Dependency updates
🐛 Bug Fixes
fix(cards): gradient change by the report header gradient [David Ichim - d45847e
💅 Enhancements
change(report-links): turn links into inline-flex so that download links align with link text [David Ichim - fbbea31
🏠 Documentation changes
docs: Build docusaurus [alin - 54d265e
Dependency updates
🏠 Internal changes
style: Automated code fix [eea-jenkins - 5327316
style: Automated code fix [eea-jenkins - 086c4ea
🛠️ Others
Fix tests, add snapshot [kreafox - a726555
Add tests [Tiberiu Ichim - 08f7bee
Move state from the chat window, to improve performance [Tiberiu Ichim - 0c64ef3
Show tool calls [Tiberiu Ichim - 9e7fb83
🛠️ Others
test: Cleanup console.log [alin - c2ffb14
Check if variable exists [Miu Razvan - 8531a80
🐛 Bug Fixes
fix: download link when download is enabled on CTA block rfs#281622 [nileshgulia1 - 1e111c7
🏠 Internal changes
chore: package.json [Alin Voinea - 1956de1
🛠️ Others
💅 Enhancements
refactor(contextNavigation):add blockHasValue config refs#282065 [nileshgulia1 - 7dcddf2
🚀 New Features
feat: Add possibility to use img src instead of svg to avoid conflicts - Refs #279204 [dobri1408 - 5bada82
🏠 Internal changes
style: Automated code fix [eea-jenkins - b3753bf
🛠️ Others
added logo for copernicus insitu [Zoltan Szabo - b6b00ea
added copernicus in situ [Zoltan Szabo - 54e3657
🏠 Internal changes
style: Automated code fix [eea-jenkins - 5364109
style: Automated code fix [eea-jenkins - 6c96546
🛠️ Others
fix sonarqube errors [Claudia Ifrim - bbd9b7a
comment filters for habitats, fix z-index for filters on species list [Claudia Ifrim - 44533aa
fix ImageText editor [Miu Razvan - 67e6611
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