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File metadata and controls

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Learning Goals

  • Communicate between pods internally in the cluster.
  • Reach pods from outside the cluster.
  • Understand service discovery.


In this exercise you'll learn about how pods can be exposed using services and test connectivity between them.

Service Discovery & Services

One of the features of Kubernetes is that we do not have to care on which machine our pods are running. This does create an interesting problem for us - if we don't know where (the IP address) the pod is, how can we route traffic to it? This is solved by what is called service discovery, as the words imply, Kubernetes will look for your pods, and dynamically route traffic to them.

This is achieved using the Kubernetes kind service, which is a network abstraction for service discovery (and more!).

The service receives a static IP address that will not change throughout the life cycle of the service, so while the pod IP addresses might change, the service will not.

Service discovery works in Kubernetes by putting labels on pods, and then using a selector in the service to match the same labels. This is handled by the Kubernetes API, which means that we only need to know the labels of the pods we want to send traffic to, and Kubernetes will take of the rest!

The service then routes traffic the pods that it selects, you can think of service as a kind of proxy - you route traffic to the service, and the service routes the traffic to your pods.

While the service gets a static IP address we actually prefer not use it, because Kubernetes actually runs its own DNS server in the cluster network, and every time we create a service a DNS record is created that points to the service IP address. The DNS record is always the name of the service, and can be referenced either from the same namespace by using the name or from a different namespace by using the long form: <name>.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local.


An Example pod with labels

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
    app: frontend # <-- These labels are selected by the service
    environment: dev
  name: frontend
    - image:
      name: frontend
      resources: {}

An example service that selects the labels of the pod

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
    app: frontend
  name: frontend
    - port: 5000
      protocol: TCP
      targetPort: 5000
    app: frontend # <-- The service selects pods that have this list of labels
    environment: dev
  type: ClusterIP

service Types

Since Kubernetes can recreate pods at any time, it is not a good idea to rely on the IP address of a pod. Instead, we can create a service that will expose the pod(s) to the outside world. The service IP address will not change, even if the pod(s) it is exposing are destroyed and recreated. It will only change if the service is deleted and recreated.

The service also load balances traffic between the pods it is exposing if there are more than one pod.

The service finds the pods it is exposing by using labels. The service will expose all pods that have the labels specified in the selector part of the service.

service Manifest

A generic service manifest file looks like this:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  labels: # list of labels for this service
  name: # Service name
  ports: # Ports to expose
    - port:
      protocol: # TCP or UDP
      targetPort: # Pod port to route to
  selector: # List of labels to match pods
  type: # ClusterIP, NodePort or LoadBalancer

Here is an example service manifest:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
    app: backend
  name: backend
    - port: 5000
      protocol: TCP
      targetPort: 5000
    app: backend
  type: ClusterIP

Services come in three types: ClusterIP, NodePort and LoadBalancer.

Service type: ClusterIP

The ClusterIP service type is for routing internal network traffic between pods in the cluster.

We can use either the static IP address or the DNS name to route traffic between pods.

We prefer to use the DNS name, because we know what it will be before the service is created and receives a random static IP address.

The ClusterIP service type does not allow for any communication from clients outside the cluster.

💡 More about ClusterIP

The service type ClusterIP does not have any external IP. This means it is not accessible over the internet, but we can still access it from within the cluster using its CLUSTER-IP.

  • The IPs assigned to services as Cluster-IP are from a different Kubernetes network called Service Network, which is a completely different network altogether. i.e. it is not connected (nor related) to pod-network or the infrastructure network. Technically it is actually not a real network per-se; it is a labeling system, which is used by Kube-proxy on each node to setup correct iptables rules. (This is an advanced topic, and not our focus right now).
  • No matter what type of service you choose while exposing your pod, Cluster-IP is always assigned to that particular service.
  • Every service has end-points, which point to the actual pod serving as a backend of a particular service.
  • As soon as a service is created, and is assigned a Cluster-IP, an entry is made in Kubernetes' internal DNS against that service, with this service name and the Cluster-IP. e.g. backend.default.svc.cluster.local would point to Cluster-IP .

Service type: NodePort

Services of type NodePort have all of the functionality of ClusterIP services, but add more functionality: it will also open up a port on each node in the cluster, which will route traffic to the service.

For example a NodePort service might open port 32593 on all nodes, and route traffic from this port to the service.

So now, if we know the IP of our nodes (and they are externally accessible), we can access this service from the internet.

Other types

There are other types of services, like LoadBalancer, but we won't cover them in this exercise.

If you want to know more about Services, you can read more about them here.

💡 Hint: You can use the kubectl explain command to get more information about the fields in the yaml file. For example, kubectl explain service.spec will give you more information about the spec field in the service yaml file.


In this exercise you will start both the frontend and backend quotes-flask pods.


  • Apply both frontend and backend pods
  • Create backend service with type ClusterIP
  • Exec into frontend pod, reach backend through service DNS name
  • Create frontend service with type NodePort
  • Access it from the nodes IP address

💡 If you get stuck somewhere along the way, you can check the solution in the done folder.

Step by step instructions

Step by step:
  • Go into the services/start directory.
  • Apply the backend-pod.yaml & frontend-pod.yaml files.
💡 Hint

You can use the kubectl apply -f <file> command to deploy the pod. The pod is defined in the backend-pod.yaml file. Hint: the apply command can take more than one -f parameter to apply more than one yaml file

  • Check that the pods are running with kubectl get pods command.

You should see something like this:

pod/backend   1/1     Running   0          28s
pod/frontend  1/1     Running   0          20s

Now that we have the pods running, we can create a service that will expose the backend pod to the cluster network, so we will create a service of type ClusterIP.

  • Open the backend-svc.yaml file and fill in the missing parts.
  • apiVersion and kind are already filled in for you.
  • Metadata section should have the name backend and a label with key run and value backend.
  • Spec section should have a port with port 5000, protocol TCP and targetPort 5000.
  • Selector section should have a label with key run and value backend.
  • Type should be ClusterIP.

💡 If you get stuck somewhere along the way, you can check the solution in the done folder.

  • Apply backend-svc.yaml that you just created. kubectl apply -f backend-svc.yaml

  • Check that the service is created with kubectl get services command.

You should see something like this:

NAME              TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
service/backend   ClusterIP   <none>        5000/TCP   23s
  • Exec into frontend pod kubectl exec -it frontend -- bash

You should see something like this:


Make sure that you are inside a pod and not in your terminal window.

  • Try to reach backend pod through backend service Cluster-IP from within your frontend pod

You should see something like this:

Hello from the backend!
  • Try accessing the service using dns name now
curl backend:5000

You should see the same output as above.

You can type exit or press Ctrl-d to exit from your container.

  • Next we create the service file for the frontend with type NodePort.

  • While we can write manifests by hand, we can also use some tricks to generate boilerplate manifests: For example we can use the kubectl expose command to create a service from a pod or deployment.

For example, kubectl expose pod frontend --type=NodePort --port=5000 will create a service for the frontend pod with type NodePort and port 5000. We can then use Unix shell pipes (>) to direct the output of the command to a file, e.g. <command> > <file> We run kubectl expose with the arguments --dry-run=client -o yaml to only perform the operation locally without sending the result to the server, and formatting the output as yaml.

  • Create the frontend service manifest with the command above: kubectl expose pod frontend --type=NodePort --port=5000 -o yaml --dry-run=client > frontend-svc.yaml

  • Apply frontend-svc.yaml that you just created.

  • Check that the service is created with kubectl get services command.

You should see something like this:

NAME              TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
frontend          NodePort   <none>        5000:31941/TCP   23s
service/backend   ClusterIP   <none>        5000/TCP         23s
  • Note down the port number for the frontend service. In this case it is 31941 (yours will be different).

  • Get the nodes IP address. Run kubectl get nodes -o wide.

You should see something like this:

NAME                                        STATUS   ROLES    AGE    VERSION               INTERNAL-IP   EXTERNAL-IP      OS-IMAGE         KERNEL-VERSION                 CONTAINER-RUNTIME   Ready    <none>   152m   v1.23.9-eks-ba74326    Amazon Linux 2
5.4.219-126.411.amzn2.x86_64   docker://20.10.17    Ready    <none>   152m   v1.23.9-eks-ba74326   Amazon Linux 2
5.4.219-126.411.amzn2.x86_64   docker://20.10.17   Ready    <none>   152m   v1.23.9-eks-ba74326   Amazon Linux 2
5.4.219-126.411.amzn2.x86_64   docker://20.10.17    Ready    <none>   152m   v1.23.9-eks-ba74326    Amazon Linux 2
5.4.219-126.411.amzn2.x86_64   docker://20.10.17

Copy the external IP address of any one of the nodes, for example, and paste it in your browser.

Copy the port from your frontend service that looks something like 31941 and paste it after to your IP in the browser, separated by a colon (:), for example and load the page.

Alternatively, you could also test it using curl from your terminal window.

curl | grep h1

You should see something like this:

  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  3051  100  3051    0     0   576k      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  595k
        <h1>Programming Quotes</h1>
💡 Food for thought

Think about why you didn't need to exec into a pod to test frontend service but needed it to test the backend service.

Clean up

Delete the pods and services with kubectl delete pod frontend backend and kubectl delete service frontend backend commands.

You have successfully tested connectivity between frontend and backend pods using services.

Extra: Filter on the basis of labels

Optional extra exercise

To filter the output of kubectl get pods based on a label, you can use the --selector flag followed by the label key and value. For example, to filter the pods based on a label with the key foo and the value bar, you would run the following command:

kubectl get pods --selector=foo=bar

This will return a list of all the pods that have a label with the key foo and the value bar.

You can use the != operator to specify that you want to exclude resources with a particular label value. For example, to filter the pods based on a label with the key foo but exclude those with the value bar, you would run the following command:

kubectl get pods --selector=foo!=bar

Try to apply the manifests again and write four commands that does the following:

  • List only the pods with the label app=frontend
  • List only the pods with the label app=backend
  • List only the pods where label app is not frontend
  • List only the pods where label app is not backend

The documentation on this can be found here:

Remember to clean up after you are done.