The new Windows Terminal has a lot of new capabilities, like multiple tabs, panes, Unicode and UTF-8 character support, a GPU accelerated text rendering engine and much more. Combined with WSL2, zsh shell and powerlevel10k brings the terminal experience to a whole new level.
- Install WSL2
- Install Windows Terminal
I used a modified version of the One Half Dark
color scheme. For my complete configuration check the settings.json
- Install oh-my-zsh
Once Windows Terminal is installed run
sudo apt-get install zsh
To install oh-my-zsh run
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Restart the terminal for the changes to take effect
Install Meslo Nerd Font
Install and configure Powerlevel10k
Powerlevel10k is a theme for zsh with loads of customizations. To install it run
git clone --depth=1 $ZSH_CUSTOM/themes/powerlevel10k
Edit ~/.zshrc
and change ZSH_THEME
To get the same look like in my screenshots simply copy the content of my .zshrc
and .p10k.zsh
For a completely new configuration run the wizard
p10k configure
Horizontal split pane with PowerShell
WSL2, PowerShell and PowerShell Core all in one terminal
Please use GitHub issues or contact me on twitter @ecenanovic