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ResumeBucket is a rest api for an online resume storage.

Tech Stack

Java11, Spring Boot(web, test, data-redis, security, log4j2, cache, validation, aop), Spring Data Elasticsearch, Spring Security Oauth2, Elasticsearch, Redis, REST, Maven, Junit5, Mockito, Assertj, Kubernetes

Rest API

  • UserRegistryController : Restfull Service for user registry

    • signUp
  • ResumeController : Restfull Service for resume operations.

    • saveResume
    • getResume
    • updateContact
    • updateSummary
    • updateExperiences
    • updateEducations
    • updateCertificates
    • updateSkills
    • updateAwards
    • updateLanguages
    • updateInterests
    • deleteResume
  • ResumeSearchController : Restfull Service for resume search operations.

    • searchResume
  • ResumeStatisticsController : Restfull Service for resume statistics operations.

    • searchWhereTheyLive
    • searchWhereTheyStudy


  • Install minikube

  • For loadbanacer run command below

    minikube tunnel

  • Deploy Elastic-Stack

    kubectl apply -f elastic-stack.yaml

  • Deploy Redis-Stack

    kubectl apply -f redis-stack.yaml

  • Build Image

    docker build -t resumebucket:latest -f /eclipse-workspace/ResumeBucket/src/main/resources/Dockerfile .

    eval $(minikube docker-env)

  • Deploy Applications

    kubectl apply -f resumebucket.yaml

  • Kubernetes Dashboard

    minikube dasboard

  • Prometheus&Grafana

    kubectl create namespace monitoring

    helm repo add prometheus-community

    helm install k8spromethuesstack --namespace monitoring prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack