This project enables traceability of supply chains using EVM smart contracts and comes with the smart contracts, a test for that contracts and a sample script that deploys that contract.
Suppliers can create products and their respective batches, recording the transactions of this batch on blockchain.
Each batch created represents a token. The standard token used is the ERC1155 NFT standard and all the metadata should be stored in IPFS.
Each supplier can give permission to a list of managers' addresses to create and transact the batch, in addition to transferring it to other links in the chain.
First, ensure you have:
- Node.js v16. You can set it with nvm
- Yarn
Then install packages:
yarn install
yarn hardhat coverage
Deploy to Mumbai (Polygon Testnet):
yarn hardhat deploy --network mumbai
Deploy to Polygon Mainnet:
yarn hardhat deploy --network polygon
Then, copy the deployment address and start using it in your client application!
yarn hardhat --network <NETWORK> add-supplier --contract <STRING> --holder <STRING> --manager <STRING> --metadata <STRING>
- contract: Contract address
- holder: Holder address, can be a contract
- manager: Addresses of managers, separated by commas
- metadata: Metadata IPFS hash
yarn hardhat --network mumbai add-supplier --contract 0x5d7D5AEBFe64E72Bd571d24Fc2d8547A2E657cfC --metadata bafybeif5i3ov3n7xjwdeg3gnreeoy7kmumsedu64qd5juzer7pmn47z3oi --manager 0x208eAE2D4f048F35FD7974216f5fa409Dd70d2E1 --holder 0x7cE9254F2c643e2BFD5306361529Db622873A8D8
# Response:
Added supplier, Id: 1
yarn hardhat --network <NETWORK> get-supplier --contract <STRING> --supplier <INT>
- contract: Contract address
- supplier: Supplier Id
yarn hardhat --network mumbai get-supplier --contract 0x5d7D5AEBFe64E72Bd571d24Fc2d8547A2E657cfC --supplier 1
# Response:
id: 1
metadata: bafybeif5i3ov3n7xjwdeg3gnreeoy7kmumsedu64qd5juzer7pmn47z3oi
managers: 0xb10c1E57379aBbA9F54AdAD33681abe4F4Fb0faC
holder: 0x7cE9254F2c643e2BFD5306361529Db622873A8D8
role: Supplier
yarn hardhat --network mumbai add-product --contract 0x5d7D5AEBFe64E72Bd571d24Fc2d8547A2E657cfC --supplier 1 --metadata bafybeiar26nqkdtiyrzbaxwcdm7zkr2o36xljqskdvg6z6ugwlmpkdhamy --holder 0x86F3828552e7bb1e27610A5228A48426FA8577A1
yarn hardhat --network mumbai get-product --contract 0x5d7D5AEBFe64E72Bd571d24Fc2d8547A2E657cfC --id 1
yarn hardhat --network mumbai add-batch --contract 0x8a17A7bB33040E6FF8aF645b67d7154c1B241AeA --product 1 --metadata bafybeiar26nqkdtiyrzbaxwcdm7zkr2o36xljqskdvg6z6ugwlmpkdhamy
yarn hardhat --network mumbai check-holder --contract 0x78fa80d25C59125847Ca43853B55eA08082d23cC --holder 0x78fa80d25C59125847Ca43853B55eA08082d23c1
If you want to contribute to the project, lint code before git pushing / open a pull request.
yarn eslint '**/*.{js,ts}'
yarn eslint '**/*.{js,ts}' --fix
yarn prettier '**/*.{json,sol,md}' --check
yarn prettier '**/*.{json,sol,md}' --write
yarn solhint 'contracts/**/*.sol'
yarn solhint 'contracts/**/*.sol' --fix