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The application is composed of:

  • Front-end user interface, alias web console;
  • Worker Service;


Documentation of the QC tool, and specification of supported QA checks is available at

Reporting Issues

Please report any issues in the QC tool via GitHub:

  • Go to and click New Issue.
  • Sign-in with your GitHub account (or create a new GitHub account if you don't have one).
  • Describe your issue. When describing an issue, please include the QC tool version and steps to reproduce.
  • The development team will investigate the issue and get back to you.


Run the application

(1) Go to the latest release

(2) Download the file docker-compose.service_provider.yml

(3) (Optional) Adjust the file docker-compose.service_provider.yml in accord with your environment. For example see docker/docker-compose.igor.yml. The environment variables are described in docker/NOTES.environ.txt. There is also docker-compose.eea.yml prepared targeting eea infrastructure with submission feature enabled.

(4) Run the application

sudo docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.service_provider.yml -p qc_tool_app up --scale worker=4

(5) You can reach the web console at any host address and port 8000. For example, if you run the browser at the same host as docker containers, you can reach the application at http://localhost:8000.

(6) For initial signing in use user name guest and password guest.

(7) To upgrade to a new release, run:

sudo docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.service_provider.yml -p qc_tool_app pull

This will instruct docker to re-download the latest QC tool release images from docker hub repository.

For developers

If you want to propagate your local source code into running containers you may apply docker bind mount. Such a way you overlay the source code already built in the image at /usr/local/src/copernicus_quality_tools. For advice see the example docker compose configuration docker-compose.igor.yml.

There are already some automated tests at src/qc_tool/test. See the instructions in NOTES.txt.

The qc_tool_frontend service uses sqlite database originally located at /var/lib/qc_tool/frontend.sqlite. The initial database structure is made during docker build. The service_provider and eea configurations use named volumes for persisting such database. You are free to copy the database to other persistent location, however you must ensure setting up FRONTEND_DB_PATH properly.

Demo installation

The service is publicly available at: Demo login is user: guest, password: guest.

Product definitions

QA check configurations for Copernicus products are defined in the product_definitions directory. Each product definition .json file contains a list of parametrized checks. For QC tool setup with editable product definitions, see instructions in docker/NOTES.product_definitions.