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A physics driven space flight simulation using Unity's new DOTS.


I want to make this usable as a library. The Assets/Scripts directory contains everything. Other stuff in the repo are just samples and documents.

It is not supposed to directly edit anything in this package. One could derive sub-class if needed. Or use various delegates to tap into processes.

I also want to salvage my long forgotten maths & physics. So there are lots of grade school comments littering all over.

Playing around

Open Assets/Scenes/Space/Startup.unity and play.

Current thought is to use one empty scene repeatedly and spawn everything on the fly.

Problems met


EntityManager.MoveEntitiesFrom() doesn't move the whole hierarchy of prefabs. Only the entities selected by EntityQuery will be moved, no child under them would be moved. Because of this, off-active-world entity creation is almost (practically) impossible.

However, such creation process happening on main thread is not too bad at the moment, unless creating many hundreds or more entities at once. Mostly the rendering pipeline will crumble if a few dozens entities were spawned in sight. Long before one would have to worry about entity creation.

The PhysicsStep Component

The PhysicsStep component is not destroyed after a scene were unloaded. Say two scene (A & B) both have an entity with PhysicsStep component on them. When you switch from scene A to scene B using SceneManager.LoadScene("B"), the PhysicsStep from scene A will persist into scene B. Resulting in broken physics simulation.

Beginner's Notes

I count myself as a beginner. So I have a dedicated section here.

Moment of Inertia is a Vector3 tensor

In Unity, moment of inertia is not a simple number. Instead, it is the inertia tensor in Vector3 (Rigigbody.inertiaTensor) for GameObject, and float3 for ECS Physics Shape.

In ECS, Physics Body, Physics Mass and Physics Shape replace the Rigidbody component. And they have a bit more parameters can be tweaked than the GameObject's Rigigbody counterpart. But do note that, such as Physics Mass, it's inverseInertia, though the underlying numbers are the same.

General Notes

Entity Conversion

The ConvertToEntity component is a heavy duty task. The Crosair game object from the Space-Flight-Unity takes around 3.5 seconds to convert on-the-fly. Although the conversion is a one-time process happens at the first time of instantiation. Working out a dozen game objects will freeze the game for quite a while.

This is the reason to always stick to sub-scenes. Placing prefabs to sub-scene saves a whole lot of runtime resources. Even prefabs not requiring entity conversion will benefit greatly from the sub-scene cache.

Temporary Problems

  • In 2019.3, the NetCode package has an error, so it is temporarily uninstalled.
error CS1503: Argument 1: cannot convert from 'System.Collections.Generic.IReadOnlyList<System.Type>' to 'System.Collections.Generic.List<System.Type>'


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