AlgoMorphism (AM) is a general driven framework for Object-Oriented Programing (OOP) on Back-Propagation Optimization algorithm. Defining an optimization experiment using objects. Object examples could be Dataset Object (DO) or input of experiment and Model Object (MO) which is optimized.
Firstly at an experiment call or develop a custom Dataset Object (DO), every DO has 1 to 3 elements:
- rain element: train batched examples,
- val element (optional): validation batched examples,
- test element (optional): test batched examples.
Secondly, call or develop custom Cost Objects, Score Object:
- Cost-Loss Object: this object applies forward propagation and keeps in memory the computation chain of cost function.
- Cost-Metric Object: this object applies forward propagation and return the cost.
- Score Object (optional): this object is computed at most cases in classification experiments. Same examples is:
- Accuracy Score
- F1 Score
Thirdly, call or develop custom Model Object (MO), every has one required element:
- status list: this list contains what the MO reads as input/output by DO.
Also MO has 2 to 3 elements:
- a list of Cost-Loss Objects,
- a list of Cost-Metric Objects,
- a list of Score Objects (optional)
An MO Inherits the Base neural network Object (BO) with the status and DO as required elements. With BO, MO is becomes a trainable.
Finished the training, the experiment has completed. Plot the results per iteration (aka history), calling the multiple_models_history_figure
function to plot Cost-Metric, Score per iteration (aka epoch).
In this learning experiment we try to classify using Graph Constitutional Networks, a random generated types of graphs with different number of nodes. We call the DO by framework, secondly we illustrative the MO graph classification learning and train the model. After the training we plot the leaning results.
import algomorphism as am
import tensorflow as tf
examples = 500
n_nodes_min = 10
n_nodes_max = 20
graph_types = ['cycle', 'star', 'wheel', 'complete', 'lollipop',
'hypercube', 'circular_ladder', 'grid']
n_c = len(graph_types)
g_dataset = am.dataset.datasets.generate.SimpleGraphsDataset(examples, n_nodes_min, n_nodes_max, graph_types)
a_train = g_dataset.get_train_data()
a_dim = a_train.shape[1]
class GraphConvolutionalClassifier(tf.Module, am.model.base.BaseNeuralNetwork):
def __init__(self):
tf.Module.__init__(self, name='gcn_classifer')
status = [
[1, 2]
self.score_mtr = am.model.base.MetricBase(self,
self.cost_mtr = am.model.base.MetricBase(self,
self.cost_loss = am.model.base.LossBase(self,
am.model.base.BaseNeuralNetwork(status, g_dataset)
self.gcn1 = am.model.layers.GCN(a_dim, 32)
self.gcn2 = am.model.layers.GCN(32, 64)
self.flatten = tf.keras.layers.Flatten()
self.out = am.model.FC(a_dim*64, n_c, 'softmax')
def __call__(self, inputs):
x = self.gcn1(inputs[0], inputs[1])
x = self.gcn2(x, inputs[1])
x = self.flatten(x)
y = self.out(x)
y = tuple([y])
return y
gcn = GraphConvolutionalClassifier()
gcn.train(g_dataset, epochs=150, print_types=['train', 'val'])