dependencies in "requirements.txt"
used sqlite3 as my database
I left some commented out code in so you can see some extra steps in my thought process. Hope it's helpful!
Problem 1:
-- models found in answers/api/models.py & -- migrations found in answers/api/migrations -- model names are WeatherData & model YieldData -- comments in models.py file
Problem 2:
-- RUN "python manage.py ingest_data" or "python manage.py ingest_data --d" -- d option deletes all rows in both db tables -- code is found in answers/api/problem_2_ingestion.py & answers/api/management/commands/ingest_data.py -- unit tests in answers/api/tests/test_data_ingestion.py
Problem 3:
-- RUN "python manage.py analyze_weather" or "python manage.py analyze_weather --d" -- d option deletes all rows in both db tables -- code is found in answers/api/problem_3_analysis.py & answers/api/management/commands/analyze_weather.py -- model WeatherAnalysis found in answers/api/models.py with comments -- unit tests in answers/api/tests/test_data_analysis.py
Problem 4:
GET ENDPOINTS: -- /api/weather -- /api/yield -- /api/weather/stats/ (need the slash at the end from my testing in postman for this specific route)
-- FILTERS: code is looking for query params "date" or "weather_station" or "year" where present
-- 100 records retured per page -- can filter by date (ex: "1985-01-01") and weather_station (ex: "USC00110072") or year (ex: "2012") where present -- code is found in answers/api/views.py -- serializers in answers/api/serializers.py -- unit tests in answers/api/tests/test_views.py