Releases: edditdev/veety
Releases · edditdev/veety
VEETY (exe)
Update incldes:
- Disabled webcam grabber temporary `stub`
- Fixed screenshot grabber `stub`
- Fixed '1x31' error `stub`
- Fixed drag-controls in main tab `client`
- Fixed ip grabber `stub`
- Improved output messages `stub` / `discord`
- Added progress-bar in messages while grabbin' token `stub` / `discord`
- Reduced size of stub - 30% `stub`
- Reduced size of veety client -60% `client`
- - Fixed not working 'password grab*er' button `client`
- Added uploading all grabbed datas to your veety server `client` / `stub` || `BETA` preview is not available rn
- Added website of all veety commands, if someone needs it - [-Click there to view command list-](
- Recoded discord token grab*er `stub`
- Discord ✔
- Discord Canary ✔
- Lightcord ✔
- Discord PTB ✔
- Opera ✔
- Opera GX ✔
- Amigo ✔
- Torch ✔
- Kometa ✔
- Orbitum ✔
- CentBrowser ✔
- 7Star ✔
- Sputnik ✔
- Vivaldi ✔
- Chrome SxS ✔
- Chrome ✔
- Epic Privacy Browser ✔
- Microsoft Edge ✔
- Uran ✔
- Yandex ✔
- Brave ✔
- Iridium ✔
- Added token viewer for discord token grab*er [Click to view]( with tut how to use it (: `website` / `Discord message formatting`
- Added anti-vt protection - now abby, george and other vidmo ni**as can't connect (: `stub`
- Wiped accounts server lists `database`
- Wiped all veety servers `database`
- Wiped veety client main page statistics `client`
- Changed method of grabbing token, grabber is now downloading from host. (to reduce mb size of stub) `stub`
- Changed method of grabbing webcam pic, grabber is now downloading from host. (to reduce mb size of stub) `stub`
- Removed stored grabber's data from my.resources in stub `stub`
- Added delay for token request `client`
- Fixed minmalize button `client`
- Fixed IP ste*ler method `stub` --- based on`ipfy`
- Fixed GeoLocation ste*ler method `stub` --- based on `geolocation`
- Removed commander from control panel `client`
- Added temporary page in control panel with all functions in button's. You don't need to put commands now. `client`
- Improved anti-debug form `stub`
- Fixed antidebug-on mathod - minimalizing to windows icon, now it's full invisible in background `stub`
- Fixed Screenshot URL formatting `stub` / `discord`
- Added minimalize icon in veety client `client`
- Added browser password ste*ler `stub`
- Chromium ✔
- Chrome ✔
- Opera ✔
- Opera GX ✔
- Vivaldi ✔
- Edge ✔
- Yandex ✔
- Brave ✔
- Added password stea*r in control-panel `client`
- Added password stea*r discord message formatting `stub` / `discord`
- Added count and list of grabbed browser in message `discord`
- Recoded invite-code system `client` / `website`
- Removed invite-request form from client `client`
- Added new invite request system on our website `website`
- Added grabbed stuff host uploading `stub` / `host`
- Added url generator to file uploader `stub`
- Removed topmost in client `client`
- Fixed temporary server builder files delete after building `client`
- Fixed Read-Only in Server Identification textbox - in server builder. `that's mean: you can't use 'own' server name - serverid is now generated by veety` / `client`
- Reduced several resources in veety to reduce their mb count `client`
- Removed stub from veety client, now it's not storaged in `client` / `stub`
- Recoded builder to make it more effective `client`
- Reduced size of VEETY client
- Added server password protection to server builder (already works) `client` / `stub`
- Added anti-debug function to stub builder - now you can hide window of your stub `stub`
- Re-coded server builder to make it more smooth and moved it to another host `stub` / `client` / `database`
- Added 'antidebug-on' command to turn on anti-debug on victim pc `stub` / `client`
- Added 'antidebug-off' command to turn off anti-debug on victim pc `stub` / `client`
- Added dragcontrol to topbox in client
- Added reconnect command to reconnect victim `stub` / `client`
- Added auto-updater for veety client `client` & `loader`
Now you can run version which you downloaded before and just re-download.
dev @edditdev
Full Changelog: veety...upd RELEASE
Release of veety
Full Changelog: