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Data validation quality checks

George Sofianos edited this page Mar 8, 2016 · 19 revisions
This section is used to document the validation and quality checks that are present in SDF manager tool.
Checks in Perform Checks menu
  • Find sites that include species with unknown name
  • Find sites that include species with unknown code
  • Find sites that include birds with unknown name
  • Find sites that include birds with unknown code
  • Find sites that include other species with unknown name
  • Find sites that include other species with unknown code
  • Find sites that include unknown habitat types
  • Find sites that include unknown habitat classes
  • Find sites that include unknown NUTS regions
Checks performed by clicking on validate button when editing a site
  • Site compilation date check

    • Criteria: Checks if site compilation date is missing
    • Fields: Site compilation date
    • ✅: Validation passed.
    • ❌ Error in site validation.
    • If site compilation is not missing, checks if compilation date is after update date
    • Result:
  • In Natura2000 mode:

    • Checks if respondent name or e-mail is missing
    • Checks if respondent address or admin unit is missing
  • In Emerald mode:

    • Checks if respondent address is missing
  • Checks if site type is present.

Checks Site classification dates
  • In Natura2000 mode:
    • If type = A
      • Checks if date classificated as SPA in Identification section is present
    • If type = B
      • Checks if date proposed as SCI in Identification section is present
    • If type other than A or B
      • Checks if date classificated as SPA in Identification section is present
      • Checks if date proposed as SCI in Identification section is present
  • In Emerald mode:
    • Checks the chronological order of site ASCI dates in Identification section
  • Checks if site regions are missing
  • Checks if site biogeographical regions are missing
Habitat checks
  • If there are habitats defined, for each Habitat
    • Checks if the habitat code is missing
    • Checks if the habitat representativity is missing
    • If representativity other than "D"
      • Checks if Data quality is missing
      • Checks if relative surface is missing
      • Checks if conservation of the habitat is missing
      • Checks if global of the habitat is missing
Species checks
  • If there are species defined, for each species
    • If Natura2000 mode:
      • Checks if species group is missing
    • Checks if species name is missing
    • If Species population other than "D"
      • Checks if species data quality is missing
      • Checks if species conservation is missing
      • Checks if species isolation is missing
      • Checks if species Global is missing
Other species checks
  • If there are other species defined, for each other species
    • Checks if group for the other species is missing
    • Checks if scientific name for other species is missing
Other Generic checks
  • Checks if habitats and species are missing
  • If Natura2000 mode:
    • If site type = "A" or type = "C"
      • Checks If species group is other than "B"
Checks on Description tab
  • Checks if Impacts are missing
  • If site Impacts are defined
    • For each impact
      • Checks if impact code is missing
      • Checks if impact rank is missing
      • Checks if impact occurrence is missing
    • Checks if there isn't any positive or negative impact
Checks on Protection tab
  • If site relations are defined, for each relation
    • Checks if relation site name is missing
    • Checks if relation type is missing
Checks on Management tab
  • Checks if management section is defined
  • If site management is defined
    • For each body
      • Checks if body organisation is missing
      • If body address is missing
        • Checks if body admin unit is missing
    • If management status = "Y"
      • Checks if management plans is missing
Checks Map section
  • Checks if Site map section is missing
Checks performed when trying to import files
  • If XML radio button is selected
    • Checks if the file is an XML file
    • Checks if any sites are already stored in database (TODO: CHECK IF WORKING)
  • If old MDB is selected
    • Checks if any tables is missing from the selected database
    • Checks if the specific site is missing from database (TODO: Find out which database and what site code)
    • Checks if region does not match NUTS2 code
    • Checks if any sites are already stored in database (TODO: CHECK IF WORKING)
  • If new MDB is selected
    • Checks if any sites are already stored in database (TODO: CHECK IF WORKING)
Checks performed when trying to export files
  • If XML radio button is selected
  • If MS-Access radio button is selected
    • (TODO: FINDOUT if validation process is executed)