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5. Keyboard

File metadata and controls

412 lines (313 loc) · 9.42 KB

5. Keyboard events

This is the last step we need to do before we have a working game! First off, let's install the Keyboard package:

elm package install elm-lang/keyboard

And import the package at the top of our file:

import Keyboard exposing (..)


In order to receive keyboard events, we need add subscriptions for both the key up and key down events.

Before we do that, let's add two separate messages for those two events. Our Msg should look like this:

type Msg
    = Tick Float
    | KeyUp KeyCode
    | KeyDown KeyCode

Both the KeyUp and KeyDown types have an KeyCodevalue associated to them.

Now we can set up our subscriptions. In order to subscribe to multiple subscriptions, we need to use a function called Sub.batch. batch takes a list of subscriptions and returns one subscription which includes all of them:

subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
        [ Keyboard.downs KeyDown
        , KeyUp
        , AnimationFrame.diffs Tick

Here we bind the Keyboard.down events to the KeyDown message, and the to the KeyUp message. We also need to handle these Msgs in our update function. For now, we can just return the model unchanged.

update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
    case msg of
        KeyDown key ->
            ( model, Cmd.none )

        KeyUp key ->
            ( model, Cmd.none )

Storing key downs

We want to keep track of which keys that are currently pressed, so that we can move our paddles accordingly. To do that we can add another field to our Model record that contains a Set of all the KeyCodes currently pressed. Our model should now look like this:

import Set exposing (Set)


type alias Model =
    { ball : Ball
    , paddleLeft : Paddle
    , paddleRight : Paddle
    , keysDown : Set KeyCode

We also need to update our init function. Our initial model should just contain an empty set:

init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init =
    ( { ball = initBall
      , paddleLeft = initPaddle 20
      , paddleRight = initPaddle (boardWidth - 25)
      , keysDown = Set.empty
    , Cmd.none

In our update function we can now add or remove the currently pressed key from our model:

update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
    case msg of
        KeyDown key ->
            ( { model | keysDown = Set.insert key model.keysDown }, Cmd.none )

        KeyUp key ->
            ( { model | keysDown = Set.remove key model.keysDown }, Cmd.none )


Updating paddle direction

We need some way of mapping specific key codes to the movement of each paddle. We can use an Int to represent which direction the paddles are moving. Negative means up, positive means down, and zero means the paddle is standing still.

Let's create one function for each paddle. We want the left paddle to move up and down using w and s, while the right paddle should use the arrow keys:

paddleDirectionLeft : Set KeyCode -> Int
paddleDirectionLeft keysDown =
    if Set.member 87 keysDown then
    else if Set.member 83 keysDown then

paddleDirectionRight : Set KeyCode -> Int
paddleDirectionRight keysDown =
    if Set.member 38 keysDown then
    else if Set.member 40 keysDown then

Now that we have a way of getting the direction for a paddle we can pass this into the updatePaddle function so that we can move it in the right direction. We can do this by adding a direction parameter to the function and multiply that with the paddle velocity:

updatePaddle : Int -> Float -> Paddle -> Paddle
updatePaddle direction delta paddle =
    { paddle
        | y =
            clamp 0
                (boardHeight - paddle.height)
                (paddle.y + (paddle.vy * (toFloat direction)) * delta)

We also need to change our update function to pass the paddle direction town to updatePaddle:

update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
    case msg of
        Tick delta ->
            ( { model
                | ball = updateBall delta model
                , paddleLeft = updatePaddle (paddleDirectionLeft model.keysDown) delta model.paddleLeft
                , paddleRight = updatePaddle (paddleDirectionRight model.keysDown) delta model.paddleRight
            , Cmd.none

And that's it! You should now have a fully functional game of Pong 👏👏

The full source code should look something like this:

module Main exposing (..)

import Html exposing (..)
import Svg exposing (..)
import Svg.Attributes exposing (..)
import AnimationFrame
import Keyboard exposing (..)
import Set exposing (Set)

boardWidth =

boardHeight =


type alias Model =
    { ball : Ball
    , paddleLeft : Paddle
    , paddleRight : Paddle
    , keysDown : Set KeyCode

type alias Ball =
    { x : Float
    , y : Float
    , vx : Float
    , vy : Float
    , radius : Float

type alias Paddle =
    { x : Float
    , y : Float
    , vx : Float
    , vy : Float
    , width : Float
    , height : Float

init : ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init =
    ( { ball = initBall
      , paddleLeft = initPaddle 20
      , paddleRight = initPaddle (boardWidth - 25)
      , keysDown = Set.empty
    , Cmd.none

initBall : Ball
initBall =
    { x = boardWidth / 2
    , y = boardHeight / 2
    , vx = 0.3
    , vy = 0.3
    , radius = 8

initPaddle : Float -> Paddle
initPaddle x =
    { x = x
    , y = 0
    , vx = 0.4
    , vy = 0.4
    , width = 5
    , height = 80


type Msg
    = Tick Float
    | KeyUp KeyCode
    | KeyDown KeyCode

update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
    case msg of
        KeyDown key ->
            ( { model | keysDown = Set.insert key model.keysDown }, Cmd.none )

        KeyUp key ->
            ( { model | keysDown = Set.remove key model.keysDown }, Cmd.none )

        Tick delta ->
            ( { model
                | ball = updateBall delta model
                , paddleLeft = updatePaddle (paddleDirectionLeft model.keysDown) delta model.paddleLeft
                , paddleRight = updatePaddle (paddleDirectionRight model.keysDown) delta model.paddleRight
            , Cmd.none

updatePaddle : Int -> Float -> Paddle -> Paddle
updatePaddle direction delta paddle =
    { paddle
        | y =
            clamp 0
                (boardHeight - paddle.height)
                (paddle.y + (paddle.vy * (toFloat direction)) * delta)

updateBall : Float -> Model -> Ball
updateBall delta {ball, paddleLeft, paddleRight} =
    if ball.x < -ball.radius || ball.x > boardWidth + ball.radius then
        { ball
            | x = boardWidth / 2
            , y = boardHeight / 2
            vx =
                if within ball paddleLeft then
                    abs ball.vx
                else if within ball paddleRight then
                    -(abs ball.vx)

            vy =
                if ball.y < ball.radius then
                    abs ball.vy
                else if ball.y > boardHeight - ball.radius then
                    -(abs ball.vy)
            { ball
                | x = ball.x + vx * delta
                , y = ball.y + vy * delta
                , vx = vx
                , vy = vy

near : Float -> Float -> Float -> Bool
near a spacing b =
    b >= a - spacing && b <= a + spacing

within : Ball -> Paddle -> Bool
within ball paddle =
    near (paddle.x + paddle.width / 2) (paddle.width / 2 + ball.radius) ball.x
        && near (paddle.y + paddle.height / 2) (paddle.height / 2 + ball.radius) ball.y

paddleDirectionLeft : Set KeyCode -> Int
paddleDirectionLeft keysDown =
    if Set.member 87 keysDown then
    else if Set.member 83 keysDown then

paddleDirectionRight : Set KeyCode -> Int
paddleDirectionRight keysDown =
    if Set.member 38 keysDown then
    else if Set.member 40 keysDown then


view : Model -> Html Msg
view model =
        [ width (toString boardWidth)
        , height (toString boardHeight)
        [ rect
            [ width (toString boardWidth)
            , height (toString boardHeight)
            , fill "black"
        , ballView model.ball
        , paddleView model.paddleLeft
        , paddleView model.paddleRight

ballView : Ball -> Svg Msg
ballView model =
        [ cx (toString model.x)
        , cy (toString model.y)
        , r (toString model.radius)
        , fill "white"

paddleView : Paddle -> Svg Msg
paddleView model =
        [ width (toString model.width)
        , height (toString model.height)
        , x (toString model.x)
        , y (toString model.y)
        , fill "white"


subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
        [ Keyboard.downs KeyDown
        , KeyUp
        , AnimationFrame.diffs Tick


main =
        { init = init
        , update = update
        , view = view
        , subscriptions = subscriptions