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ds-mkanal edited this page Jun 6, 2024 · 54 revisions

This page will guide you through the main lean principles applying to this project, its processes, how you can participate.

Vision and Mission Statement


In general, the following applies to the IRS:

The Catena-X data sovereignty principles apply to the Item Relationship Service Data Access, policies, and contract negotiation will be done by the EDC The IRS simplifies the interaction with data chains, which are based on the digital twin concept and the designed relationships between these digital twins.


The IRS enables to apply business logic along a distributed data chain, for example aggregation of certificates along the value chain.

Ad-hoc development of continuous data chains across company boundaries for empowerment of the use cases Circular Economy, Traceability, Quality and the European supply chain act.

Working Agreement Team

Goals of a Working Agreement

A working agreement is a document, or a set of documents, that describe how we work together as a team and what our expectations and principles are. The working agreement is created by, aligned & discussed within the team at the beginning of the project, and is stored in Confluence so that it is readily available for everyone working on the project.


  • We work as one team towards a common goal, vision and clear scope.

  • We make sure everyone’s voice is heard and listened to.

  • Furthermore, we show all team members equal respect.

  • We make sure to spread our expertise and skills in the team, so no single person is relied on for one skill.

  • Meetings longer than 30 minutes should start 5 minutes later

Mindset and Awareness of the team 

  • Technical Excellence - Keep on improving, stabilizing, improving quality of this project at any time

    • Thinking about testing

    • Clean Code

    • Technical Excellence Thinking

  • Continuous Improvement Towards Perfection

  • Lean Thinking

  • Keep break the complexity down 

Communication Channels

All project specific communication will be handled within this repository. Use:

  • issues for bugs, or security vulnerabilities

  • comments to participate on features or stories topics

  • discussions to participate an conceptual work

  • chat to get direct contact with the team

more information on how to be part of the community:

Purpose to Communication Channel mapping

Matrix IRS Chat

  • Technical discussions

  • Feature discussions

  • Communication about CVEs

Teams IRS Chat

  • Deployment on CATENA-X infrastructure

  • Absence Notifications

  • Sick Leave / Vacation

  • Stuff and topics which is not allowed to share in the public (Compliance C-X)

Work-life Balance

  • Our core office hours, when we can expect to collaborate via Microsoft Teams, phone or face-to-face are Monday to Friday 9AM - 4PM CE(S)T ,

  • We are not expected to answer emails/messages outside working hours, on weekends or when we are on holidays or vacation.

  • Meetings which take place in addition to the Scrum ceremonies should happen in the afternoon, the morning should stay free for focussed work and/or internal meetings.

  • We record meetings when possible, so that team members who could not attend live can listen later.

Quality and not Quantity

  • We agree on the linked Definition of Done (DoD) for our user story’s and sprints and live by it.

  • We agree on the linked Definition of Ready (DoR) for our user story’s and sprints and live by it.

  • The DoD is subject to regular inspection and improvement and should be synchronized with all relevant teams.

The Eight Flow Accelerators

  • Visualize and limit WIP

  • Address bottlenecks 

  • Minimize handoffs and dependencies 

  • Get faster feedback 

  • Work on smaller batches

  • Reduce queue lengths

  • Optimize time "in the zone"

  • Remediate legacy policies and practices 

IRS Project States

%%{init: {'theme':'dark'}}%%
flowchart LR
    0([new issue\n bug\nsecurity finding])
    inr(IN REVIEW)
    0 --> inbox
    inbox -.->|refinement\nmeeting| backlog
    backlog -.->|iteration planning\nmeeting| next
    next -.-> wip
    wip -.-> inr
    inr -.-> done
    style inbox fill:#2d333b,stroke:#444c56,stroke-width:0.5px,color:#768390
    style backlog fill:#4184e41a,stroke:#4184e466,stroke-width:0.5px,color:#539bf5
    style next fill:#46954a26,stroke:#46954a66,stroke-width:0.5px,color:#57ab5a
    style wip fill:#ae7c1426,stroke:#ae7c1466,stroke-width:0.5px,color:#c69026
    style inr fill:#cc6b2c1a,stroke:#cc6b2c66,stroke-width:0.5px,color:#cc6b2c
    style done fill:#986ee21a,stroke:#986ee266,stroke-width:0.5px,color:#986ee2


All new issues (Bugs, Stories, Security vulerabilities) will be collected in the inbox.


Issues which have already been sighted and some first refinement has been conducted. Issues within the backlog are reasonable items, which will be further dealt within the development of this project. The issue needs to match to the vision and mission of this project!


This State reflects a Sprint based log of issues, which are planned to be finished within the sprint.


Currently Issues, which work is in progress.


Issues on which the review process and test are being conducted.

Review Process

  • Ask a team member to perform the review, in the daily and assign the ticket accordingly. Assign the PR to the team member.

  • PR’s should take precedence over starting new tasks. Getting some things done is better than starting many things.

  • The reviewer checks the implemented ticket for correctness, completeness and quality and leaves comments in the PR or the ticket if necessary.

  • If changes are necessary, comment it in the pull request.

  • To achieve a uniform standard, follow Google’s Code Review Developer Guide

Test Process

  • Currently done outside this project!


Issues which are completed


This status will not be part of the boards. If tickets need to be close, which will not be implemented, the Github functionality to close an issue is being used! github-close.jpg

Definition of Ready (DoR)

  1. Issue The User Story has a short and comprehensive summary/title

  2. Person, who is responsible for getting the user story within one iteration done.

  3. User Story As a <type of user>, I want <specific goal> so that <specific reason>.

  4. Linked Issues is used to show up dependencies and links to parent features

  5. The User Story is estimated (Story Points) (e.g. using the Fibonacci sequence). (The effort involved in documentation, creation of test cases, implementation of the non-functional requirements, if applicable, etc. must also be taken into consideration.)

  6. The User Story has sufficient acceptance criteria and is accepted by the team

  7. Acceptance Criteria is written in the GIVEN-WHEN-THEN format, if applicable.

  8. The non-functional requirements applicable to the User Story are mentioned and accepted by the team

Definition of Done (DoD)

  1. Are all acceptance criteria of the user story met?

  2. Has the user story been approved by the product owner?

  3. Does the user story have no open "high" and "critical" defects?

  4. Has a code review been performed?

  5. Successful business and technical tests if applicable

  6. Were the code conventions for the implementation followed?

  7. Is the application deployed on the integration/production environment?

  8. Have all system, integration and user acceptance tests been successfully executed and documented?

  9. Is the user, operations, and maintenance documentation updated to include the user story content?

  10. Changelog is updated

  11. Is the developer documentation created?

  12. Has the user story been approved by the test manager

  13. PullRequest to Tractus-X was opened.

  14. In case of new dependency - IP Clearing (DASH) Tool was executed

  15. Eclipse intellectual property check was executed

Code Management

  • Commits according to the following convention:

    <type>(optional scope):[<Ticket_ID>] <description>
    see for more information

Pull Request

The goal is that the maximal life cycle of a pull request: 1.5 days.


  • Every developer creating a pull request is responsible to assign a reviewer.

  • Please check the availability of a reviewer.

  • If Review needs to be planned: Use PR’s or Issues comment functionality to get in contact with a project committer



  • main dev work is done on feature branches

  • Branches must be prefixed according to their nature:

    • feature/* - for implementing user stories

    • fix/* - for fixing bugs that appeared in the main branch

    • chore/* - any small change without any impact on the software Branch Name:

  • MUST contain: Subject of issue (Abbreviation of Issue without using spaces / use "-" to connect)


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