Thanks for checking out this front-end coding challenge.
Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.
In this challenge, you'll build a beautiful product page. We'll be putting your JS skills to the test with a lightbox product gallery and cart functionality!
- React
- Redux
- Styled Componets
- Mobile-first workflow
- Deploy on vercel
It's been a long time from the last challenge, I have been learning new stuff and I tryed to apllyed all of that in this new challenge. I continue working to get better with React and this time I used Redux to manage the app's state, I used Git and Github from the beginig to the end, also I have been explored the Styled Component Library(I really liked it). My next move is it learn more about testing, like Jest and Testing Library. See you the next time.
Next I want to explore more about:
- Jest
- Testing Library
- Nextjs.
I really enjoined and I learned a lot about layout whith the content of Kevin Powell.
You guys can enroll on this course totaly free.