A tiny plug for replacing response fields.
Add a dependency to your application's mix.exs file:
def deps do
{:plug_response_replace, "~> 0.2"}
then run mix deps.get
Replace :resp_body
of Plug.Conn
, the iodata()
response body with the following :pattern
, :replacement
, and options
fields are completely used to String.replace/4
defmodule MyHandler do
use Plug.Builder
plug PlugResponseReplace,
resp_body: [
pattern: "...",
replacement: "...",
options: [] # optional
# ... rest of the pipeline
Replace :resp_cookies
of Plug.Conn
, the item of the following :resp_cookies
is a tuple contains a pair of response cookie key
and value used to Plug.Conn.put_resp_cookie/4
, the item may contain an optional options, see Plug.Conn.put_resp_cookie/4
for details.
defmodule MyHandler do
use Plug.Builder
plug PlugResponseReplace,
resp_cookies: [
{"key1", "new"},
{"key1", %{"session" => "abcdef", "timestamp" => 123}, [sign: true]}
# ... rest of the pipeline
Replace :resp_headers
of Plug.Conn
, the item of the following :resp_headers
is a tuple contains a pair of header key and value
used to Plug.Conn.put_resp_header/3
defmodule MyHandler do
use Plug.Builder
plug PlugResponseReplace,
resp_headers: [
{"content-type", "text/plain"}
# ... rest of the pipeline
Replace :status
of Plug.Conn
, override the status of repsonse with a proper value.
defmodule MyHandler do
use Plug.Builder
plug PlugResponseReplace,
status: 401
# ... rest of the pipeline