This notebook contains my go to versions of depth-first search, breadth-first search, Dijkstra's algorithm and A* search. It illustrates their similarity in implementation and difference in effectiveness when applied to the problem of finding a path between two nodes.
from math import sqrt
POSITIONS = dict(enumerate([
(0, 0), (10, 12), (24, 20), (30, 36), (50, 50), (10, 45), (30, 10), (47, 25), (20, 35), (35, 5)
(0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (0, 5), (5, 4), (0, 6), (1, 6),
(2, 6), (3, 6), (6, 7), (7, 4), (5, 8), (8, 3), (9, 6)
distance = lambda u_x, u_y, v_x, v_y: sqrt((u_x - v_x) ** 2 + (u_y - v_y) ** 2)
u: [
(v, distance(*u_pos, *v_pos))
for v, v_pos in POSITIONS.items() if (u, v) in EDGES or (v, u) in EDGES
] for u, u_pos in POSITIONS.items()
All search functions assume the input graph is a dictionary of node: [(neighbor1, ...), (neighbor2, ...), ...]
Dijkstra and A* assume a dictionary of node: [(neighbor1, edge1cost), (neighbor2, edge2cost), ...]
The output of all functions is a dictionary of node: (encounter_number, parent, ...)
where encounter_number
indicates when the node was explored and parent
from which neighbor it was discovered.
The last-mentioned information is required to reconstruct the path found between start and finish.
def depth_first_search(graph, start):
frontier = [(start, None)]
explored = {}
while frontier:
u, parent = frontier.pop()
if u not in explored:
encounter_number = len(explored)
explored[u] = (encounter_number, parent)
for v, *_ in graph[u]:
frontier.append((v, u))
return explored
from collections import deque # provides efficient left pop
def breadth_first_search(graph, start):
frontier = deque([(start, None)])
explored = {}
while frontier:
u, parent = frontier.popleft()
if u not in explored:
encounter_number = len(explored)
explored[u] = (encounter_number, parent)
for v, *_ in graph[u]:
frontier.append((v, u))
return explored
from heapq import heappop, heappush # provide efficient min pop
def dijkstra_search(graph, start):
frontier = [(0, (start, None))]
explored = {}
while frontier:
distance, (u, parent) = heappop(frontier)
if u not in explored or distance < explored[u][2]:
encounter_number = explored[u][0] if u in explored else len(explored)
explored[u] = (encounter_number, parent, distance)
for v, edge_length in graph[u]:
heappush(frontier, (distance + edge_length, (v, u)))
return explored
from heapq import heappop, heappush # provide efficient min pop
bird_distance_to_finish = lambda u: distance(*POSITIONS[u], *POSITIONS[FINISH])
def a_star_search(graph, start, heuristic=bird_distance_to_finish):
frontier = [(heuristic(start), 0, (start, None))]
explored = {}
while frontier:
score, distance, (u, parent) = heappop(frontier)
if u not in explored or distance < explored[u][2]:
encounter_number = explored[u][0] if u in explored else len(explored)
explored[u] = (encounter_number, parent, distance)
for v, edge_length in graph[u]:
v_distance = distance + edge_length
heappush(frontier, (v_distance + heuristic(v), v_distance, (v, u)))
return explored
algorithms = {
'depth-first': depth_first_search,
'breadth-first': breadth_first_search,
'Dijkstra': dijkstra_search,
'A*': a_star_search
results = {name: search(GRAPH, START) for name, search in algorithms.items()}
In the following plots, node labels indicate order of exploration and orange color that a node is part of the discovered path between start and finish. Comparison of the depth-first and breadth-first node exploration orders illustrates how the latter produces a search tree with more branches than the former, which covers all except the node labelled 2 with the same path (0-1-3-4-5-6-7-8-9).
Comparison of the discovered paths illustrates that
- depth-first finds a path between start and finish
- breadth-first finds the path that is "shortest" in terms of number of nodes visited
- Dijkstra finds the shortest path in terms of actual distance travelled
- A* also finds the shortest path, and does so faster (at step 4) than Dijkstra (which finds it at step 9)