Generates a JavaScript object with your colors as keys and desired tailwind classes as values. This makes it easier to add a color prop to your Vue.js components for instance without losing the ability to purge unused CSS before production.
# Replaces the word 'color' in your classes with the names of the colors
COLORS=amber,blue,blueGray,lime,orange,pink,yellow CLASSES=bg-color-100,text-color-800 node main.js
# Output
amber: 'bg-amber-100 text-amber-800',
blue: 'bg-blue-100 text-blue-800',
blueGray: 'bg-blueGray-100 text-blueGray-800',
lime: 'bg-lime-100 text-lime-800',
orange: 'bg-orange-100 text-orange-800',
pink: 'bg-pink-100 text-pink-800',
yellow: 'bg-yellow-100 text-yellow-800'