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File metadata and controls

91 lines (66 loc) · 2.98 KB


POFile - Perl 6 module for manipulating data in PO files.


use POFile;
my $po = POFile.load('foo.po');

say $po.obsolete-messages; # list of obsolete messages
say $po[0]; # POFile::Entry object at 0 index
say $po{'Splash text'}; # POFile::Entry object with msgid `Splash text`
for @$po -> $item {
    say $item.reference; # 'finddialog.cpp:38'
    say $item.msgstr; # msgstr value
    $item.msgstr = update($item.msgstr); # Do some update


The .po file as a whole is represented by the POFile class, which holds a POFile::Entry object per entry in the PO file.


POFile::Entry represents a single record in PO file, and has its fields as attributes: msgid, msgid-plural, msgstr, msgctxt, reference (reference comment), extracted (extracted comment), comment (translator comment), format-style, fuzzy-msgid, fuzzy-msgctxt. All these attributes are set read/write.

You can create a single POFile::Entry object from a Str using the POFile::Entry.parse($str) method.

The msgid and msgstr accessors always provided unquoted values; the methods msgid-quoted and msgstr-quoted are present to provide access to the quoted messages.

The value of msgstr attribute might be either Str or Array, and is based on value of msgid-plural attribute:

with $po.msgid-plural {
    say $po.msgid; # Singular form
    say $_; # Plural form
    for $po.msgstr -> $form {
        say $form; # Every plural form of end language

You can serialize an entry with Str method or its ~ shortcut:

my $po-entry = $po[1]; # Get second entry
say ~$po-entry;    # Serialized 1
say $po-entry.Str; # Serialized 2

Note that no line wrapping is done by the module.


POFile provides access to POFile::Entry objects using either index (position in original file) or key (msgid value). It must be noted that this module provides hash-like access by msgid, which might not be unique. Please consider that only array access is stable in this case. Use hash access you know for sure there are no items with the same msgid, yet different msgctxt.

POFile also contains all obsolete messages, which can be accessed using obsolete-messages attribute.

You can create from scratch a new POFile object and populate it with entries, as well as delete entries by id or by key:

my $po =;
$po{'my msgid'}:delete;

As well as POFile::Entry, you can serialize a POFile object calling Str method on it.


Additionally, two routines are available to escape and unescape strings accordingly to rules described for PO format.

use POFile :quoting;

say po-unquote(「\t\"\\\n」); # 「\t"\\n」      <- unquoting
say po-quote(「\t"\\n\」);    # 「\t\"\\\n\\」  <- quoting