An online solo game that tests your matching and set creation skills.
Goal: Race against the clock to select as many valid sets as you can, as quickly as possible.
Card Attributes:
- Color: red, green, or purple
- Shape: dog, cat, or fish
- Shading: filled, empty, or striped
- Shape Count: 1, 2, or 3
How to Make a Set:
- Select three cards with no matching attributes.
- Select three cards with as many matching attributes as you want, BUT that attribute must be present across all three selected cards.
Rule #1: A set can not contain only two cards with a matching attribute. All three cards must have that attribute or only one may have it.
Game Over: The game is over when there are no more cards left in the deck, and there are no more sets available on the board.
Hints: If there are no more sets on the current board, but still cards in the deck, we will give you three more cards.
- User can create an account
- The start of the game displays 12 cards on the board
- User must be able to select sets based on the cards displayed on board
- The computer must check that a user generated set is in fact a valid set
- Computer tracks the number of valid sets a user makes
- When the computer determines that there are no more sets add 3 more cards to the board
- Have a timer that counts up until the end of the game is over (when the deck is empty and there are no more sets determined by the computer)
- Show a statistics page of individual games in aggregate
- Visualize the user statistics
- Animate cards dealt and removed
- Make it multiplayer
- Built using Ruby 2.4.1 and Rails 5.1.3
macOS version (~> 10.1)
Ruby 2.4.1
Rails 5.1.3
PostgreSQL 9.6.3
$ git clone
$ cd Hawk_Set
$ bundle install
$ rails db:setup
$ rails server
The website uses a Postgres database
- postgres (PostgreSQL) 9.6.3
$ rails db:create
$ rails db:migrate
$ rails db:seed
$ rspec
HawkSet is released under the MIT License.