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Version: 1.14.24-SNAPSHOT Type: application AppVersion: 1.14.24-SNAPSHOT

A Helm chart for an Agent-Enabled Tractus-X Data Plane which registers at a running Control Plane.

This chart is intended for use with an existing HashiCorp Vault and Tractusx Connector.


Setting up the Agent Planes

Make sure to adapt the Agent Plane's application-facing endpoint security:

  • 'dataplanes.agentplane.auth.default.type': The type of authentication service to use (defaults to api-key, you could also use jwt)
  • 'dataplanes.agentplane.auth.default.apiCode': If type is api-key, this is the hash of the accepted api key
  • 'dataplanes.agentplane.auth.default.vaultKey': If type is api-key, this is the key where the api key can be retrieved from the configured vault
  • 'dataplanes.agentplane.auth.default.publicKey': If type is jwt, this is a url where the public key to verify token with can be found
  • 'dataplanes.agentplane.auth.default.checkExpiry': If type is jwt, determines whether token expiry is checked (default: true)

Be sure to review the Agent Plane's service delegation filter which regulates with which external Agent's (SERVICE) this instance may interact. These properties form typical allow/deny conditions. Because of the nature of SPARQL, interacting with such a service may not only mean to import data from there, but you must take into account bound variables in the SERVICE contexts are also exported to there. So you should be rather prohibitive here.

  • '': A regular expression of allowed Agent/Sparql SERVICE contexts in the default graph (federated data catalogue). The default graph only contains meta-data and can only be invoked by any in-house application, so usually you can be a bit more relaxed on this level. For example, you might be tempted to allow to mix your application logic and data with some universal service, such as Wikidata.
  • '': A regular expression of denied outgoing Agent/Sparql SERVICE contexts in the default graph (federated data catalogue). Typically you would restrict any unsecured http call by this properties.
  • '': A regular expression of allowed Agent/Sparql SERVICE contexts when inside a data graph/asset (unless there are more specific settings in the asset itself). Since this affects how you can spice up your business data, you would only allow connections to trusted business partners connectors.
  • '': A regular expression of denied Agent/Sparql SERVICE contexts. Use this to filter out unsecure protocols such as edc and http as well as to implement blacklists.

Be sure to adapt the agent configuration

  • 'dataplanes.agentplane.configs.dataspace.ttl': additional TTL text resource which lists the partner BPNs and their associated connectors.
  • 'dataplanes.agentplane.agent.maxbatchsize': Should be restricted to a smaller number of tuples (10-100) if you intend to communicate over larger datasets.
  • 'dataplanes.agentplane.agent.synchronization': Should be set to a positive number of seconds to activate the automatic synchronization of federated data catalogues.
  • 'dataplanes.agentplane.agent.connectors': Should be a list of partner connector addresses which will be synchronized in the federated data catalogue.

Launching the application

As an easy starting point, please consider using this example configuration to launch the application. The configuration values mentioned above (controlplane.ssi.*) will have to be adapted manually. Combined, run this shell command to start the in-memory Tractus-X EDC runtime:

helm repo add eclipse-tractusx
helm install my-release eclipse-tractusx/agent-plane --version 1.14.24-SNAPSHOT


Name Email Url
Tractus-X Knowledge Agents Team

Source Code


Repository Name Version postgresql(postgresql) 15.2.1 vault(vault) 0.27.0


Key Type Default Description
affinity object {} affinity to configure which nodes the pods can be scheduled on
agent object `{"connectors":{},"default":["dataspace.ttl",""],"maxbatchsize":"9223372036854775807","services":{"allow":"(edcs?://.*) (https://query\\\\.wikidata\\\\.org/sparql)","asset":{"allow":"(edcs?://.*)","deny":"https?://.*"},"connector":{"allow":"https://.*","deny":"http://.*"},"deny":"http://.*"},"skillcontract":"Contract?partner=Skill","synchronization":-1}`
agent.connectors object {} A map of partner ids to remote connector IDS URLs to synchronize with
agent.default list ["dataspace.ttl",""] A list of local or remote graph descriptions to build the default meta-graph/federated data catalogue
agent.maxbatchsize string "9223372036854775807" Sets the maximal batch size when delegating to agents and services object `{"allow":"(edcs?://.*) (https://query\\\\.wikidata\\\\.org/sparql)","asset":{"allow":"(edcs?://.*)","deny":"https?://.*"},"connector":{"allow":"https://.*","deny":"http://.*"},"deny":"http://.*"}` string `"(edcs?://.*) (https://query\\\\.wikidata\\\\.org/sparql)"` object {"allow":"(edcs?://.*)","deny":"https?://.*"} A set of configs for regulating outgoing service calls when providing an asset (when no specific asset property is given) string "(edcs?://.*)" A regular expression which outgoing service URLs must match (unless overwritten by a specific asset property) string "https?://.*" A regular expression which outgoing service URLs must not match (unless overwritten by a specific asset property) string "https://.*" A regular expression which outgoing connector URLs must match string "http://.*" A regular expression which outgoing connector URLs must not match string "http://.*" A regular expression which outgoing service URLs must not match (unless overwritten by a specific asset property)
agent.skillcontract string "Contract?partner=Skill" Names the visible contract under which new skills are published (if not otherwise specified)
agent.synchronization int -1 The synchronization interval in ms to update the federated data catalogue
auth object `{"default":{"apiCode":"69609650","checkExpiry":true,"context":"default","exclude":".*/(check validation).*","publicKey":null,"register":false,"type":"api-key","vaultKey":null}}`
auth.default object `{"apiCode":"69609650","checkExpiry":true,"context":"default","exclude":".*/(check validation).*","publicKey":null,"register":false,"type":"api-key","vaultKey":null}`
auth.default.apiCode string "69609650" specific api-code associated to the default api-key 'Hello', Change this when type=api-key or use the vault-key property instead. Althugh this represents a number, remember to use quotes not to confuse rendering into the chart.
auth.default.checkExpiry bool true controls whether the expiry date of jwt tokens is checked when type=jwt
auth.default.context string "default" the context(s) of the default authentication service separated by commas
auth.default.exclude string `".*/(check validation).*"`
auth.default.publicKey string nil public key for checking the validity of jwt tokens, set this when type=jwt
auth.default.register bool false controls whether this service should be registered as the default EDC authentication service globally
auth.default.type string "api-key" the type of the default authentication service (api-key, jwt or composite)
auth.default.vaultKey string nil vault key for obtaining the API key, Set this when type=api-key or use the api-code property instead
autoscaling.enabled bool false Enables horizontal pod autoscaling
autoscaling.maxReplicas int 100 Maximum replicas if resource consumption exceeds resource threshholds
autoscaling.minReplicas int 1 Minimal replicas if resource consumption falls below resource threshholds
autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage int 80 targetAverageUtilization of cpu provided to a pod
autoscaling.targetMemoryUtilizationPercentage int 80 targetAverageUtilization of memory provided to a pod
aws.accessKeyId string ""
aws.endpointOverride string ""
aws.secretAccessKey string ""
configs object {"dataspace.ttl":"#################################################################\n# Catena-X Agent Bootstrap Graph in TTL/RDF/OWL FORMAT\n#################################################################\n@prefix : <GraphAsset?local=Dataspace> .\n@base <GraphAsset?local=Dataspace> .\n"} A set of additional configuration files
configs."dataspace.ttl" string "#################################################################\n# Catena-X Agent Bootstrap Graph in TTL/RDF/OWL FORMAT\n#################################################################\n@prefix : <GraphAsset?local=Dataspace> .\n@base <GraphAsset?local=Dataspace> .\n" An example of an empty graph in ttl syntax
connector string "" Name of the connector deployment
controlplane object {"endpoints":{"control":{"path":"/control","port":8083},"management":{"authKey":"password","path":"/management","port":8081},"protocol":{"path":"/api/v1/dsp","port":8084}},"ingresses":[{"enabled":true,"hostname":"","tls":{"enabled":true}}]} References to the control plane deployment
controlplane.endpoints.control object {"path":"/control","port":8083} control api, used for internal control calls. can be added to the internal ingress, but should probably not
controlplane.endpoints.control.path string "/control" path for incoming api calls
controlplane.endpoints.control.port int 8083 port for incoming api calls object {"authKey":"password","path":"/management","port":8081} data management api, used by internal users, can be added to an ingress and must not be internet facing string "password" authentication key, must be attached to each request as X-Api-Key header string "/management" path for incoming api calls int 8081 port for incoming api calls
controlplane.endpoints.protocol object {"path":"/api/v1/dsp","port":8084} dsp api, used for inter connector communication and must be internet facing
controlplane.endpoints.protocol.path string "/api/v1/dsp" path for incoming api calls
controlplane.endpoints.protocol.port int 8084 port for incoming api calls
customCaCerts object {} Add custom ca certificates to the truststore
customLabels object {} Add some custom labels
debug.enabled bool false Enables java debugging mode.
debug.port int 1044 Port where the debuggee can connect to.
debug.suspendOnStart bool false Defines if the JVM should wait with starting the application until someone connected to the debugging port.
destinationTypes string "HttpProxy,AmazonS3" a comma-separated list of supported transfer types
endpoints object {"callback":{"path":"/callback","port":8087},"control":{"path":"/api/control","port":8084},"default":{"path":"/api","port":8080},"metrics":{"path":"/metrics","port":9090},"proxy":{"authKey":"password","path":"/proxy","port":8186},"public":{"path":"/api/public","port":8081}} endpoints of the dataplane
endpoints.callback object {"path":"/callback","port":8087} callback api, used for listening on control plane callbacks, must not be internet facing
endpoints.callback.path string "/callback" path for incoming api calls
endpoints.callback.port int 8087 port for incoming api calls
endpoints.control object {"path":"/api/control","port":8084} control api, used for internal control calls. can be added to the internal ingress, but should probably not
endpoints.control.path string "/api/control" path for incoming api calls
endpoints.control.port int 8084 port for incoming api calls
endpoints.default object {"path":"/api","port":8080} default api for health checks, should not be added to any ingress
endpoints.default.path string "/api" path for incoming api calls
endpoints.default.port int 8080 port for incoming api calls
endpoints.metrics object {"path":"/metrics","port":9090} metrics api, used for application metrics, must not be internet facing
endpoints.metrics.path string "/metrics" path for incoming api calls
endpoints.metrics.port int 9090 port for incoming api calls
endpoints.proxy.authKey string "password" authentication key, must be attached to each request as X-Api-Key header
endpoints.proxy.path string "/proxy" path for incoming api calls
endpoints.proxy.port int 8186 port for incoming api calls
endpoints.public object {"path":"/api/public","port":8081} public endpoint where the data can be fetched from if HttpPull was used. Must be internet facing.
endpoints.public.path string "/api/public" path for incoming api calls
endpoints.public.port int 8081 port for incoming api calls
env object {} Extra environment variables that will be pass onto deployment pods
envConfigMapNames list [] Kubernetes ConfigMap Resource names to load environment variables from
envSecretNames list [] Kubernetes Secret Resource names to load environment variables from
envValueFrom object {} "valueFrom" environment variable references that will be added to deployment pods. Name is templated. ref:
fullnameOverride string "" string "did:web:changeme" Decentralized IDentifier (DID) of the connector
iatp.sts.dim.url string nil URL where connectors can request SI tokens string nil Client ID for requesting OAuth2 access token for DIM access
iatp.sts.oauth.client.secret_alias string nil Alias under which the client secret is stored in the vault for requesting OAuth2 access token for DIM access
iatp.sts.oauth.token_url string nil URL where connectors can request OAuth2 access tokens for DIM access
iatp.trustedIssuers list [] Configures the trusted issuers for this runtime
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Kubernetes image pull policy to use
image.repository string "" Which derivate of the data plane to use. when left empty the deployment will select the correct image automatically
image.tag string "" Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion
imagePullSecrets list [] Existing image pull secret to use to obtain the container image from private registries
imageRegistry string "" Image registry to use
ingresses[0].annotations string nil Additional ingress annotations to add, for example when supporting more demanding use cases you may set { "30s", "360s", "10m"}
ingresses[0].certManager.clusterIssuer string "" If preset enables certificate generation via cert-manager cluster-wide issuer
ingresses[0].certManager.issuer string "" If preset enables certificate generation via cert-manager namespace scoped issuer
ingresses[0].className string "" Defines the ingress class to use
ingresses[0].enabled bool false
ingresses[0].endpoints list ["public"] EDC endpoints exposed by this ingress resource
ingresses[0].hostname string "edc-data.local" The hostname to be used to precisely map incoming traffic onto the underlying network service
ingresses[0].tls object {"enabled":false,"secretName":""} TLS tls class applied to the ingress resource
ingresses[0].tls.enabled bool false Enables TLS on the ingress resource
ingresses[0].tls.secretName string "" If present overwrites the default secret name
initContainers list []
install.postgresql bool false Deploying a PostgreSQL instance
install.vault bool false Deploying a HashiCorp Vault instance
limits.cpu float 1.5 Maximum CPU limit
limits.memory string "1024Mi" Maximum memory limit
livenessProbe.enabled bool true Whether to enable kubernetes liveness-probe
livenessProbe.failureThreshold int 6 when a probe fails kubernetes will try 6 times before giving up
livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds int 30 seconds to wait before performing the first liveness check
livenessProbe.periodSeconds int 10 this fields specifies that kubernetes should perform a liveness check every 10 seconds
livenessProbe.successThreshold int 1 number of consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed
livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds int 5 number of seconds after which the probe times out
logging string ".level=INFO\norg.eclipse.edc.level=ALL\nhandlers=java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler\njava.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.formatter=java.util.logging.SimpleFormatter\njava.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level=ALL\njava.util.logging.SimpleFormatter.format=[%1$tY-%1$tm-%1$td %1$tH:%1$tM:%1$tS] [%4$-7s] %5$s%6$s%n" configuration of the Java Util Logging Facade
name string "agentplane" the name of the dataplane
nameOverride string ""
networkPolicy.enabled bool false If true network policy will be created to restrict access to control- and dataplane
networkPolicy.from list [{"namespaceSelector":{}}] Specify from rule network policy for dp (defaults to all namespaces)
nodeSelector object {} node selector to constrain pods to nodes
opentelemetry string "otel.javaagent.enabled=false\notel.javaagent.debug=false" configuration of the Open Telemetry Agent to collect and expose metrics string "" BPN Number
podAnnotations object {} additional annotations for the pod
podLabels object {} additional labels for the pod
podSecurityContext object {"fsGroup":10001,"runAsGroup":10001,"runAsUser":10001,"seccompProfile":{"type":"RuntimeDefault"}} The pod security context defines privilege and access control settings for a Pod within the deployment
podSecurityContext.fsGroup int 10001 The owner for volumes and any files created within volumes will belong to this guid
podSecurityContext.runAsGroup int 10001 Processes within a pod will belong to this guid
podSecurityContext.runAsUser int 10001 Runs all processes within a pod with a special uid
podSecurityContext.seccompProfile.type string "RuntimeDefault" Restrict a Container's Syscalls with seccomp
postgresql object {"auth":{"database":"edc","password":"password","username":"user"},"jdbcUrl":"jdbc:postgresql://{{ .Release.Name }}-postgresql:5432/edc","primary":{"persistence":{"enabled":false}},"readReplicas":{"persistence":{"enabled":false}}} Standard settings for persistence, "jdbcUrl", "username" and "password" need to be overridden
readinessProbe.enabled bool true Whether to enable kubernetes readiness-probes
readinessProbe.failureThreshold int 6 when a probe fails kubernetes will try 6 times before giving up
readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds int 30 seconds to wait before performing the first readiness check
readinessProbe.periodSeconds int 10 this fields specifies that kubernetes should perform a liveness check every 10 seconds
readinessProbe.successThreshold int 1 number of consecutive successes for the probe to be considered successful after having failed
readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds int 5 number of seconds after which the probe times out
replicaCount int 1
requests.cpu string "500m" Initial CPU request
requests.memory string "128Mi" Initial memory request
resources object {} resource management for the container
securityContext object {"allowPrivilegeEscalation":false,"capabilities":{"add":[],"drop":["ALL"]},"readOnlyRootFilesystem":true,"runAsNonRoot":true,"runAsUser":10001} The container security context defines privilege and access control settings for a Container within a pod
securityContext.allowPrivilegeEscalation bool false Controls Privilege Escalation enabling setuid binaries changing the effective user ID
securityContext.capabilities.add list [] Specifies which capabilities to add to issue specialized syscalls
securityContext.capabilities.drop list ["ALL"] Specifies which capabilities to drop to reduce syscall attack surface
securityContext.readOnlyRootFilesystem bool true Whether the root filesystem is mounted in read-only mode
securityContext.runAsNonRoot bool true Requires the container to run without root privileges
securityContext.runAsUser int 10001 The container's process will run with the specified uid
service.annotations object {} additional annotations for the service
service.labels object {} additional labels for the service
service.port int 80
service.type string "ClusterIP" Service type to expose the running application on a set of Pods as a network service.
serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations to add to the service account
serviceAccount.create bool true Specifies whether a service account should be created
serviceAccount.imagePullSecrets list [] Existing image pull secret bound to the service account to use to obtain the container image from private registries string "" The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template
sourceTypes string "cx-common:Protocol?w3c:http:SPARQL,cx-common:Protocol?w3c:http:SKILL,HttpData,AmazonS3" a comma-separated list of supported asset types
tests object {"hookDeletePolicy":"before-hook-creation,hook-succeeded"} Configurations for Helm tests
tests.hookDeletePolicy string "before-hook-creation,hook-succeeded" Configure the hook-delete-policy for Helm tests
token.refresh.expiry_seconds int 300 TTL in seconds for access tokens (also known as EDR token)
token.refresh.expiry_tolerance_seconds int 10 Tolerance for token expiry in seconds
token.refresh.refresh_endpoint string nil Optional endpoint for an OAuth2 token refresh. Default endpoint is <PUBLIC_API>/token
token.signer.privatekey_alias string nil Alias under which the private key (JWK or PEM format) is stored in the vault
token.verifier.publickey_alias string nil Alias under which the public key (JWK or PEM format) is stored in the vault, that belongs to the private key which was referred to at dataplane.token.signer.privatekey_alias
tolerations list [] tolerations to configure preferred nodes
url.public string "" Explicitly declared url for reaching the public api (e.g. if ingresses not used)
vault object {"hashicorp":{"healthCheck":{"enabled":true,"standbyOk":true},"paths":{"health":"/v1/sys/health","secret":"/v1/secret"},"timeout":30,"token":"root","url":"http://{{ .Release.Name }}-vault:8200"},"injector":{"enabled":false},"server":{"dev":{"devRootToken":"root","enabled":true},"postStart":null}} Standard settings for vault string "/v1/sys/health" Default health api
vault.hashicorp.paths.secret string "/v1/secret" Path to secrets needs to be changed if install.vault=false
vault.hashicorp.token string "root" Access token to the vault service needs to be changed if install.vault=false
vault.hashicorp.url string "http://{{ .Release.Name }}-vault:8200" URL to the vault service, needs to be changed if install.vault=false
volumeMounts list [] declare where to mount volumes into the container
volumes list [] volume directories

Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.14.2