Vivek Gopalakrishnan | June 9, 2018
Problem setup:
Find the least-time path between two points in 2-dimensional space. Assume friction is negligible and that all particles experience a uniform gravitational field.
This project aims to numerically approximate the Brachistochrone, the path of least-time connecting two points. The path of least-time is defined as the path that, if followed by a particle, would take the least time to travel from one point to another. From classical proofs derived in the 1600s, we know know that this path is a cycloid, the curve obtained by tracing the path of a singular point on a wheel as the wheel rolls through space. Instead of using proof, I indend to find the least-time path using a genetic algorithm.
- Two points are randomly initialized and fixed in two-dimensional space.
- A population of random paths are generated.
- The times required to travel these paths are calculated (time is the genetic algorithm's fitness score).
- Paths with high fitness scores are more likely to be selected in the mating pool. The pool randomly combines different parent paths to create a new generation of paths.
- Iterate through steps 3 and 4 until the fitnesses converge to a steady value.
- Visualize these curves and compare to the theoretical values.