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Add simple cluster/hit analysis macro
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ruse-traveler committed Feb 1, 2024
1 parent 279da89 commit 0a12960
Showing 1 changed file with 300 additions and 0 deletions.
300 changes: 300 additions & 0 deletions benchmarks/barrel_hcal/scripts/hcal_barrel_cluster_analysis.cxx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 'hcal_barrel_clusters_analysis.cxx'
// Derek Anderson
// 09.07.2023
// ePIC BHCal benchmark macro.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// c++ utilities
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <utility>
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <optional>
// root classes
#include <TH1.h>
#include <TH2.h>
#include <TCanvas.h>
// dataframe related classes
#include <ROOT/RDataFrame.hxx>
#include <ROOT/RDF/HistoModels.hxx>
// benchmark utilities
#include "common_bench/mt.h"
#include "common_bench/util.h"
#include "common_bench/plot.h"
#include "common_bench/benchmark.h"
// formatting utilities
#include "fmt/core.h"
#include "fmt/color.h"
// misc
#include "nlohmann/json.hpp"

// make ROOT namespaces implicit
using namespace ROOT;
using namespace ROOT::VecOps;

// set up aliases
using TH1Def = ROOT::RDF::TH1DModel;
using TH2Def = ROOT::RDF::TH2DModel;

// save canvas ----------------------------------------------------------------

void save_canvas(TCanvas* canvas, std::optional<std::string> label = nullopt) {

if (label.has_value()) {
canvas -> SaveAs( fmt::format("results/{}.png", label).c_str() );
canvas -> SaveAs( fmt::format("results/{}.pdf", label).c_str() );
} else {
canvas -> SaveAs( fmt::format("results/{}.png", canvas -> GetName()).c_str() );
canvas -> SaveAs( fmt::format("results/{}.pdf", canvas -> GetName()).c_str() );

} // end 'save_canvas(TCanvas*, std::string)'

// bhcal benchmarks -----------------------------------------------------------

int hcal_barrel_clusters_analysis(std::string file) {

// enable multithreading

// open dataframe
RDataFrame frame("events", file);

// make sure file isn't empty
auto events = frame.Count();
if (events == 0) {
cerr << "Error: No events found!" << endl;
assert(events > 0);

// lambdas for analysis -----------------------------------------------------

auto getParticleEnergy = [](const RVec<int> &types, const RVec<float> &energies) {
float energy = -1;
uint64_t index = 0;
for (const int type : types) {
if (type == 1) {
energy =;
return energy;

auto getLeadEnergy = [](const RVec<float> &energies) {
float lead = -1;
for (const float energy : energies) {
if (energy > lead) {
lead = energy;
return lead;

auto getEnergySum = [](const RVec<float> &energies) {
float sum = 0.;
for (const float energy : energies) {
sum += energy;
return sum;

auto getPercentDiffVec = [](const float a, const RVec<float> &b) {
RVec<float> diff;
for (uint64_t index = 0; index < b.size(); index++) {
diff.push_back((a - / a);
return diff;

auto getPercentDiff = [](const float a, const float b) {
return (a - b) / b;

auto getSumFraction = [](const float a, const float b) {
return a / (a + b);

auto getMultiplicity = [](const RVec<float> &collection) {
return collection.size();

// define histograms --------------------------------------------------------

// turn on histogram errors

// histogram titles
const string eneTitle = ";E [GeV];counts";
const string diffTitle = ";(E_{reco} - E_{par}) / E_{par};counts";
const string multTitle = ";multiplicity;counts";
const string diffCvsPTitle = ";E_{par} [GeV];E_{clust} [GeV];counts";
const string diffLvsPTitle = ";E_{par} [GeV];E_{clust}^{lead} [GeV];counts";
const string diffSvsPTitle = ";E_{par} [GeV];#SigmaE_{clust} [GeV];counts";
const string sumVsFracTitle = ";#SigmaE_{BECal} / (#SigmaE_{BECal} + #SigmaE_{BHCal});#SigmaE_{BECal};counts";

// histogram binning
const tuple<int, double, double> eneBins = make_tuple(200, 0., 100.);
const tuple<int, double, double> diffBins = make_tuple(200, -10., 10.);
const tuple<int, double, double> fracBins = make_tuple(100, 0., 10.);
const tuple<int, double, double> multBins = make_tuple(100, 0., 100.);

// histogram definitions
const vector<TH1Def> vecHistDefs1D = {
TH1Def("hEnePar",, get<0>(eneBins), get<1>(eneBins), get<2>(eneBins)),
TH1Def("hEneHit",, get<0>(eneBins), get<1>(eneBins), get<2>(eneBins)),
TH1Def("hEneClust",, get<0>(eneBins), get<1>(eneBins), get<2>(eneBins)),
TH1Def("hEneLead",, get<0>(eneBins), get<1>(eneBins), get<2>(eneBins)),
TH1Def("hEneSum",, get<0>(eneBins), get<1>(eneBins), get<2>(eneBins)),
TH1Def("hDiffClust",, get<0>(diffBins), get<1>(diffBins), get<2>(diffBins)),
TH1Def("hDiffLead",, get<0>(diffBins), get<1>(diffBins), get<2>(diffBins)),
TH1Def("hDiffSum",, get<0>(diffBins), get<1>(diffBins), get<2>(diffBins)),
TH1Def("hMultHit",, get<0>(multBins), get<1>(multBins), get<2>(multBins)),
TH1Def("hMultClust",, get<0>(multBins), get<1>(multBins), get<2>(multBins)),
TH1Def("hMultHitInClust",, get<0>(multBins), get<2>(multBins), get<2>(multBins))
const vector<TH2Def> vecHistDefs2D = {
TH2Def("hSumVsFrac",, get<0>(fracBins), get<1>(fracBins), get<2>(fracBins), get<0>(diffBins), get<1>(diffBins), get<1>(diffBins))

// run analysis -------------------------------------------------------------

// define columns
auto analysis = frame.Define("enePar", getParticleEnergy, {"GeneratedParticles.type", ""})
.Define("eneLeadHCal", getLeadEnergy, {""})
.Define("eneSumHCal", getEnergySum, {""})
.Define("eneSumECal", getEnergySum, {""})
.Define("diffClustHCal", getPercentDiffVec, {"enePar", ""})
.Define("diffLeadHCal", getPercentDiff, {"enePar", "eneLeadHCal"})
.Define("diffSumHCal", getPercentDiff, {"enePar", "eneSumHCal"})
.Define("fracSumHxECal", getSumFraction, {"eneSumECal", "eneSumHCal"})
.Define("multHit", getMultiplicity, {""})
.Define("multClust", getMultiplicity, {""});

// get 1D histograms
// TODO it might be nice to collect these into a vector
// and automate histogram operations...
auto hEnePar = analysis.Histo1D(vecHistDefs1D[0], "enePar");
auto hEneHit = analysis.Histo1D(vecHistDefs1D[1], "");
auto hEneClust = analysis.Histo1D(vecHistDefs1D[2], "");
auto hEneLead = analysis.Histo1D(vecHistDefs1D[3], "eneLeadHCal");
auto hEneSum = analysis.Histo1D(vecHistDefs1D[4], "eneSumHCal");
auto hDiffClust = analysis.Histo1D(vecHistDefs1D[5], "diffClustHCal");
auto hDiffLead = analysis.Histo1D(vecHistDefs1D[6], "diffLeadHCal");
auto hDiffSum = analysis.Histo1D(vecHistDefs1D[7], "diffSumHCal");
auto hMultHit = analysis.Histo1D(vecHistDefs1D[8], "multHit");
auto hMultClust = analysis.Histo1D(vecHistDefs1D[9], "multClust");
auto hMultHitInClust = analysis.Histo1D(vecHistDefs1D[10], "HcalBarrelClusters.nhits");

// get 2D histograms
auto hSumVsFrac = analysis.Histo2D(vecHistDefs2D[0], "fracSumHxECal", "eneSumECal");

// make plots ---------------------------------------------------------------

// define styles
const tuple<uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t> stylePar = {1, 1, 2};
const tuple<uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t> styleHit = {633, 1, 2};
const tuple<uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t> styleClust = {417, 1, 2};
const tuple<uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t> styleLead = {601, 1, 2};
const tuple<uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t> styleSum = {617, 1, 2};
const tuple<uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t> styleFrac = {1, 1, 2};
const tuple<uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t> styleInClust = {601, 1, 2};

// set energy styles
hEnePar -> SetLineColor(get<0>(stylePar));
hEnePar -> SetLineStyle(get<1>(stylePar));
hEnePar -> SetLineWidth(get<2>(stylePar));
hEneHit -> SetLineColor(get<0>(styleHit));
hEneHit -> SetLineStyle(get<1>(styleHit));
hEneHit -> SetLineWidth(get<2>(styleHit));
hEneClust -> SetLineColor(get<0>(styleClust));
hEneClust -> SetLineStyle(get<1>(styleClust));
hEneClust -> SetLineWidth(get<2>(styleClust));
hEneLead -> SetLineColor(get<0>(styleLead));
hEneLead -> SetLineStyle(get<1>(styleLead));
hEneLead -> SetLineWidth(get<2>(styleLead));
hEneSum -> SetLineColor(get<0>(styleSum));
hEneSum -> SetLineStyle(get<1>(styleSum));

// set difference styles
hDiffClust -> SetLineColor(get<0>(styleClust));
hDiffClust -> SetLineStyle(get<1>(styleClust));
hDiffClust -> SetLineWidth(get<2>(styleClust));
hDiffLead -> SetLineColor(get<0>(styleLead));
hDiffLead -> SetLineStyle(get<1>(styleLead));
hDiffLead -> SetLineWidth(get<2>(styleLead));
hDiffSum -> SetLineColor(get<0>(styleSum));
hDiffSum -> SetLineStyle(get<1>(styleSum));
hDiffSum -> SetLineWidth(get<2>(styleSum));

// set multiplicity style
hMultHit -> SetLineColor(get<0>(styleHit));
hMultHit -> SetLineStyle(get<1>(styleHit));
hMultHit -> SetLineWidth(get<2>(styleHit));
hMultClust -> SetLineColor(get<0>(styleClust));
hMultClust -> SetLineStyle(get<1>(styleClust));
hMultClust -> SetLineWidth(get<2>(styleClust));
hMultHitInClust -> SetLineColor(get<0>(styleInClust));
hMultHitInClust -> SetLineStyle(get<1>(styleInClust));
hMultHitInClust -> SetLineWidth(get<2>(styleInClust));

// canvas parameters
const uint32_t width = 750;
const uint32_t height = 750;
const uint8_t logY = 1;
const uint8_t logZ = 1;

TCanvas *cEne = new TCanvas("cEne", "", width, height);
cEne -> cd();
cEne -> SetLogy(logY);
hEnePar -> Draw();
hEneHit -> Draw("same");
hEneClust -> Draw("same");
hEneLead -> Draw("same");
hEneSum -> Draw("same");

TCanvas *cDiff = new TCanvas("cDiff", "", width, height);
cDiff -> cd();
cDiff -> SetLogy(logY);
hDiffClust -> Draw();
hDiffLead -> Draw("same");
hDiffSum -> Draw("same");

TCanvas *cMult = new TCanvas("cMult", "", width, height);
cMult -> cd();
cMult -> SetLogy(logY);
hMultHit -> Draw();
hMultClust -> Draw("same");
hMultHitInClust -> Draw("same");

TCanvas *cSumVsFrac = new TCanvas("cSumVsFrac", "", width, height);
cSumVsFrac -> cd();
cSumVsFrac -> SetLogz(logZ);
hSumVsFrac -> Draw("colz");

// save & exit --------------------------------------------------------------

cEne -> Close();
cDiff -> Close();
cMult -> Close();
cSumVsFrac -> Close();

// succesfully exit macro
return 0;

} // end 'hcal_barrel_clusters_analysis(std::string)'

// end ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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