A curated list of tools and information relating to Standard Notes.
For discussion, please join the official Slack channel here.
This list will only provide and promote original creations and not any material related to re-hosting creations of Standard Notes.
- Dark Hybrid - Dark theme featuring soft pastel colors built to be imported as a Standard Notes Extension
- Dracula theme - A Dracula inspired theme for Standard Notes.
- Evernote Dark Theme - Evernote inspired theme for Standard Notes.
- Evernote Light Theme - Evernote inspired theme for Standard Notes.
- Gruvbox Dark Theme - Based on colors from the gruvbox theme for Vim.
- Mojave Dark Mode - Standard Notes color theme which roughly matches Mojave Dark Mode.
- Muted Dark Theme - Standard Notes dark theme with non-vivid, muted colors
- Overcast - This theme is based off of Standard Notes' official Midnight Theme and the color scheme was inspired by the Monokai Pro Visual Studio Code theme
- Pure Black Theme - Theme for Standard Notes. Optimized for OLED devices such as iPhone X.
- Slate Theme - A Standard Notes theme with shady grey and mossy green highlights.
- sn-theme-vscode - A theme for Standard Notes inspired by the VS Code Dark theme.
- sn-theme-minimal - A minimal theme
- sn-themes - Some community themes and detail of how to develop your own
- Uniform Dark+ Theme - Theme inspired by Visual Studio Code's default dark theme, designed for Standard Notes.
- One Dark Darker - Based on the One Dark Darker theme for VS Code, with colored headings and some UI tweaks.
- Org mode for Standard Notes
- Standard Notes Indent Editor
- Standard Notes Nimble Editor
- append-editor - Append to your notes.
- Flashcard Editor
- Rich Markdown Editor - The awesome editor developed by Outline. Supports tables, youtube embeds and text highlights.
- Standard Notes Writer - Distraction free writing with word count
- Standard Notes Clipper - A browser add-on (Firefox and Chrome) that allows you to clip web pages to your Standard Notes account.
- standardnotes-fs - Mount your Standard Notes account as a filesystem and edit your notes as plain text files.
- sn-cli - Manage notes, tags, and other account operations
- sn-dotfiles - Sync and manage dotfiles using Standard Notes
- Extensions Repository Builder - Host Standard Notes extensions on your own server.
- Day One => Standard Notes Importer - Day One JSON Export Importer for Standard Notes
- Google Keep™ to StandardNotes Converter - Convert Google Keep Takeout archive into Standardnotes archive
- simplenote2standardnote - Port a SimpleNote backup to a StandardNote one, keeping dates and tags
- onestandard - Convert notebooks from OneNote into Standard Notes format.
- notexfr - notexfr is a tool to convert and adapt data for transfer between note-taking services
- Google Keep to Standard Notes nodeJS converter - Simple NodeJS script to convert a Google Keep Takeout export into a descrypted Standard Notes backup.
- gosn-v2 - A library written in Go
- Standard File Client Library - A library written in Go
- Yet Another Standardfile - A Standard Notes Server implementation written in Go
- Standard Notes & Docker - Dockerization of Standard File server. Used for running your own Standard Notes server
- Dracula Styled Theme - A Dracula Styled theme for your listed blog.
- Marcokai Theme - A dark theme with modified monokai syntax highlighting