ToTemp is a temperature conversion package with Celsius, Delisle, Fahrenheit, Kelvin, Rankine, Réaumur, Newton and Rømer scales.
For more information read the docs.
This package aims to bring the simple and straight to the point, but precise, Object Oriented experience of working with temperature scale data types.
First of all, install the package:
pip install totemp
or, to have an example in poetry environments:
poetry add totemp
For more information, read the docs: [ToTemp Docs]('insert link here')
from totemp import Celsius, Fahrenheit
if __name__ == '__main__':
temps: list = [Celsius(12), Celsius(25), Celsius(50)]
print(temps[0]) # '12 ºC'
print(temps) # [Celsius(12), Celsius(25), Celsius(50)]
temps = list(map(Celsius.to_fahrenheit, temps))
print(temps[0]) # '53.6 ºF'
print(temps) # [Fahrenheit(53.6), Fahrenheit(77.0), Fahrenheit(122.0)]
is read-only.
from totemp import Fahrenheit
if __name__ == '__main__':
temp0 = Fahrenheit(53.6)
print(temp0.__repr__()) # 'Fahrenheit(53.6)'
print(temp0.__str__()) # '53.6 ºF'
print(temp0.symbol) # 'ºF'
print(temp0.value) # 53.6
The comparision/arithmetic implementation attempts to convert the value of
(if it is a temperature instance) and then evaluate the expression.
import totemp as tp
if __name__ == '__main__':
temp0, temp1 = tp.Celsius(0), tp.Fahrenheit(32)
print(f'temp0: {repr(temp0)}') # Celsius(0)
print(f'temp1: {repr(temp1.to_celsius())}') # Celsius(0.0)
print(temp0 != temp1) # False
print(temp0 > temp1) # False
print(temp0 < temp1) # False
print(temp0 >= temp1) # True
print(temp0 <= temp1) # True
print(temp0 == temp1) # True
from totemp import Newton, Rankine
if __name__ == '__main__':
temp0 = Newton(33)
temp1 = Rankine(671.67)
temp2 = temp0 + temp1
print('temp2:', temp2) # temp2: 65.99999999999999 ºN
print('temp2:', repr(temp2)) # temp2: Newton(65.99999999999999)
print('temp2:', temp2.value, temp2.symbol) # temp2: 65.99999999999999 ºN
print((temp0 + temp1).rounded()) # 66 ºN
print(repr((temp0 + temp1).rounded())) # Newton(66)
print(temp2 + 12.55) # 78.54999999999998 ºN
print((12 + temp2.rounded())) # 78 ºN
from math import floor, ceil, trunc
from totemp import Reaumur
if __name__ == '__main__':
temp = Reaumur(100.4)
float(temp) # 100.4
int(temp) # 100
round(temp) # Reaumur(100)
abs(temp) # Reaumur(100)
floor(temp) # Reaumur(100)
ceil(temp) # Reaumur(101)
trunc(temp) # Reaumur(100)
divmod(temp, temp0 := Reaumur(25.1)) # (Reaumur(4.0), Reaumur(0.0))
import totemp
if __name__ == '__main__':
temp = totemp.Fahrenheit(32)
print(temp.to_celsius()) # 0.0 ºC
print(temp.to_fahrenheit()) # 32 ºF
print(temp.to_delisle()) # 150.0 ºDe
print(temp.to_kelvin()) # 273.15 K
print(temp.to_newton()) # 0.0 ºN
print(temp.to_rankine()) # 491.67 ºR
print(temp.to_reaumur()) # 0.0 ºRé
print(temp.to_romer()) # 7.5 ºRø
- Yanked, not functional;
- Functional;
- Can convert Celsius to Delisle, Fahrenheit, Kelvin, Newton, Rankine, Réaumur and Rømer.
- Changed methods implementations and adds Fahrenheit conversions;
- <scale_value> parameter is now positional-only;
- Adds new parameter -> float_ret -> Float Return (True by default, keyword-only);
- Celsius class methods were updated and enhanced;
- Can now convert Fahrenheit to Celsius, Delisle, Kelvin, Newton, Rankine, Réaumur and Rømer.
- Changed methods implementations and adds Fahrenheit conversions;
- There are two new Classes, Kelvin and Delisle, functional and ready-to-use.
The implementation has been completely refactored:
1 - All classes inhehits from
(our new abstract Base Class);2 - All classes now available:
;- (*New)
; - (*New)
; - (*New)
; - (*New)
3 - New features:
- The majority of Python's built-in functions works with the instances;
- More pythonic properties and methods implementations;
- Arithmetic operations;
- Comparision operations;
4 - Removals:
param;- differentiating int/float;
5 - Known problemns:
doesn't work as intended;
For more information, check LICENSE file.