification) { + super(asyncFetchedItems, bpnLookups); + this.notifications = new NotificationItems(sentNotification, receivedNotification); + } } /** From 8516525c1efcd4c4df77606c59625eb424de3e3a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jan Kreutzfeld Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2023 14:45:02 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 30/58] fix(api): Make BPN mandatory in IRS API --- docs/src/api/irs-v1.0.yaml | 4 ++-- .../tractusx/irs/component/ | 3 ++- .../registryclient/discovery/ | 6 ++++++ 3 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/src/api/irs-v1.0.yaml b/docs/src/api/irs-v1.0.yaml index fcd7538030..41020f877c 100644 --- a/docs/src/api/irs-v1.0.yaml +++ b/docs/src/api/irs-v1.0.yaml @@ -1867,8 +1867,7 @@ components: properties: bpn: type: string - description: BPN for part chain identification needed in decentral registry - approach + description: BPN of partner providing the initial asset example: BPNL0123456789XX maxLength: 16 minLength: 16 @@ -1881,6 +1880,7 @@ components: minLength: 45 pattern: "^urn:uuid:[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$" required: + - bpn - globalAssetId Policy: type: object diff --git a/irs-models/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/component/ b/irs-models/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/component/ index 63f9621448..e020a7e73d 100644 --- a/irs-models/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/component/ +++ b/irs-models/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/component/ @@ -58,7 +58,8 @@ public class PartChainIdentificationKey { // The BPN validation can be activated once all partners follow the pattern correctly //@Pattern(regexp = BPN_REGEX) //@Size(min = BPN_SIZE, max = BPN_SIZE) - @Schema(description = "BPN for part chain identification needed in decentral registry approach", example = "BPNL0123456789XX", + @NotBlank + @Schema(description = "BPN of partner providing the initial asset", example = "BPNL0123456789XX", implementation = String.class, minLength = BPN_SIZE, maxLength = BPN_SIZE) private String bpn; } diff --git a/irs-registry-client/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/registryclient/discovery/ b/irs-registry-client/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/registryclient/discovery/ index 60f81be3a2..fa6ab5fadb 100644 --- a/irs-registry-client/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/registryclient/discovery/ +++ b/irs-registry-client/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/registryclient/discovery/ @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ import lombok.Getter; import lombok.RequiredArgsConstructor; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; +import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; /** * Connector Endpoints service to find connectors in Discovery Finder @@ -39,6 +40,11 @@ public class ConnectorEndpointsService { private final DiscoveryFinderClient discoveryFinderClient; public List fetchConnectorEndpoints(final String bpn) { + if (StringUtils.isBlank(bpn)) { + log.warn("BPN was null, cannot search for any connector endpoints. Returning empty list."); + return List.of(); + } +"Requesting connector endpoints for BPN {}", bpn); final DiscoveryFinderRequest onlyBpn = new DiscoveryFinderRequest(List.of("bpn")); final List discoveryEndpoints = discoveryFinderClient.findDiscoveryEndpoints(onlyBpn) From 6baa6b019423f5c72cc36d4de6732ff196757611 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jaro Hartmann Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2023 14:54:52 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 31/58] chore(workflows): Split integration tests into separate workflows for DEV and INT --- .github/workflows/integration-test-DEV.yaml | 20 +++++ .github/workflows/integration-test-INT.yaml | 18 +++++ .../workflows/xray-cucumber-integration.yaml | 45 +++++++---- .github/workflows/xray-cucumber.yaml | 77 +++++-------------- 4 files changed, 86 insertions(+), 74 deletions(-) create mode 100644 .github/workflows/integration-test-DEV.yaml create mode 100644 .github/workflows/integration-test-INT.yaml diff --git a/.github/workflows/integration-test-DEV.yaml b/.github/workflows/integration-test-DEV.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..7dddd34e56 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/workflows/integration-test-DEV.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,20 @@ +name: IRS DEV Cucumber Integration test execution + +on: + workflow_dispatch: # Trigger manually + push: + branches: + - 'main' + +jobs: + trigger-integration-test: + uses: ./.github/workflows/xray-cucumber-integration.yaml + secrets: + keycloakTokenUrl: ${{ secrets.KEYCLOAK_OAUTH2_CLIENT_TOKEN_URI }} + clientId: ${{ secrets.KEYCLOAK_OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID }} + clientSecret: ${{ secrets.KEYCLOAK_OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET }} + jiraUser: ${{ secrets.ORG_IRS_JIRA_USERNAME }} + jiraPassword: ${{ secrets.ORG_IRS_JIRA_PASSWORD }} + with: + executionFilter: "not @Ignore and @INTEGRATION_TEST and @DEV" + exportFilter: "11349" diff --git a/.github/workflows/integration-test-INT.yaml b/.github/workflows/integration-test-INT.yaml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..140bd54d00 --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/workflows/integration-test-INT.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +name: IRS INT Cucumber Integration test execution + +on: + workflow_dispatch: # Trigger manually + +jobs: + trigger-integration-test: + uses: ./.github/workflows/xray-cucumber-integration.yaml + secrets: + keycloakTokenUrl: ${{ secrets.KEYCLOAK_OAUTH2_CLIENT_TOKEN_URI }} + clientId: ${{ secrets.ORG_IRS_OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID_INT }} + clientSecret: ${{ secrets.ORG_IRS_OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET_INT }} + jiraUser: ${{ secrets.ORG_IRS_JIRA_USERNAME }} + jiraPassword: ${{ secrets.ORG_IRS_JIRA_PASSWORD }} + with: + executionFilter: "not @Ignore and @INTEGRATION_TEST and @INT" + exportFilter: "11349" + diff --git a/.github/workflows/xray-cucumber-integration.yaml b/.github/workflows/xray-cucumber-integration.yaml index a300625856..79df49faaa 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/xray-cucumber-integration.yaml +++ b/.github/workflows/xray-cucumber-integration.yaml @@ -1,10 +1,25 @@ name: IRS Cucumber Integration test Xray execution on: - workflow_dispatch: # Trigger manually - push: - branches: - - 'main' + workflow_call: # Trigger by another workflow + secrets: + keycloakTokenUrl: + required: true + clientId: + required: true + clientSecret: + required: true + jiraUser: + required: true + jiraPassword: + required: true + inputs: + executionFilter: + required: true + type: string + exportFilter: + required: true + type: string jobs: build: @@ -29,32 +44,32 @@ jobs: - name: Download Feature Files id: download env: - JIRA_USERNAME: ${{ secrets.ORG_IRS_JIRA_USERNAME }} - JIRA_PASSWORD: ${{ secrets.ORG_IRS_JIRA_PASSWORD }} + JIRA_USERNAME: ${{ secrets.jiraUser }} + JIRA_PASSWORD: ${{ secrets.jiraPassword }} + EXPORT_FILTER: ${{ inputs.exportFilter }} # JIRA filter 11349: project = TRI AND type = Test AND "Test Type" = Cucumber # Downloads all feature files of cucumber tests inside TRI project run: | - export HTTP_RESULT=$(curl -s --show-error -w "%{http_code}" -u $JIRA_USERNAME:$JIRA_PASSWORD "" -o + export HTTP_RESULT=$(curl -s --show-error -w "%{http_code}" -u $JIRA_USERNAME:$JIRA_PASSWORD "$EXPORT_FILTER&fz=true" -o [[ $HTTP_RESULT == 200 || $HTTP_RESULT == 400 ]] echo "::set-output name=http_response::$HTTP_RESULT" - name: Build with Maven if: ${{ == '200' }} env: - KEYCLOAK_HOST: ${{ secrets.KEYCLOAK_OAUTH2_CLIENT_TOKEN_URI }} - KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID: ${{ secrets.KEYCLOAK_OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID }} - KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET: ${{ secrets.KEYCLOAK_OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET }} - IRS_INT: - IRS_DEV: + KEYCLOAK_HOST: ${{ secrets.keycloakTokenUrl }} + KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID: ${{ secrets.clientId }} + KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET: ${{ secrets.clientSecret }} + ISSUE_FILTER: ${{ inputs.executionFilter }} run: | unzip -o -d irs-cucumber-tests/src/test/resources/features - mvn --batch-mode clean install -pl irs-cucumber-tests,irs-models -D"cucumber.filter.tags"="not @Ignore and @INTEGRATION_TEST" + mvn --batch-mode clean install -pl irs-cucumber-tests,irs-models -D"cucumber.filter.tags"=$ISSUE_FILTER - name: Submit results to Xray if: ${{ always() && == '200' }} env: - JIRA_USERNAME: ${{ secrets.ORG_IRS_JIRA_USERNAME }} - JIRA_PASSWORD: ${{ secrets.ORG_IRS_JIRA_PASSWORD }} + JIRA_USERNAME: ${{ secrets.jiraUser }} + JIRA_PASSWORD: ${{ secrets.jiraPassword }} run: | curl --request POST \ -u $JIRA_USERNAME:$JIRA_PASSWORD \ diff --git a/.github/workflows/xray-cucumber.yaml b/.github/workflows/xray-cucumber.yaml index f617903b14..633e90f482 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/xray-cucumber.yaml +++ b/.github/workflows/xray-cucumber.yaml @@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ -name: IRS Cucumber Xray execution +name: IRS Cucumber test execution on: workflow_dispatch: # Trigger manually @@ -8,6 +8,12 @@ on: paths-ignore: - '**/*.md' - '**/*.txt' + - 'charts/**' + - '.config/**' + - 'docs/**' + - 'local/**' + - '' + - '' pull_request: branches: - main @@ -22,61 +28,14 @@ on: - '' jobs: - build: - # This job does not need to run unless we can access the credentials - if: >- - (github.event_name != 'pull_request' || github.event.pull_request.head.repo.full_name == github.repository) && - != 'dependabot[bot]' - runs-on: ubuntu-latest - - steps: - - uses: actions/checkout@v3 - - - name: Set up JDK 17 - uses: actions/setup-java@v3 - with: - java-version: '17' - distribution: 'temurin' - - - name: Cache maven packages - uses: actions/cache@v3 - with: - path: ~/.m2 - key: ${{ runner.os }}-m2-${{ hashFiles('**/pom.xml') }} - restore-keys: ${{ runner.os }}-m2 - - - name: Download Feature Files - id: download - env: - JIRA_USERNAME: ${{ secrets.ORG_IRS_JIRA_USERNAME }} - JIRA_PASSWORD: ${{ secrets.ORG_IRS_JIRA_PASSWORD }} - # JIRA filter 11349: project = TRI AND type = Test AND "Test Type" = Cucumber - # Downloads all feature files of cucumber tests inside TRI project - run: | - export HTTP_RESULT=$(curl -s --show-error -w "%{http_code}" -u $JIRA_USERNAME:$JIRA_PASSWORD "" -o - [[ $HTTP_RESULT == 200 || $HTTP_RESULT == 400 ]] - echo "::set-output name=http_response::$HTTP_RESULT" - - - name: Build with Maven - if: ${{ == '200' }} - env: - KEYCLOAK_HOST: ${{ secrets.KEYCLOAK_OAUTH2_CLIENT_TOKEN_URI }} - KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID: ${{ secrets.KEYCLOAK_OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID }} - KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET: ${{ secrets.KEYCLOAK_OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET }} - IRS_INT: - IRS_DEV: - run: | - unzip -o -d irs-cucumber-tests/src/test/resources/features - mvn --batch-mode clean install -pl irs-cucumber-tests,irs-models -D"cucumber.filter.tags"="not @Ignore and not @INTEGRATION_TEST" - - - name: Submit results to Xray - if: ${{ always() && == '200' }} - env: - JIRA_USERNAME: ${{ secrets.ORG_IRS_JIRA_USERNAME }} - JIRA_PASSWORD: ${{ secrets.ORG_IRS_JIRA_PASSWORD }} - run: | - curl --request POST \ - -u $JIRA_USERNAME:$JIRA_PASSWORD \ - --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ - --data-binary '@irs-cucumber-tests/report.json' \ - "" + trigger-integration-test: + uses: ./.github/workflows/xray-cucumber-integration.yaml + secrets: + keycloakTokenUrl: ${{ secrets.KEYCLOAK_OAUTH2_CLIENT_TOKEN_URI }} + clientId: ${{ secrets.KEYCLOAK_OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID }} + clientSecret: ${{ secrets.KEYCLOAK_OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET }} + jiraUser: ${{ secrets.ORG_IRS_JIRA_USERNAME }} + jiraPassword: ${{ secrets.ORG_IRS_JIRA_PASSWORD }} + with: + executionFilter: "not @Ignore and not @INTEGRATION_TEST" + exportFilter: "11349" \ No newline at end of file From 7f555481cd278625695f2751681b9a36bfd969ba Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jan Kreutzfeld Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2023 14:56:30 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 32/58] fix(api): Fix unit test --- .../eclipse/tractusx/irs/util/ | 30 +++++++++++-------- 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-) diff --git a/irs-api/src/test/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/util/ b/irs-api/src/test/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/util/ index c9ffbe2136..c14771ae96 100644 --- a/irs-api/src/test/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/util/ +++ b/irs-api/src/test/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/util/ @@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ public static RegisterJob registerJobWithoutDepth() { } public static RegisterJob registerJobWithDepthAndAspect(final Integer depth, final List aspectTypes) { - return registerJob("urn:uuid:ed333e9a-5afa-40b2-99da-bae2fd21501e", depth, aspectTypes, - false, false, Direction.DOWNWARD); + return registerJob("urn:uuid:ed333e9a-5afa-40b2-99da-bae2fd21501e", depth, aspectTypes, false, false, + Direction.DOWNWARD); } public static RegisterJob registerJobWithDirection(final String globalAssetId, final Direction direction) { @@ -91,15 +91,16 @@ public static RegisterJob registerJobWithDirection(final String globalAssetId, f } public static RegisterJob registerJobWithUrl(final String callbackUrl) { - final RegisterJob registerJob = registerJob("urn:uuid:ed333e9a-5afa-40b2-99da-bae2fd21501e", 100, List.of(), false, false, Direction.DOWNWARD); + final RegisterJob registerJob = registerJob("urn:uuid:ed333e9a-5afa-40b2-99da-bae2fd21501e", 100, List.of(), + false, false, Direction.DOWNWARD); registerJob.setCallbackUrl(callbackUrl); return registerJob; } public static RegisterJob registerJobWithDepthAndAspectAndCollectAspects(final Integer depth, final List aspectTypes) { - return registerJob("urn:uuid:ed333e9a-5afa-40b2-99da-bae2fd21501e", depth, aspectTypes, - true, false, Direction.DOWNWARD); + return registerJob("urn:uuid:ed333e9a-5afa-40b2-99da-bae2fd21501e", depth, aspectTypes, true, false, + Direction.DOWNWARD); } public static RegisterJob registerJobWithLookupBPNs() { @@ -108,7 +109,8 @@ public static RegisterJob registerJobWithLookupBPNs() { } public static RegisterJob registerJob(final String globalAssetId, final Integer depth, - final List aspectTypes, final boolean collectAspects, final boolean lookupBPNs, final Direction direction) { + final List aspectTypes, final boolean collectAspects, final boolean lookupBPNs, + final Direction direction) { final RegisterJob registerJob = new RegisterJob(); registerJob.setKey(PartChainIdentificationKey.builder().globalAssetId(globalAssetId).bpn("bpn123").build()); registerJob.setDepth(depth); @@ -123,7 +125,10 @@ public static RegisterJob registerJob(final String globalAssetId, final Integer public static RegisterBatchOrder registerBatchOrder(final String... globalAssetId) { final RegisterBatchOrder registerBatchOrder = new RegisterBatchOrder(); registerBatchOrder.setKeys( - .map(x -> PartChainIdentificationKey.builder().globalAssetId(x).build()) + .map(x -> PartChainIdentificationKey.builder() + .globalAssetId(x) + .bpn("bpn123") + .build()) .collect(Collectors.toSet())); return registerBatchOrder; @@ -195,9 +200,7 @@ public MultiTransferJob job() { } public MultiTransferJob job(JobState jobState) { - return MultiTransferJob.builder() - .job(fakeJob(jobState)) - .build(); + return MultiTransferJob.builder().job(fakeJob(jobState)).build(); } public DataRequest dataRequest() { @@ -237,13 +240,16 @@ public static Endpoint endpoint(String endpointAddress) { return Endpoint.builder() .protocolInformation(ProtocolInformation.builder() .href(endpointAddress) - .subprotocolBody("other_id=fake-id;id=12345;idsEndpoint=http://edc.control.plane/") + .subprotocolBody( + "other_id=fake-id;id=12345;idsEndpoint=http://edc.control.plane/") .build()) .build(); } public static SubmodelDescriptor submodelDescriptor(final String semanticId, final String endpointAddress) { - final Reference semanticIdSerial = Reference.builder().keys(List.of(SemanticId.builder().value(semanticId).build())).build(); + final Reference semanticIdSerial = Reference.builder() + .keys(List.of(SemanticId.builder().value(semanticId).build())) + .build(); final List endpointSerial = List.of(endpoint(endpointAddress)); return SubmodelDescriptor.builder().semanticId(semanticIdSerial).endpoints(endpointSerial).build(); } From 74ab766cc15f3a20870a5b815c7e230d4dc17e01 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jaro Hartmann Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2023 14:57:46 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 33/58] chore(workflows): fix cucumber filter --- .github/workflows/xray-cucumber-integration.yaml | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/.github/workflows/xray-cucumber-integration.yaml b/.github/workflows/xray-cucumber-integration.yaml index 79df49faaa..1ac7111cfa 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/xray-cucumber-integration.yaml +++ b/.github/workflows/xray-cucumber-integration.yaml @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ jobs: ISSUE_FILTER: ${{ inputs.executionFilter }} run: | unzip -o -d irs-cucumber-tests/src/test/resources/features - mvn --batch-mode clean install -pl irs-cucumber-tests,irs-models -D"cucumber.filter.tags"=$ISSUE_FILTER + mvn --batch-mode clean install -pl irs-cucumber-tests,irs-models -D"cucumber.filter.tags"="$ISSUE_FILTER" - name: Submit results to Xray if: ${{ always() && == '200' }} From 2845f2d46c59b4f97a254ce827d7fad7c5bf8e31 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ds-alexander-bulgakov Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2023 15:02:37 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 34/58] TRI-1428: adjust tavern test to fixed request body --- .../api-tests/irs-api-tests.tavern.yaml | 72 ++++++++++++------- 1 file changed, 45 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-) diff --git a/local/testing/api-tests/irs-api-tests.tavern.yaml b/local/testing/api-tests/irs-api-tests.tavern.yaml index 171973579d..32d5545326 100644 --- a/local/testing/api-tests/irs-api-tests.tavern.yaml +++ b/local/testing/api-tests/irs-api-tests.tavern.yaml @@ -2012,38 +2012,56 @@ strict: - headers:off - json:off -marks: - - xfail #will fail until bug TRI-1428 is fixed !! ##### - stages: - name: create a batch job with several valid globalAssetIds request: url: "{tavern.env_vars.IRS_HOST}/irs/orders" json: - key: - bpn: "BPNL00000003AYRE" - globalAssetIds: - - urn:uuid:771d2ccc-a081-4d3a-bcb2-46c6a0a33743 - - urn:uuid:3db730be-9de5-4db5-a58d-684de36484e7 - - urn:uuid:73173bf5-08df-4898-9d6d-8899015c161e - - urn:uuid:07e0997f-4212-4456-8f27-164b30fc8355 - - urn:uuid:88f51be1-3771-4335-8b5c-4c5050123127 - - urn:uuid:d3c0bf85-d44f-47c5-990d-fec8a36065c6 - - urn:uuid:a1082992-cc3b-4da1-af6b-aa692ed71461 - - urn:uuid:b21cfd5b-dcf4-46fa-9227-3eb693567dd8 - - urn:uuid:8f9d8c7f-6d7a-48f1-9959-9fa3a1a7a891 - - urn:uuid:ceb6b964-5779-49c1-b5e9-0ee70528fcbd - - urn:uuid:a4a26b9c-9460-4cc5-8645-85916b86adb0 - - urn:uuid:7b87f5d6-f75e-40f1-a439-779ae9f57a21 - - urn:uuid:8914a66e-b59b-405f-afff-b97d71ebece3 - - urn:uuid:61a22b1c-5725-41fb-8e1e-dccaaba83838 - - urn:uuid:0ea1aa79-10d4-4df1-8a5a-5b7eafd26163 - - urn:uuid:1e35e091-3d3d-421e-9c7e-14cf1c9442a6 - - urn:uuid:cc8e9448-b294-46e7-8110-337e8bfa3001 - - urn:uuid:fa5804f1-8d4e-437c-aca2-a5491be61758 - - urn:uuid:a0f6803c-e4dc-4cda-8ad2-91cc57868449 - - urn:uuid:492781f5-62ff-4fb2-876c-3498e2844d13 - - urn:uuid:d6142601-5e09-45fe-9b42-e53cf8cd458c + keys: + - bpn: "BPNL00000003AYRE" + globalAssetId: urn:uuid:0733946c-59c6-41ae-9570-cb43a6e4c79e + - bpn: "BPNL00000003AYRE" + globalAssetId: urn:uuid:7940e0cc-7814-41eb-8b04-d984a325deec + - bpn: "BPNL00000003AVTH" + globalAssetId: urn:uuid:ed333e9a-5afa-40b2-99da-bae2fd21501e + - bpn: "BPNL00000003AYRE" + globalAssetId: urn:uuid:a0f6803c-e4dc-4cda-8ad2-91cc57868449 + - bpn: "BPNL00000003AYRE" + globalAssetId: urn:uuid:fa5804f1-8d4e-437c-aca2-a5491be61758 + - bpn: "BPNL00000003AVTH" + globalAssetId: urn:uuid:cc8e9448-b294-46e7-8110-337e8bfa3001 + - bpn: "BPNL00000003AYRE" + globalAssetId: urn:uuid:1e35e091-3d3d-421e-9c7e-14cf1c9442a6 + - bpn: "BPNL00000003AYRE" + globalAssetId: urn:uuid:0ea1aa79-10d4-4df1-8a5a-5b7eafd26163 + - bpn: "BPNL00000003AVTH" + globalAssetId: urn:uuid:61a22b1c-5725-41fb-8e1e-dccaaba83838 + - bpn: "BPNL00000003AYRE" + globalAssetId: urn:uuid:8914a66e-b59b-405f-afff-b97d71ebece3 + - bpn: "BPNL00000003AYRE" + globalAssetId: urn:uuid:7b87f5d6-f75e-40f1-a439-779ae9f57a21 + - bpn: "BPNL00000003AVTH" + globalAssetId: urn:uuid:a4a26b9c-9460-4cc5-8645-85916b86adb0 + - bpn: "BPNL00000003AYRE" + globalAssetId: urn:uuid:ceb6b964-5779-49c1-b5e9-0ee70528fcbd + - bpn: "BPNL00000003AYRE" + globalAssetId: urn:uuid:8f9d8c7f-6d7a-48f1-9959-9fa3a1a7a891 + - bpn: "BPNL00000003AVTH" + globalAssetId: urn:uuid:b21cfd5b-dcf4-46fa-9227-3eb693567dd8 + - bpn: "BPNL00000003AYRE" + globalAssetId: urn:uuid:a1082992-cc3b-4da1-af6b-aa692ed71461 + - bpn: "BPNL00000003AYRE" + globalAssetId: urn:uuid:d3c0bf85-d44f-47c5-990d-fec8a36065c6 + - bpn: "BPNL00000003AVTH" + globalAssetId: urn:uuid:88f51be1-3771-4335-8b5c-4c5050123127 + - bpn: "BPNL00000003AYRE" + globalAssetId: urn:uuid:07e0997f-4212-4456-8f27-164b30fc8355 + - bpn: "BPNL00000003AYRE" + globalAssetId: urn:uuid:73173bf5-08df-4898-9d6d-8899015c161e + - bpn: "BPNL00000003AVTH" + globalAssetId: urn:uuid:3db730be-9de5-4db5-a58d-684de36484e7 + - bpn: "BPNL00000003AYRE" + globalAssetId: urn:uuid:771d2ccc-a081-4d3a-bcb2-46c6a0a33743 aspects: - "SingleLevelBomAsBuilt" - "SerialPart" From ed25b8424a2590ec5e5da0207026087426e51e81 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ds-alexander-bulgakov Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2023 15:08:21 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 35/58] adjusted tavern.yml to make it possible to select the BPN for desired globalAssetId for execution --- .github/workflows/tavern.yml | 12 ++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+) diff --git a/.github/workflows/tavern.yml b/.github/workflows/tavern.yml index b1e11ad979..af741ddb44 100644 --- a/.github/workflows/tavern.yml +++ b/.github/workflows/tavern.yml @@ -21,11 +21,21 @@ on: description: Global Asset ID to use for the asPlanned tests default: 'urn:uuid:0733946c-59c6-41ae-9570-cb43a6e4c79e' required: true + bpn-asPlanned: + type: string + description: BPN to use for the asPlanned Global Asset ID + default: 'BPNL00000003AYRE' + required: true global-asset-id-asBuild: type: string description: Global Asset ID to use for the asBuild tests default: 'urn:uuid:7940e0cc-7814-41eb-8b04-d984a325deec' required: true + bpn-asBuild: + type: string + description: BPN to use for the asBuild Global Asset ID + default: 'BPNL00000003AYRE' + required: true execution-ticket: type: string description: JIRA execution ticket to safe results in. @@ -60,7 +70,9 @@ jobs: KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID: ${{ secrets.KEYCLOAK_OAUTH2_CLIENT_ID }} KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_SECRET: ${{ secrets.KEYCLOAK_OAUTH2_CLIENT_SECRET }} GLOBAL_ASSET_ID_AS_PLANNED: ${{ || 'urn:uuid:0733946c-59c6-41ae-9570-cb43a6e4c79e' }} + BPN_AS_PLANNED: ${{ github.event.inputs.bpn-asPlanned || 'BPNL00000003AYRE' }} GLOBAL_ASSET_ID_AS_BUILD: ${{ || 'urn:uuid:7940e0cc-7814-41eb-8b04-d984a325deec' }} + BPN_AS_BUILD: ${{ github.event.inputs.bpn-asBuild || 'BPNL00000003AYRE' }} run: | python -m pytest local/testing/api-tests/irs-api-tests.tavern.yaml --junitxml=tavern-results.xml From 8f9356d27248c974c4f1cf691e93fccc0f63a836 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jan Kreutzfeld Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2023 15:09:04 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 36/58] fix(api): Add test case --- .../discovery/ | 9 +++++++++ 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+) diff --git a/irs-registry-client/src/test/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/registryclient/discovery/ b/irs-registry-client/src/test/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/registryclient/discovery/ index 261b91f44d..c054a21259 100644 --- a/irs-registry-client/src/test/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/registryclient/discovery/ +++ b/irs-registry-client/src/test/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/registryclient/discovery/ @@ -55,6 +55,15 @@ void shouldFindConnectorEndpoints() { assertThat(actualConnectors).containsExactly("connector1", "connector2", "connector3", "connector4"); } + @Test + void shouldReturnEmptyListOnMissingBpn() { + // when + final List actualConnectors = service.fetchConnectorEndpoints(null); + + // then + assertThat(actualConnectors).isNotNull().isEmpty(); + } + private DiscoveryEndpoint createEndpoint(final String endpointAddress) { return new DiscoveryEndpoint("test-endpoint", "desc", endpointAddress, "docs", "resId"); } From d87598530a312c2e743adc2f3d5ae544e981e7d6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jaro Hartmann Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2023 15:30:49 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 37/58] chore(trivy): suppress false positive for CVE-2023-2976 --- .config/.trivyignore | 5 ++++- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/.config/.trivyignore b/.config/.trivyignore index 9916cd898b..9102906970 100644 --- a/.config/.trivyignore +++ b/.config/.trivyignore @@ -2,4 +2,7 @@ CVE-2022-42003 # HttpInvokerServiceExporter is not loaded as a bean in the IRS. -CVE-2016-1000027 \ No newline at end of file +CVE-2016-1000027 + +# Vulnerability method not in IRS codebase (Files.createTempDir from guava). +CVE-2023-2976 \ No newline at end of file From 0d959d13fc897e3c01c006b9dbce73c2b26ac950 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jaro Hartmann Date: Tue, 18 Jul 2023 17:44:55 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 38/58] chore(docs): Add missing and remove outdated Arc42 documentation --- docs/src/docs/arc42/building-block-view/level-1.adoc | 5 ++++- .../arc42/building-block-view/whitebox-overall.adoc | 4 ++-- .../src/docs/arc42/cross-cutting/safety-security.adoc | 4 ++-- docs/src/docs/arc42/cross-cutting/under-the-hood.adoc | 5 +---- .../docs/arc42/scope-context/technical-context.adoc | 2 +- .../building-block-view/building-block-view.puml | 11 +++++------ .../whitebox_overall_decentral.puml | 2 +- 7 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/src/docs/arc42/building-block-view/level-1.adoc b/docs/src/docs/arc42/building-block-view/level-1.adoc index 24fc47cd7a..21903a9414 100644 --- a/docs/src/docs/arc42/building-block-view/level-1.adoc +++ b/docs/src/docs/arc42/building-block-view/level-1.adoc @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ The result is an item graph in which each node represents a digital item of the |The *IRS API* is the Interface over which the Data Consumer is communicating. |*IrsController* -|The *IrsController* provides an REST Interface for retrieving IRS processed data and job details of the current item graph retrieval process. +|The *IrsController* provides a REST Interface for retrieving IRS processed data and job details of the current item graph retrieval process. |*IrsItemGraphQueryService* |The *IrsItemGraphQueryService* implements the REST Interface of the IrsController. @@ -43,6 +43,9 @@ A job is processed in this order: 5. Recursively iteration over step 2-4 until an abort criterion is reached. 6. Assembles the complete item graph. +|*Policy Store* +|The *Policy Store* provides an Interface for getting, adding and deleting accepted IRS EDC policies. These policies will be used to validate EDC contract offers. + |*BlobStore* |The BlobStore is the database where the relationships and tombstones are stored for a requested item. diff --git a/docs/src/docs/arc42/building-block-view/whitebox-overall.adoc b/docs/src/docs/arc42/building-block-view/whitebox-overall.adoc index 149d5ac1ef..c0a8d1af73 100644 --- a/docs/src/docs/arc42/building-block-view/whitebox-overall.adoc +++ b/docs/src/docs/arc42/building-block-view/whitebox-overall.adoc @@ -29,6 +29,6 @@ include::../../../uml-diagrams/building-block-view/whitebox_overall_decentral.pu |Submodel Server |The Submodel Server offers endpoints for requesting the Submodel aspects. -|IAM/DAPS -|DAPS as central Identity Provider +|MIW +|Managed Identity Wallet as Self-Sovereign-Identity Provider for EDC |=== \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/docs/arc42/cross-cutting/safety-security.adoc b/docs/src/docs/arc42/cross-cutting/safety-security.adoc index 4e9ba162c3..dd73a84bfe 100644 --- a/docs/src/docs/arc42/cross-cutting/safety-security.adoc +++ b/docs/src/docs/arc42/cross-cutting/safety-security.adoc @@ -15,9 +15,9 @@ The IRS acts as a client for the Digital Twin Registry (DTR), which is also secu In a decentralized network, IRS uses the EDC client to access the provider DTR. This way, no authentication, other than the EDC contract negotiation, is needed to access the DTR. === IRS as EDC client -The IRS accesses the Catena-X network via the EDC consumer connector. This component requires authentication via a DAPS certificate, which was provided to the IRS via the network authority. +The IRS accesses the Catena-X network via the EDC consumer connector. This component requires authentication via a Verifiable Credential (VC), which is provided to the EDC via the Managed Identity Wallet. -The DAPS certificate identifies the IRS and is used to acquire access permissions for the data transferred via EDC. +The VC identifies and authenticates the EDC and is used to acquire access permissions for the data transferred via EDC. == Credentials Credentials must never be stored in Git! diff --git a/docs/src/docs/arc42/cross-cutting/under-the-hood.adoc b/docs/src/docs/arc42/cross-cutting/under-the-hood.adoc index 0909eab8c5..d160510a5c 100644 --- a/docs/src/docs/arc42/cross-cutting/under-the-hood.adoc +++ b/docs/src/docs/arc42/cross-cutting/under-the-hood.adoc @@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ Data validation happens at two points: - IRS API: the data sent by the client is validated to match the model defined in the IRS. If the validation fails, the IRS sends a HTTP 400 response and indicates the problem to the caller. - Submodel payload: each time a submodel payload is requested from via EDC, the data is validated against the model defined in the SemanticHub for the matching aspect type. +- EDC Contract Offer Policy: each time IRS consumes data over the EDC, the policies of the offered contract will be validated. Only policies which are defined via the PolicyStory will be accepted. == Caching @@ -82,7 +83,3 @@ Whenever a BPN is resolved via BPDM, the partner name is cached on IRS side, as Whenever a semantic model schema is requested from the Semantic Hub, it is stored locally until the cache is evicted (configurable). The IRS can preload configured schema models on startup to reduce on demand call times. Additionally, models can be deployed with the system as a backup to the real Semantic Hub service. - -=== EDC Catalog - -Whenever a EDC catalog is requested, IRS stores all returned contract offers inside a cache. This cache will be used for subsequent requests to the same EDC provider. If the requested contract offer could not be found within the cache, the catalog will be requested again and the cache will be updated. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/docs/arc42/scope-context/technical-context.adoc b/docs/src/docs/arc42/scope-context/technical-context.adoc index ee20434301..6a37490e6b 100644 --- a/docs/src/docs/arc42/scope-context/technical-context.adoc +++ b/docs/src/docs/arc42/scope-context/technical-context.adoc @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ The IRS acts as a consumer of the component Asset Administration Shell Registry. In a decentralized system, the digital twin registry is moved behind an EDC. To access the registry of a data provider, a new set of central services was introduces. These discovery services consist of BPN Discovery, Discovery Finder and EDC Discovery. IRS uses the Discovery Finder and EDC Discovery. Discovery Finder is used to find the correct EDC Discovery URL for the type BPN. EDC Discovery returns the EDC connector URLs for a specific BPN. -With these EDC connector URLs, IRS searches the provider catalog for a asset of type `asset:prop:type=data.core.digitalTwinRegistry`. This asset should be part of every provider EDC catalog. With this asset, IRS can access the decentralized registry and after this step, the flow stays the same as in the paragraph above. +With these EDC connector URLs, IRS searches the provider catalog for a asset of type `data.core.digitalTwinRegistry`. This asset should be part of every provider EDC catalog. With this asset, IRS can access the decentralized registry and after this step, the flow stays the same as in the paragraph above. === EDC API The integrated EDC client in the IRS is responsible for creating restful requests to the component EDC. The IRS application builds from the retrieved AAS Descriptor (see previous section) the corresponding submodel endpoint URLs, negotiates an EDC contract and sends via the submodel REST client requests to the EDC. The EDC responds with the corresponding submodel data. \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/src/uml-diagrams/building-block-view/building-block-view.puml b/docs/src/uml-diagrams/building-block-view/building-block-view.puml index 37dec5b2c6..2317f54a01 100644 --- a/docs/src/uml-diagrams/building-block-view/building-block-view.puml +++ b/docs/src/uml-diagrams/building-block-view/building-block-view.puml @@ -7,12 +7,7 @@ skinparam shadowing false component [**IrsController**] <> as IrsController component [**JobOrchestrator**] <> as JobOrchestrator component [**TransferProcessManagment**] <> as TransferProcessManagement - - - 'component [**AASClient**] <> as AASClient - 'component [**AASFacade**] <> as AASFacade - 'component [**SubmodelClient**] <> as SubmodelClient - 'component [**SubmodelFacade**] <> as SubmodelFacade ' --> Level2 View + component [**Policy Store**] <> as PolicyStore port "IRS API" as API_PORT port "Digital Twin Client" as AAS_PORT @@ -25,6 +20,9 @@ skinparam shadowing false JobOrchestrator <..> TransferProcessManagement JobOrchestrator <..> RecursiveJobHandler TransferProcessManagement --( StoreInterface + PolicyStore --( StoreInterface + PolicyStore <..> TransferProcessManagement + IrsController <..> PolicyStore } @@ -32,6 +30,7 @@ component [**Digital Twin Registry**] <> as DTR component [**EDC**] <> as EDC actor IrsApiConsumer IrsController -up- API_PORT +PolicyStoreController -up- API_PORT IrsApiConsumer -(0- API_PORT diff --git a/docs/src/uml-diagrams/building-block-view/whitebox_overall_decentral.puml b/docs/src/uml-diagrams/building-block-view/whitebox_overall_decentral.puml index b4c64c778c..a8034da4ff 100644 --- a/docs/src/uml-diagrams/building-block-view/whitebox_overall_decentral.puml +++ b/docs/src/uml-diagrams/building-block-view/whitebox_overall_decentral.puml @@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ component [**IRSApplication**] <> { component [**CatenaX-Network**] <> { component [**IAM/KeyCloak**] <> as IAM_IRS - component [**IAM/DAPS**] <> as IAM_DAPS + component [**MIW**] <> as IAM_DAPS } component [**Tier/OEM**] <> { From 38d039a53b3eee02fe31a4d4f5ceb9ce81a66d7e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jaro Hartmann Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2023 09:01:24 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 39/58] chore(docs): Remove edc consumer charts from documentation --- .../docs/administration/configuration.adoc | 56 +------------------ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 54 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/src/docs/administration/configuration.adoc b/docs/src/docs/administration/configuration.adoc index 06ca62ba17..c2564f8b5e 100644 --- a/docs/src/docs/administration/configuration.adoc +++ b/docs/src/docs/administration/configuration.adoc @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Take the following template and adjust the configuration parameters ( mark the relevant spots). You can define the URLs as well as most of the secrets yourself. -The Keycloak, DAPS and Vault configuration / secrets depend on your setup and might need to be provided externally. +The Keycloak, MIW and Vault configuration / secrets depend on your setup and might need to be provided externally. include::irs-spring-config.adoc[leveloffset=+1] @@ -63,65 +63,13 @@ The *key* of each entry is the `Base64` encoded URN of the model. The *value* is == EDC consumer configuration -If you want to provide your own EDC consumer, add the following entries to your values.yaml: - -[source,yaml] ----- -include::../../../../charts/edc-consumer/values.yaml[] ----- - -=== Values explained -EDC requires a DAPS instance to function correctly. For more information on this, please refer to the[DAPS] or the[EDC] documentation. - -==== -The hostname where the EDC consumer controlplane will be made available. - -==== -The hostname where the EDC consumer dataplane will be made available. - -==== -The base URL of the Vault instance. -EDC requires a running instance of HashiCorp Vault to store the DAPS certificate and private key. - -==== -The path to the secret store in Vault where the DAPS certificate and key can be found. - -_Example: /v1/team-name_ - -==== -The name of the DAPS certificate in the Vault. - -_Example: irs-daps-certificate_ - -==== -The name of the DAPS private key in the Vault. - -_Example: irs-daps-private-key_ - -==== -The DAPS client ID. - -==== -The URL of the DAPS JWK Set. - -_Example: https://daps-hostname/.well-known/jwks.json_ - -==== -The URL of the DAPS token API. - -_Example: https://daps-hostname/token_ +If you want to provide your own EDC consumer, add the EDC Helm Chart as dependency to your Chart.yaml. The helm chart and documentation can be found here:[tractusx-connector] == Secrets This is a list of all secrets used in the deployment. WARNING: Keep the values for these settings safe and do not publish them! -=== -Database password for the *postgres* user. To be defined by you. - -=== -Database password for the application user (default username: *edc*). To be defined by you. - === Client ID for Keycloak. Request this from your Keycloak operator. From 34fb328aa347ef2db6ae2deae7dd014aac4add59 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ds-ext-abugajewski <> Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2023 09:23:36 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 40/58] fix(irs-api): [TRI-1428] Batch processing fail due to missing bpn - update collection --- local/testing/IRS_Request_Collection.json | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/local/testing/IRS_Request_Collection.json b/local/testing/IRS_Request_Collection.json index 0e8ea1786d..561f7ae01d 100644 --- a/local/testing/IRS_Request_Collection.json +++ b/local/testing/IRS_Request_Collection.json @@ -1992,7 +1992,7 @@ "method": "POST", "body": { "mimeType": "application/json", - "text": "{\n\t\"aspects\": [\n\t\t\"AssemblyPartRelationship\"\n\t],\n\t\"collectAspects\": true,\n\t\"lookupBPNs\": true,\n\t\"direction\": \"downward\",\n\t\"batchSize\": 10,\n \"batchStrategy\": \"PRESERVE_BATCH_JOB_ORDER\",\n\t\"keys\": [\n\t\t{\"globalAssetId\": \"urn:uuid:88f51be1-3771-4335-8b5c-4c5050143124\"},{\n\t\t\"globalAssetId\": \"urn:uuid:88f51be1-3771-4335-8b5c-4c5050123124\"},{\n\t\t\"globalAssetId\": \"urn:uuid:88f51be1-3771-4335-8b5c-4c5050123125\"},{\n\t\t\"globalAssetId\": \"urn:uuid:88f51be1-3771-4335-8b5c-4c5050123126\"},{\n\t\t\"globalAssetId\": \"urn:uuid:88f51be1-3771-4335-8b5c-4c5050123127\"},{\n\t\t\"globalAssetId\": \"urn:uuid:88f51be1-3771-4335-8b5c-4c505b123127\"},{\n\t\t\"globalAssetId\": \"urn:uuid:88f51be1-3771-4835-8b5c-4c5050123127\"},{\n\t\t\"globalAssetId\": \"urn:uuid:88f51be1-3771-4335-845c-4c505012b127\"},{\n\t\t\"globalAssetId\": \"urn:uuid:88f51be1-3772-4335-8b5c-4c5052123127\"},{\n\t\t\"globalAssetId\": \"urn:uuid:88f51be1-3771-4335-8b5c-4c5055123127\"},{\n\t\t\"globalAssetId\": \"urn:uuid:88f51be3-3771-4335-8b5c-4c5054123121\"},{\n\t\t\"globalAssetId\": \"urn:uuid:88f41be1-3771-4335-8b5c-4c5050123122\"},{\n\t\t\"globalAssetId\": \"urn:uuid:88f58be1-3771-4335-8b5c-4c5050123123\"},{\n\t\t\"globalAssetId\": \"urn:uuid:88f58be1-3771-1335-8b5c-4c5050123125\"},{\n\t\t\"globalAssetId\": \"urn:uuid:88158be1-3771-4335-8b5c-4c5050123127\"},{\n\t\t\"globalAssetId\": \"urn:uuid:18158be1-3771-4335-8b5c-4c5050123127\"},{\n\t\t\"globalAssetId\": \"urn:uuid:83158be1-3771-4335-8b5c-4c5050123127\"}\n\t]\n}" + "text": "{\n\t\"aspects\": [\n\t\t\"AssemblyPartRelationship\"\n\t],\n\t\"collectAspects\": true,\n\t\"lookupBPNs\": true,\n\t\"direction\": \"downward\",\n\t\"batchSize\": 10,\n \"batchStrategy\": \"PRESERVE_BATCH_JOB_ORDER\",\n\t\"keys\": [\n\t\t{\"globalAssetId\": \"urn:uuid:ed333e9a-5afa-40b2-99da-bae2fd21501e\", \"bpn\": \"BPNL00000003AVTH\"},{\n\t\t\"globalAssetId\": \"urn:uuid:771d2ccc-a081-4d3a-bcb2-46c6a0a33743\", \"bpn\": \"BPNL00000003AYRE\"}\n\t]\n}" }, "parameters": [], "headers": [ From a29239b0b3460548766454737ace0f2482d2ae24 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ds-ext-abugajewski <> Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2023 09:30:56 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 41/58] fix(irs-api): [TRI-1428] Batch processing fail due to missing bpn - dummy values --- local/testing/IRS_Request_Collection.json | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/local/testing/IRS_Request_Collection.json b/local/testing/IRS_Request_Collection.json index 561f7ae01d..4de952f815 100644 --- a/local/testing/IRS_Request_Collection.json +++ b/local/testing/IRS_Request_Collection.json @@ -1992,7 +1992,7 @@ "method": "POST", "body": { "mimeType": "application/json", - "text": "{\n\t\"aspects\": [\n\t\t\"AssemblyPartRelationship\"\n\t],\n\t\"collectAspects\": true,\n\t\"lookupBPNs\": true,\n\t\"direction\": \"downward\",\n\t\"batchSize\": 10,\n \"batchStrategy\": \"PRESERVE_BATCH_JOB_ORDER\",\n\t\"keys\": [\n\t\t{\"globalAssetId\": \"urn:uuid:ed333e9a-5afa-40b2-99da-bae2fd21501e\", \"bpn\": \"BPNL00000003AVTH\"},{\n\t\t\"globalAssetId\": \"urn:uuid:771d2ccc-a081-4d3a-bcb2-46c6a0a33743\", \"bpn\": \"BPNL00000003AYRE\"}\n\t]\n}" + "text": "{\n\t\"aspects\": [\n\t\t\"AssemblyPartRelationship\"\n\t],\n\t\"collectAspects\": true,\n\t\"lookupBPNs\": true,\n\t\"direction\": \"downward\",\n\t\"batchSize\": 10,\n \"batchStrategy\": \"PRESERVE_BATCH_JOB_ORDER\",\n\t\"keys\": [\n\t\t{\"globalAssetId\": \"urn:uuid:ed333e9a-5afa-40b2-99da-bae2fd211122\", \"bpn\": \"BPNL00000003AAXX\"},{\n\t\t\"globalAssetId\": \"urn:uuid:771d2ccc-a081-4d3a-bcb2-46c6a0a32211\", \"bpn\": \"BPNL00000003AAXX\"}\n\t]\n}" }, "parameters": [], "headers": [ From 5b86b8e2fbb65fce2fb795c05a4f7e5695dba987 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ds-ext-abugajewski <> Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2023 09:38:13 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 42/58] fix(irs-api): [TRI-1408] Correct Swagger API documentation for ESS API - dummy BPN --- .../org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/configuration/ | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/irs-api/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/configuration/ b/irs-api/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/configuration/ index 51a8cbb17a..39a71959f7 100644 --- a/irs-api/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/configuration/ +++ b/irs-api/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/configuration/ @@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ private Example createCompleteEssJobResult() { .shells(List.of(createShell())) .tombstone(createTombstone()) .submodel(createEssSubmodel()) - .bpn(Bpn.withManufacturerId("BPNL00000003AYRE").updateManufacturerName("OEM A")) + .bpn(Bpn.withManufacturerId("BPNL00000003AAXX").updateManufacturerName("AB CD")) .build(); final NotificationSummary newSummary = new NotificationSummary( AsyncFetchedItems.builder().running(0).completed(3).failed(0).build(), From 21f5361491ad7991a26cb941d49e49b169f08e43 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jaro Hartmann Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2023 09:59:51 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 43/58] fix(edc-client): Add support to check for rightExpressions --- irs-api/src/main/resources/application.yml | 2 +- .../client/policy/ | 22 +++-- .../policy/ | 90 +++++++------------ 3 files changed, 47 insertions(+), 67 deletions(-) diff --git a/irs-api/src/main/resources/application.yml b/irs-api/src/main/resources/application.yml index cef3ddb7be..ad0f28f1a4 100644 --- a/irs-api/src/main/resources/application.yml +++ b/irs-api/src/main/resources/application.yml @@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ edc: policies: # IRS will only negotiate contracts for offers with a policy as defined in the allowedNames list. # If a requested asset does not provide one of these policies, a tombstone will be created and this node will not be processed. - allowedNames: ID 3.0 Trace, ID 3.1 Trace, R2_Traceability # List of comma separated names of the policies to accept. + allowedNames: ID 3.0 Trace, ID 3.1 Trace, R2_Traceability, FrameworkAgreement.traceability # List of comma separated names of the policies to accept. digitalTwinRegistry: type: ${DIGITALTWINREGISTRY_TYPE:decentral} # The type of DTR. This can be either "central" or "decentral". If "decentral", descriptorEndpoint, shellLookupEndpoint and oAuthClientId is not required. diff --git a/irs-edc-client/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/edc/client/policy/ b/irs-edc-client/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/edc/client/policy/ index 8e62b525e7..4e90d6af10 100644 --- a/irs-edc-client/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/edc/client/policy/ +++ b/irs-edc-client/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/edc/client/policy/ @@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ package org.eclipse.tractusx.irs.edc.client.policy; import java.time.OffsetDateTime; +import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; @@ -61,20 +62,27 @@ public boolean isValid(final Policy policy) { @NotNull private List getAllowedPolicies() { + final List policyIds = getValidStoredPolicyIds(); + final List allowedPolicies = new ArrayList<>(); + allowedPolicies.addAll( -> createPolicy("idsc:PURPOSE", policy)).toList()); + allowedPolicies.addAll( -> createPolicy(policy, "active")).toList()); + + return allowedPolicies; + } + + @NotNull + private List getValidStoredPolicyIds() { return policyStore.getAcceptedPolicies() .stream() .filter(p -> p.validUntil().isAfter( .map(AcceptedPolicy::policyId) .flatMap(this::addEncodedVersion) - .map(this::createPolicy) .toList(); } private boolean isValid(final Permission permission, final PolicyDefinition policyDefinition) { return permission.getAction().getType().equals(policyDefinition.getPermissionActionType()) - && permission.getConstraints() - .stream() - .anyMatch(constraint -> isValid(constraint, policyDefinition)); + && permission.getConstraints().stream().anyMatch(constraint -> isValid(constraint, policyDefinition)); } private boolean isValid(final Constraint constraint, final PolicyDefinition policyDefinition) { @@ -95,12 +103,12 @@ private boolean isValid(final Constraint constraint, final PolicyDefinition poli return false; } - private PolicyDefinition createPolicy(final String policyName) { + private PolicyDefinition createPolicy(final String leftExpression, final String rightExpression) { return PolicyDefinition.builder() .permissionActionType("USE") .constraintType("AtomicConstraint") - .leftExpressionValue("idsc:PURPOSE") - .rightExpressionValue(policyName) + .leftExpressionValue(leftExpression) + .rightExpressionValue(rightExpression) .constraintOperator("EQ") .build(); } diff --git a/irs-edc-client/src/test/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/edc/client/policy/ b/irs-edc-client/src/test/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/edc/client/policy/ index 11a96ca302..8ef899c134 100644 --- a/irs-edc-client/src/test/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/edc/client/policy/ +++ b/irs-edc-client/src/test/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/edc/client/policy/ @@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach; import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtendWith; +import org.junit.jupiter.params.ParameterizedTest; +import org.junit.jupiter.params.provider.CsvSource; import org.mockito.Mock; import org.mockito.junit.jupiter.MockitoExtension; @@ -47,34 +49,37 @@ class PolicyCheckerServiceTest { @Mock private AcceptedPoliciesProvider policyStore; + private static Policy createPolicy(final String leftExpr, final String rightExpr) { + final AtomicConstraint atomicConstraint = AtomicConstraint.Builder.newInstance() + .leftExpression( + new LiteralExpression(leftExpr)) + .rightExpression( + new LiteralExpression(rightExpr)) + .operator(Operator.EQ) + .build(); + final Permission permission = Permission.Builder.newInstance() + .action(Action.Builder.newInstance().type("USE").build()) + .constraint(atomicConstraint) + .build(); + return Policy.Builder.newInstance().permission(permission).build(); + } + @BeforeEach void setUp() { - final var policyList = List.of(new AcceptedPolicy("ID 3.0 Trace",; + final var policyList = List.of(new AcceptedPolicy("ID 3.0 Trace",, + new AcceptedPolicy("FrameworkAgreement.traceability",; when(policyStore.getAcceptedPolicies()).thenReturn(policyList); policyCheckerService = new PolicyCheckerService(policyStore); } - @Test - void shouldConfirmValidPolicy() { + @ParameterizedTest + @CsvSource(value = { "idsc:PURPOSE,ID 3.0 Trace", + "idsc:PURPOSE,ID%203.0%20Trace", + "FrameworkAgreement.traceability,active" + }, delimiter = ',') + void shouldConfirmValidPolicy(final String leftExpr, final String rightExpr) { // given - Policy policy = Policy.Builder.newInstance() - .permission(Permission.Builder.newInstance() - .action(Action.Builder.newInstance() - .type("USE") - .build()) - .constraint(AtomicConstraint.Builder.newInstance() - .leftExpression( - new LiteralExpression( - "idsc:PURPOSE")) - .rightExpression( - new LiteralExpression( - "ID 3.0 Trace")) - - .operator( - Operator.EQ) - .build()) - .build()) - .build(); + Policy policy = createPolicy(leftExpr, rightExpr); // when boolean result = policyCheckerService.isValid(policy); @@ -85,24 +90,7 @@ void shouldConfirmValidPolicy() { @Test void shouldRejectWrongPolicy() { // given - Policy policy = Policy.Builder.newInstance() - .permission(Permission.Builder.newInstance() - .action(Action.Builder.newInstance() - .type("USE") - .build()) - .constraint(AtomicConstraint.Builder.newInstance() - .leftExpression( - new LiteralExpression( - "idsc:PURPOSE")) - .rightExpression( - new LiteralExpression( - "Wrong_Trace")) - - .operator( - Operator.EQ) - .build()) - .build()) - .build(); + Policy policy = createPolicy("idsc:PURPOSE", "Wrong_Trace"); // when boolean result = policyCheckerService.isValid(policy); @@ -111,31 +99,15 @@ void shouldRejectWrongPolicy() { } @Test - void shouldConfirmValidPolicyEvenEncodingVersion() { + void shouldRejectWhenPolicyStoreIsEmpty() { // given - Policy policy = Policy.Builder.newInstance() - .permission(Permission.Builder.newInstance() - .action(Action.Builder.newInstance() - .type("USE") - .build()) - .constraint(AtomicConstraint.Builder.newInstance() - .leftExpression( - new LiteralExpression( - "idsc:PURPOSE")) - .rightExpression( - new LiteralExpression( - "ID%203.0%20Trace")) - - .operator( - Operator.EQ) - .build()) - .build()) - .build(); + Policy policy = createPolicy("idsc:PURPOSE", "ID 3.0 Trace"); + when(policyStore.getAcceptedPolicies()).thenReturn(List.of()); // when boolean result = policyCheckerService.isValid(policy); // then - assertThat(result).isTrue(); + assertThat(result).isFalse(); } } \ No newline at end of file From 697a37973aeac2d99ac84c598932876e11946219 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jaro Hartmann Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2023 10:02:27 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 44/58] fix(edc-client): Allow all policies if wildcard '*' is set --- .../client/policy/ | 3 +++ .../policy/ | 27 +++++++++++++++++++ 2 files changed, 30 insertions(+) diff --git a/irs-edc-client/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/edc/client/policy/ b/irs-edc-client/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/edc/client/policy/ index 4e90d6af10..fb1654d51c 100644 --- a/irs-edc-client/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/edc/client/policy/ +++ b/irs-edc-client/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/edc/client/policy/ @@ -54,6 +54,9 @@ public boolean isValid(final Policy policy) { final List policyList = getAllowedPolicies();"Checking policy {} against allowed policies: {}", StringMapper.mapToString(policy), String.join(",",; + if (getValidStoredPolicyIds().contains("*")) { + return true; + } return policy.getPermissions() .stream() .anyMatch(permission -> diff --git a/irs-edc-client/src/test/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/edc/client/policy/ b/irs-edc-client/src/test/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/edc/client/policy/ index 8ef899c134..4d823188cb 100644 --- a/irs-edc-client/src/test/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/edc/client/policy/ +++ b/irs-edc-client/src/test/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/edc/client/policy/ @@ -110,4 +110,31 @@ void shouldRejectWhenPolicyStoreIsEmpty() { assertThat(result).isFalse(); } + @Test + void shouldConfirmValidPolicyWhenWildcardIsSet() { + // given + final var policyList = List.of(new AcceptedPolicy("ID 3.0 Trace",, + new AcceptedPolicy("*",; + when(policyStore.getAcceptedPolicies()).thenReturn(policyList); + Policy policy = createPolicy("FrameworkAgreement.traceability", "active"); + // when + boolean result = policyCheckerService.isValid(policy); + + // then + assertThat(result).isTrue(); + } + + @Test + void shouldRejectWhenWildcardIsPartOfPolicy() { + // given + final var policyList = List.of(new AcceptedPolicy("Policy*",; + when(policyStore.getAcceptedPolicies()).thenReturn(policyList); + Policy policy = createPolicy("FrameworkAgreement.traceability", "active"); + // when + boolean result = policyCheckerService.isValid(policy); + + // then + assertThat(result).isFalse(); + } + } \ No newline at end of file From bc766622d1cbf34594bc10d383e4f615340009c6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ds-ext-abugajewski <> Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2023 11:04:33 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 45/58] fix(irs-api): [TRI-1428] Batch processing fail due to missing bpn - fix formatting --- local/testing/IRS_Request_Collection.json | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/local/testing/IRS_Request_Collection.json b/local/testing/IRS_Request_Collection.json index 4de952f815..fd0e2bef1b 100644 --- a/local/testing/IRS_Request_Collection.json +++ b/local/testing/IRS_Request_Collection.json @@ -1992,7 +1992,7 @@ "method": "POST", "body": { "mimeType": "application/json", - "text": "{\n\t\"aspects\": [\n\t\t\"AssemblyPartRelationship\"\n\t],\n\t\"collectAspects\": true,\n\t\"lookupBPNs\": true,\n\t\"direction\": \"downward\",\n\t\"batchSize\": 10,\n \"batchStrategy\": \"PRESERVE_BATCH_JOB_ORDER\",\n\t\"keys\": [\n\t\t{\"globalAssetId\": \"urn:uuid:ed333e9a-5afa-40b2-99da-bae2fd211122\", \"bpn\": \"BPNL00000003AAXX\"},{\n\t\t\"globalAssetId\": \"urn:uuid:771d2ccc-a081-4d3a-bcb2-46c6a0a32211\", \"bpn\": \"BPNL00000003AAXX\"}\n\t]\n}" + "text": "{\n\t\"aspects\": [\n\t\t\"AssemblyPartRelationship\"\n\t],\n\t\"collectAspects\": true,\n\t\"lookupBPNs\": true,\n\t\"direction\": \"downward\",\n\t\"batchSize\": 10,\n \"batchStrategy\": \"PRESERVE_BATCH_JOB_ORDER\",\n\t\"keys\": [\n\t\t{\n\t\t\"globalAssetId\": \"urn:uuid:ed333e9a-5afa-40b2-99da-bae2fd211122\",\n \"bpn\": \"BPNL00000003AAXX\"},\n\t\t{\n\t\t\"globalAssetId\": \"urn:uuid:771d2ccc-a081-4d3a-bcb2-46c6a0a32211\",\n \"bpn\": \"BPNL00000003AAXX\"}\n\t]\n}" }, "parameters": [], "headers": [ From a3bef8e62ed0da6ad858a63016fcea9957d4f67e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ds-mkanal <> Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2023 11:18:51 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 46/58] Update --- | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 5c2875d461..c984a6d333 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning]( - [TRI-1098] Software related information disclosure - IRS returns redundant information about the type and version of used software - [TRI-793] Misconfigured Access-Control-Allow- Origin Header - by intercepting network traffic it could be possible to read and modify any messages that are exchanged with server - [TRI-1095] HTTP security headers configuration could be improved and allow for additional protection against some web application attacks -- Synchronous communication with external services without circuit breaker pattern - potentially could affect IRS resilience when other services becomes non-responsive +- [TRI-1441] Synchronous communication with shared C-X services without circuit breaker pattern - potentially could affect IRS resilience when other services becomes non-responsive. - Cascading effects of failure when Digital Twin Registry becomes non-responsive - potentially bulkhead pattern could improve IRS resilience - Retry mechanism used inside IRS could potentially affect IRS resilience - DDOS other services on which IRS is dependent, exhaustion of resources and available threads, etc. - Lack of resources management - max threads, heap limitation, etc. From cb74b2c86a8f894ce803da48cdf1a059ffbf8142 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ds-mkanal <> Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2023 11:19:03 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 47/58] Update --- | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/ b/ index c984a6d333..f13d887f83 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning]( - [TRI-793] Misconfigured Access-Control-Allow- Origin Header - by intercepting network traffic it could be possible to read and modify any messages that are exchanged with server - [TRI-1095] HTTP security headers configuration could be improved and allow for additional protection against some web application attacks - [TRI-1441] Synchronous communication with shared C-X services without circuit breaker pattern - potentially could affect IRS resilience when other services becomes non-responsive. -- Cascading effects of failure when Digital Twin Registry becomes non-responsive - potentially bulkhead pattern could improve IRS resilience +- [TRI-1441] Cascading effects of failure when Digital Twin Registry becomes non-responsive - potentially bulkhead pattern could improve IRS resilience - Retry mechanism used inside IRS could potentially affect IRS resilience - DDOS other services on which IRS is dependent, exhaustion of resources and available threads, etc. - Lack of resources management - max threads, heap limitation, etc. - IRS was not scaled to multiple instances, and was not tested in such environment From ffd8e6ad486ed506fafc6b7a7069a40bc9d63d11 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ds-mkanal <> Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2023 11:19:08 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 48/58] Update --- | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/ b/ index f13d887f83..8182d192d0 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning]( - [TRI-1095] HTTP security headers configuration could be improved and allow for additional protection against some web application attacks - [TRI-1441] Synchronous communication with shared C-X services without circuit breaker pattern - potentially could affect IRS resilience when other services becomes non-responsive. - [TRI-1441] Cascading effects of failure when Digital Twin Registry becomes non-responsive - potentially bulkhead pattern could improve IRS resilience -- Retry mechanism used inside IRS could potentially affect IRS resilience - DDOS other services on which IRS is dependent, exhaustion of resources and available threads, etc. +- [TRI-1477] Retry mechanism used inside IRS could potentially affect IRS resilience - DDOS other services on which IRS is dependent, exhaustion of resources and available threads, etc. - Lack of resources management - max threads, heap limitation, etc. - IRS was not scaled to multiple instances, and was not tested in such environment From 8440d4340c10419137904928d65d0b5c23a58547 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ds-mkanal <> Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2023 11:19:14 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 49/58] Update --- | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 8182d192d0..0ffac64004 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning]( - [TRI-1441] Synchronous communication with shared C-X services without circuit breaker pattern - potentially could affect IRS resilience when other services becomes non-responsive. - [TRI-1441] Cascading effects of failure when Digital Twin Registry becomes non-responsive - potentially bulkhead pattern could improve IRS resilience - [TRI-1477] Retry mechanism used inside IRS could potentially affect IRS resilience - DDOS other services on which IRS is dependent, exhaustion of resources and available threads, etc. -- Lack of resources management - max threads, heap limitation, etc. +- [TRI-1478] Lack of resources management - thread pooling, heap limitation etc. - IRS was not scaled to multiple instances, and was not tested in such environment ## [3.1.0] - 2023-06-28 From 099ef57a96cb0e1978ecbca1f277f777e5ccc1cd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ds-mkanal <> Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2023 11:19:22 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 50/58] Update --- | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 0ffac64004..fa6c57c63d 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning]( - [TRI-1441] Cascading effects of failure when Digital Twin Registry becomes non-responsive - potentially bulkhead pattern could improve IRS resilience - [TRI-1477] Retry mechanism used inside IRS could potentially affect IRS resilience - DDOS other services on which IRS is dependent, exhaustion of resources and available threads, etc. - [TRI-1478] Lack of resources management - thread pooling, heap limitation etc. -- IRS was not scaled to multiple instances, and was not tested in such environment +- [TRI-1024] IRS does not support scale out on multiple instances ## [3.1.0] - 2023-06-28 ### Changed From 3b8665b4ad9d47142ee3d3874c32dde0988a9bfe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jaro Hartmann Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2023 13:13:30 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 51/58] fix(edc-client): Add support for multiplicity constraints --- .../client/policy/ | 10 ++-- .../client/ | 10 ++-- .../policy/ | 49 ++++++++++++++++--- .../__files/edc/responseCatalog.json | 21 +++++--- 4 files changed, 68 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-) diff --git a/irs-edc-client/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/edc/client/policy/ b/irs-edc-client/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/edc/client/policy/ index fb1654d51c..dfd303d3cd 100644 --- a/irs-edc-client/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/edc/client/policy/ +++ b/irs-edc-client/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/edc/client/policy/ @@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import org.eclipse.edc.policy.model.AtomicConstraint; import org.eclipse.edc.policy.model.Constraint; +import org.eclipse.edc.policy.model.MultiplicityConstraint; import org.eclipse.edc.policy.model.Operator; -import org.eclipse.edc.policy.model.OrConstraint; import org.eclipse.edc.policy.model.Permission; import org.eclipse.edc.policy.model.Policy; import; @@ -98,10 +98,10 @@ private boolean isValid(final Constraint constraint, final PolicyDefinition poli Operator.valueOf(policyDefinition.getConstraintOperator())) .build() .isValid(); - } else if (constraint instanceof OrConstraint orConstraint) { - return orConstraint.getConstraints() - .stream() - .anyMatch(constraint1 -> isValid(constraint1, policyDefinition)); + } else if (constraint instanceof MultiplicityConstraint multiplicityConstraint) { + return multiplicityConstraint.getConstraints() + .stream() + .anyMatch(constraint1 -> isValid(constraint1, policyDefinition)); } return false; } diff --git a/irs-edc-client/src/test/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/edc/client/ b/irs-edc-client/src/test/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/edc/client/ index 8b281c6000..27d1d9afe4 100644 --- a/irs-edc-client/src/test/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/edc/client/ +++ b/irs-edc-client/src/test/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/edc/client/ @@ -33,12 +33,12 @@ import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThatExceptionOfType; import static org.eclipse.tractusx.irs.edc.client.configuration.JsonLdConfiguration.NAMESPACE_EDC_CID; import static org.eclipse.tractusx.irs.edc.client.testutil.TestMother.createEdcTransformer; -import static org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers.any; import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock; import static org.mockito.Mockito.when; import java.time.Clock; import java.time.Duration; +import java.time.OffsetDateTime; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; @@ -52,6 +52,8 @@ import org.eclipse.edc.policy.model.PolicyRegistrationTypes; import org.eclipse.edc.spi.types.domain.edr.EndpointDataReference; import org.eclipse.tractusx.irs.edc.client.exceptions.EdcClientException; +import org.eclipse.tractusx.irs.edc.client.policy.AcceptedPoliciesProvider; +import org.eclipse.tractusx.irs.edc.client.policy.AcceptedPolicy; import org.eclipse.tractusx.irs.edc.client.policy.PolicyCheckerService; import org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterEach; import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach; @@ -106,8 +108,10 @@ void configureSystemUnderTest() { final EDCCatalogFacade catalogFacade = new EDCCatalogFacade(controlPlaneClient, config); - final PolicyCheckerService policyCheckerService = mock(PolicyCheckerService.class); - when(policyCheckerService.isValid(any())).thenReturn(Boolean.TRUE); + final AcceptedPoliciesProvider acceptedPoliciesProvider = mock(AcceptedPoliciesProvider.class); + when(acceptedPoliciesProvider.getAcceptedPolicies()).thenReturn( + List.of(new AcceptedPolicy("FrameworkAgreement.traceability",; + final PolicyCheckerService policyCheckerService = new PolicyCheckerService(acceptedPoliciesProvider); final ContractNegotiationService contractNegotiationService = new ContractNegotiationService(controlPlaneClient, policyCheckerService, config); diff --git a/irs-edc-client/src/test/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/edc/client/policy/ b/irs-edc-client/src/test/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/edc/client/policy/ index 4d823188cb..8db2817a17 100644 --- a/irs-edc-client/src/test/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/edc/client/policy/ +++ b/irs-edc-client/src/test/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/edc/client/policy/ @@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.edc.policy.model.Action; +import org.eclipse.edc.policy.model.AndConstraint; import org.eclipse.edc.policy.model.AtomicConstraint; import org.eclipse.edc.policy.model.LiteralExpression; import org.eclipse.edc.policy.model.Operator; @@ -50,16 +51,37 @@ class PolicyCheckerServiceTest { private AcceptedPoliciesProvider policyStore; private static Policy createPolicy(final String leftExpr, final String rightExpr) { - final AtomicConstraint atomicConstraint = AtomicConstraint.Builder.newInstance() - .leftExpression( - new LiteralExpression(leftExpr)) - .rightExpression( - new LiteralExpression(rightExpr)) - .operator(Operator.EQ) - .build(); + final AtomicConstraint constraint = AtomicConstraint.Builder.newInstance() + .leftExpression(new LiteralExpression(leftExpr)) + .rightExpression(new LiteralExpression(rightExpr)) + .operator(Operator.EQ) + .build(); final Permission permission = Permission.Builder.newInstance() .action(Action.Builder.newInstance().type("USE").build()) - .constraint(atomicConstraint) + .constraint(constraint) + .build(); + return Policy.Builder.newInstance().permission(permission).build(); + } + + private static Policy createAndPolicy(final String leftExpr, final String rightExpr) { + final AtomicConstraint constraint1 = AtomicConstraint.Builder.newInstance() + .leftExpression(new LiteralExpression(leftExpr)) + .rightExpression(new LiteralExpression(rightExpr)) + .operator(Operator.EQ) + .build(); + final AtomicConstraint constraint2 = AtomicConstraint.Builder.newInstance() + .leftExpression( + new LiteralExpression("leftExpression")) + .rightExpression( + new LiteralExpression("rightExpression")) + .operator(Operator.EQ) + .build(); + final AndConstraint build = AndConstraint.Builder.newInstance() + .constraints(List.of(constraint1, constraint2)) + .build(); + final Permission permission = Permission.Builder.newInstance() + .action(Action.Builder.newInstance().type("USE").build()) + .constraint(build) .build(); return Policy.Builder.newInstance().permission(permission).build(); } @@ -137,4 +159,15 @@ void shouldRejectWhenWildcardIsPartOfPolicy() { assertThat(result).isFalse(); } + @Test + void shouldValidateDifferentTypesOfConstraints() { + // given + Policy policy = createAndPolicy("FrameworkAgreement.traceability", "active"); + // when + boolean result = policyCheckerService.isValid(policy); + + // then + assertThat(result).isTrue(); + } + } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/irs-edc-client/src/test/resources/__files/edc/responseCatalog.json b/irs-edc-client/src/test/resources/__files/edc/responseCatalog.json index 6c6fc2bd9e..53d7c6621f 100644 --- a/irs-edc-client/src/test/resources/__files/edc/responseCatalog.json +++ b/irs-edc-client/src/test/resources/__files/edc/responseCatalog.json @@ -13,13 +13,22 @@ "odrl:type": "USE" }, "odrl:constraint": { - "odrl:or": { - "odrl:leftOperand": "idsc:PURPOSE", - "odrl:operator": { - "@id": "odrl:eq" + "odrl:and": [ + { + "odrl:leftOperand": "BusinessPartnerNumber", + "odrl:operator": { + "@id": "odrl:eq" + }, + "odrl:rightOperand": "{{BPN6789}}" }, - "odrl:rightOperand": "ID 3.0 Trace" - } + { + "odrl:leftOperand": "FrameworkAgreement.traceability", + "odrl:operator": { + "@id": "odrl:eq" + }, + "odrl:rightOperand": "active" + } + ] } }, "odrl:prohibition": [], From a617f8dc3e4f4ce4a3f28b5c46d7095589c77770 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ds-ext-abugajewski <> Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2023 13:53:36 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 52/58] fix(ess-api): [TRI-1408] Correct Swagger API documentation for ESS API - fix magic string and tests --- docs/src/api/irs-v1.0.yaml | 107 +++++++++++++++++- .../irs/configuration/ | 10 +- 2 files changed, 113 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/src/api/irs-v1.0.yaml b/docs/src/api/irs-v1.0.yaml index fcd7538030..77d898b9eb 100644 --- a/docs/src/api/irs-v1.0.yaml +++ b/docs/src/api/irs-v1.0.yaml @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ paths: application/json: examples: complete: - $ref: '#/components/examples/complete-job-result' + $ref: '#/components/examples/complete-ess-job-result' schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Jobs' description: Return job with item graph for the requested id. @@ -939,6 +939,111 @@ components: orderId: f253718e-a270-4367-901b-9d50d9bd8462 startedOn: 2022-02-03T14:48:54.709Z totalJobs: 1 + complete-ess-job-result: + value: + bpns: + - manufacturerId: BPNL00000003AAXX + manufacturerName: AB CD + job: + completedOn: 2022-02-03T14:48:54.709Z + createdOn: 2022-02-03T14:48:54.709Z + exception: + errorDetail: Timeout while requesting Digital Registry + exception: IrsTimeoutException + exceptionDate: 2022-02-03T14:48:54.709Z + globalAssetId: urn:uuid:6c311d29-5753-46d4-b32c-19b918ea93b0 + id: e5347c88-a921-11ec-b909-0242ac120002 + lastModifiedOn: 2022-02-03T14:48:54.709Z + owner: "" + parameter: + aspects: + - SerialPart + - AddressAspect + bomLifecycle: asBuilt + collectAspects: false + depth: 1 + direction: downward + lookupBPNs: false + startedOn: 2022-02-03T14:48:54.709Z + state: COMPLETED + summary: + asyncFetchedItems: + completed: 3 + failed: 0 + running: 0 + bpnLookups: + completed: 3 + failed: 0 + relationships: + - catenaXId: urn:uuid:d9bec1c6-e47c-4d18-ba41-0a5fe8b7f447 + linkedItem: + assembledOn: 2022-02-03T14:48:54.709Z + childCatenaXId: urn:uuid:a45a2246-f6e1-42da-b47d-5c3b58ed62e9 + lastModifiedOn: 2022-02-03T14:48:54.709Z + lifecycleContext: asBuilt + quantity: + measurementUnit: + datatypeURI: urn:bamm:io.openmanufacturing:meta-model:1.0.0#piece + lexicalValue: piece + quantityNumber: 1.0 + shells: + - description: + - language: en + text: The shell for a vehicle + globalAssetId: urn:uuid:a45a2246-f6e1-42da-b47d-5c3b58ed62e9 + id: 882fc530-b69b-4707-95f6-5dbc5e9baaa8 + idShort: future concept x + specificAssetIds: + - name: engineserialid + value: "12309481209312" + submodelDescriptors: + - description: + - language: en + text: Provides base vehicle information + endpoints: + - interface: HTTP + protocolInformation: + endpointProtocol: HTTPS + endpointProtocolVersion: + - "1.0" + href: + id: 4a738a24-b7d8-4989-9cd6-387772f40565 + idShort: vehicle base details + semanticId: + keys: + - type: Submodel + value: urn:bamm:com.catenax.vehicle:0.1.1 + type: ModelReference + - description: + - language: en + text: Provides base vehicle information + endpoints: + - interface: HTTP + protocolInformation: + endpointProtocol: HTTPS + endpointProtocolVersion: + - "1.0" + href: + id: dae4d249-6d66-4818-b576-bf52f3b9ae90 + idShort: vehicle part details + semanticId: + keys: + - type: Submodel + value: urn:bamm:com.catenax.vehicle:0.1.1#PartDetails + type: ModelReference + submodels: + - aspectType: supply_chain_impacted + identification: urn:uuid:fc784d2a-5506-4e61-8e34-21600f8cdeff + payload: + supplyChainImpacted: "YES" + tombstones: + - catenaXId: urn:uuid:6c311d29-5753-46d4-b32c-19b918ea93b0 + endpointURL: + processingError: + errorDetail: Details to reason of Failure + lastAttempt: 2022-02-03T14:48:54.709Z + processStep: SchemaValidation + retryCounter: 0 complete-job-list-processing-state: value: content: diff --git a/irs-api/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/configuration/ b/irs-api/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/configuration/ index 39a71959f7..780313562b 100644 --- a/irs-api/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/configuration/ +++ b/irs-api/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/configuration/ @@ -86,6 +86,10 @@ public class OpenApiExamples { private static final String GLOBAL_ASSET_ID = "urn:uuid:6c311d29-5753-46d4-b32c-19b918ea93b0"; private static final String SUBMODEL_IDENTIFICATION = "urn:uuid:fc784d2a-5506-4e61-8e34-21600f8cdeff"; private static final String JOB_HANDLE_ID_1 = "6c311d29-5753-46d4-b32c-19b918ea93b0"; + private static final String EXAMPLE_BPN = "BPNL00000003AAXX"; + private static final String SUPPLY_CHAIN_IMPACTED_ASPECT_TYPE = "supply_chain_impacted"; + private static final String SUPPLY_CHAIN_IMPACTED_KEY = "supplyChainImpacted"; + private static final String SUPPLY_CHAIN_IMPACTER_RESULT = "YES"; public void createExamples(final Components components) { components.addExamples("job-handle", toExample(createJobHandle(JOB_HANDLE_ID_1))); @@ -265,7 +269,7 @@ private Example createCompleteEssJobResult() { .shells(List.of(createShell())) .tombstone(createTombstone()) .submodel(createEssSubmodel()) - .bpn(Bpn.withManufacturerId("BPNL00000003AAXX").updateManufacturerName("AB CD")) + .bpn(Bpn.withManufacturerId(EXAMPLE_BPN).updateManufacturerName("AB CD")) .build(); final NotificationSummary newSummary = new NotificationSummary( AsyncFetchedItems.builder().running(0).completed(3).failed(0).build(), @@ -276,9 +280,9 @@ private Example createCompleteEssJobResult() { private Submodel createEssSubmodel() { return Submodel.builder() - .aspectType("supply_chain_impacted") + .aspectType(SUPPLY_CHAIN_IMPACTED_ASPECT_TYPE) .identification(SUBMODEL_IDENTIFICATION) - .payload(Map.of("supplyChainImpacted", "YES")) + .payload(Map.of(SUPPLY_CHAIN_IMPACTED_KEY, SUPPLY_CHAIN_IMPACTER_RESULT)) .build(); } From 552ec932d3ef14d1fc4d1d6ee9d5358183845462 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ds-ext-abugajewski <> Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2023 14:01:39 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 53/58] fix(ess-api): [TRI-1408] Correct Swagger API documentation for ESS API - fix magic int --- .../tractusx/irs/configuration/ | 8 ++++++-- 1 file changed, 6 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/irs-api/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/configuration/ b/irs-api/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/configuration/ index 780313562b..4e4baaca2a 100644 --- a/irs-api/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/configuration/ +++ b/irs-api/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/configuration/ @@ -90,6 +90,9 @@ public class OpenApiExamples { private static final String SUPPLY_CHAIN_IMPACTED_ASPECT_TYPE = "supply_chain_impacted"; private static final String SUPPLY_CHAIN_IMPACTED_KEY = "supplyChainImpacted"; private static final String SUPPLY_CHAIN_IMPACTER_RESULT = "YES"; + private static final int FETCHED_ITEMS_SIZE = 3; + private static final int NO_RUNNING_OR_FAILED_ITEMS = 0; + private static final int SENT_NOTIFICATIONS_SIZE = 6; public void createExamples(final Components components) { components.addExamples("job-handle", toExample(createJobHandle(JOB_HANDLE_ID_1))); @@ -272,8 +275,9 @@ private Example createCompleteEssJobResult() { .bpn(Bpn.withManufacturerId(EXAMPLE_BPN).updateManufacturerName("AB CD")) .build(); final NotificationSummary newSummary = new NotificationSummary( - AsyncFetchedItems.builder().running(0).completed(3).failed(0).build(), - FetchedItems.builder().completed(3).failed(0).build(), 6, 6); + AsyncFetchedItems.builder().running(NO_RUNNING_OR_FAILED_ITEMS).completed(FETCHED_ITEMS_SIZE).failed(NO_RUNNING_OR_FAILED_ITEMS).build(), + FetchedItems.builder().completed(FETCHED_ITEMS_SIZE).failed(NO_RUNNING_OR_FAILED_ITEMS).build(), + SENT_NOTIFICATIONS_SIZE, SENT_NOTIFICATIONS_SIZE); final Job job = essJobsJobs.getJob().toBuilder().summary(newSummary).build(); return toExample(essJobsJobs.toBuilder().job(job).build()); } From 20eae844a38573c1b573c7b8d44bedcb7dc5f4da Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ds-ext-abugajewski <> Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2023 15:05:00 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 54/58] fix(irs-api): [TRI-1408] Correct Swagger API documentation for ESS - description improvement Co-authored-by: ds-mkanal <> --- docs/src/api/irs-v1.0.yaml | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/docs/src/api/irs-v1.0.yaml b/docs/src/api/irs-v1.0.yaml index 77d898b9eb..54c6aa69f0 100644 --- a/docs/src/api/irs-v1.0.yaml +++ b/docs/src/api/irs-v1.0.yaml @@ -1040,7 +1040,7 @@ components: - catenaXId: urn:uuid:6c311d29-5753-46d4-b32c-19b918ea93b0 endpointURL: processingError: - errorDetail: Details to reason of Failure + errorDetail: Details to reason of failure lastAttempt: 2022-02-03T14:48:54.709Z processStep: SchemaValidation retryCounter: 0 From b68c67ffe0152d60b8b70ebadc7f3dcb3aa61587 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ds-ext-abugajewski <> Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2023 15:13:15 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 55/58] fix(ess-api): [TRI-1408] Correct Swagger API documentation for ESS API - Details to reason of failure improved --- docs/src/api/irs-v1.0.yaml | 4 ++-- .../eclipse/tractusx/irs/configuration/ | 2 +- 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) diff --git a/docs/src/api/irs-v1.0.yaml b/docs/src/api/irs-v1.0.yaml index 54c6aa69f0..199888b286 100644 --- a/docs/src/api/irs-v1.0.yaml +++ b/docs/src/api/irs-v1.0.yaml @@ -1161,7 +1161,7 @@ components: - catenaXId: urn:uuid:6c311d29-5753-46d4-b32c-19b918ea93b0 endpointURL: processingError: - errorDetail: Details to reason of Failure + errorDetail: Details to reason of failure lastAttempt: 2022-02-03T14:48:54.709Z processStep: SchemaValidation retryCounter: 0 @@ -1341,7 +1341,7 @@ components: - catenaXId: urn:uuid:6c311d29-5753-46d4-b32c-19b918ea93b0 endpointURL: processingError: - errorDetail: Details to reason of Failure + errorDetail: Details to reason of failure lastAttempt: 2022-02-03T14:48:54.709Z processStep: SchemaValidation retryCounter: 0 diff --git a/irs-api/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/configuration/ b/irs-api/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/configuration/ index 4e4baaca2a..f08666c5c0 100644 --- a/irs-api/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/configuration/ +++ b/irs-api/src/main/java/org/eclipse/tractusx/irs/configuration/ @@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ private Tombstone createTombstone() { .endpointURL("") .processingError(ProcessingError.builder() .withProcessStep(ProcessStep.SCHEMA_VALIDATION) - .withErrorDetail("Details to reason of Failure") + .withErrorDetail("Details to reason of failure") .withLastAttempt(EXAMPLE_ZONED_DATETIME) .withRetryCounter(0) .build()) From a0a13cde3e07662f0420c72ebdf30ce975fca84d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jaro Hartmann Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2023 15:49:00 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 56/58] chore(charts): fix template for digitalTwinRegistry.descriptorEndpoint --- charts/irs-helm/values.yaml | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/charts/irs-helm/values.yaml b/charts/irs-helm/values.yaml index df8e7a3697..8d82b73655 100644 --- a/charts/irs-helm/values.yaml +++ b/charts/irs-helm/values.yaml @@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ digitalTwinRegistry: type: decentral # The type of DTR. This can be either "central" or "decentral". If "decentral", descriptorEndpoint, shellLookupEndpoint and oAuthClientId is not required. url: # "https://" descriptorEndpoint: >- - {{ tpl (.Values.digitalTwinRegistry.url | default "") . }}/registry/shell-descriptors/{aasIdentifier} + {{ tpl (.Values.digitalTwinRegistry.url | default "") . }}/shell-descriptors/{aasIdentifier} shellLookupEndpoint: >- {{ tpl (.Values.digitalTwinRegistry.url | default "") . }}/lookup/shells?assetIds={assetIds} discoveryFinderUrl: # "https:// From 67c78db67b71b9b54e3f076f41d575040fa97111 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jaro Hartmann Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2023 15:49:27 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 57/58] chore(changelog): Update changelog for release 3.2.1 --- | 11 +++++++++-- charts/irs-helm/ | 5 +++++ 2 files changed, 14 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 700328aa98..b659a7b6db 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -6,6 +6,12 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning]( ## [Unreleased] +## [3.2.1] - 2023-07-19 +### Fixed +- EDC Policies now get validated regardless of the type of constraint. +- EDC Policies of type `FrameworkAgreement` are now validated correctly. +- Fixed error in BPN handling for IRS Batch requests + ## [3.2.0] - 2023-07-14 ### Changed - The client code for accessing the Digital Twin Registry (central and decentral) is now available as a spring boot maven library. See the README in the irs-registry-client module for more information. @@ -26,7 +32,7 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning]( - [TRI-1478] Lack of resources management - thread pooling, heap limitation etc. - [TRI-1024] IRS does not support scale out on multiple instances -## [3.1.0] - 2023-06-28 +## [3.1.0] - 2023-07-07 ### Changed - Removed catalog cache - Changed EDC catalog retrieval from pagination to filter @@ -276,7 +282,8 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning]( ### Unresolved - **Select Aspects you need** You are able to select the needed aspects for which you want to collect the correct endpoint information. -[Unreleased]: +[Unreleased]: +[3.2.1]: [3.2.0]: [3.1.0]: [3.0.1]: diff --git a/charts/irs-helm/ b/charts/irs-helm/ index fddf7e1dff..1d4b058eeb 100644 --- a/charts/irs-helm/ +++ b/charts/irs-helm/ @@ -6,6 +6,11 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning]( ## [Unreleased] +## [6.2.1] - 2023-07-19 +### Changed +- Update IRS version to 3.2.1 +- Removed path segment `/registry` from default template for `digitalTwinRegistry.descriptorEndpoint` + ## [6.2.0] - 2023-07-14 ### Changed - Update IRS version to 3.2.0 From f036f9b1a5ba513be97cfff6516f2bcde4363cbe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: ds-jhartmann Date: Wed, 19 Jul 2023 14:08:33 +0000 Subject: [PATCH 58/58] chore(release): Prepare release for Helm version 6.2.1 --- charts/irs-helm/Chart.yaml | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/charts/irs-helm/Chart.yaml b/charts/irs-helm/Chart.yaml index 2c1859b02f..97087f9bed 100644 --- a/charts/irs-helm/Chart.yaml +++ b/charts/irs-helm/Chart.yaml @@ -35,12 +35,12 @@ type: application # This is the chart version. This version number should be incremented each time you make changes # to the chart and its templates, including the app version. # Versions are expected to follow Semantic Versioning ( -version: 6.2.0 +version: 6.2.1 # This is the version number of the application being deployed. This version number should be # incremented each time you make changes to the application. Versions are not expected to # follow Semantic Versioning. They should reflect the version the application is using. # It is recommended to use it with quotes. -appVersion: "3.2.0" +appVersion: "3.2.1" dependencies: - name: common repository: