This script displays information about the kubectl current context and namespace in zsh prompt.
Clone this repository and source the kubectl.zsh
from your ~/.zshrc
config file, and configure your prompt.
autoload -U colors; colors
source /path/to/zsh-kubectl-prompt/kubectl.zsh
Also you can install with homebrew.
$ brew tap superbrothers/zsh-kubectl-prompt
$ brew install zsh-kubectl-prompt
Change the separator between context and namespace:
zstyle ':zsh-kubectl-prompt:' separator '|'
Does not display the current namespace:
zstyle ':zsh-kubectl-prompt:' namespace false
If you use zgen, load this repository as follows:
source "${HOME}/.zgen/zgen.zsh"
# if the init script doesn't exist
if ! zgen saved; then
# specify plugins here
zgen load superbrothers/zsh-kubectl-prompt
# generate the init script from plugins above
zgen save
autoload -U colors; colors
This script is released under the MIT License.