A Python 3 parser-combinator library which uses coroutines to sequence parsers.
A coroutine is defined by it's runtime. If you pass a coroutine to an event loop, it has the ability to perform asynchronous IO operations. This library provides a runtime that knows how to parse text as guided by the coroutine.
The API for this library is heavily inspired by Rust's nom
In this example, pair_parser
can parse a pair of numbers, like (123, 987)
from effectful_parsers import parser_factory, exactly, py_int, run_parser, Success
async def pair_parser():
await exactly("(")
first = await py_int()
await exactly(", ")
second = await py_int()
await exactly(")")
return (first, second)
assert run_parser(pair_parser, "(1, 2)") == Success((1, 2))
More general parsers can be built by accepting sub-parsers as arguments. Here's another way that pair_parser
could have been implemented:
async def separated_pair(first, sep, second):
fst = await first
await sep
snd = await second
return (fst, snd)
async def delimited(left, target, right):
await left
value = await target
await right
return value
pair_parser = delimited(
exactly("("), separated_pair(py_int(), exactly(", "), py_int()), exactly(")"),
This parser will first parse a number, then attempts to parse that number of exclamation points.
from effectful_parsers import parser_factory, py_int, exactly, run_parser, Success
async def n_bangs():
count = await py_int()
for _ in range(count):
await exactly("!")
return count
assert run_parser(n_bangs(), "12!!!!!!!!!!!!") == Success(12)
assert run_parser(n_bangs(), "3!").failed
You can combine parsers with the either
, preceded
, and terminated
from effectful_parsers import either, exactly, preceded, terminated, run_parser, Success
abc = either(exactly("A"), exactly("B"), exactly("C"))
bracketed_abc = preceded(exactly("["), terminated(abc, exactly("]")))
assert run_parser(bracketed_abc, "[A]") == Success("A")
assert run_parser(bracketed_abc, "[B]") == Success("C")
assert run_parser(bracketed_abc, "[C]") == Success("C")
There is also short-hand syntax for those three operations:
either(A, B) == A | B
preceded(A, B) == A >> B
(Mnemonic: the result ofB
is being kept)terminated(A, B) == A << B
(Mnemonic: the result ofA
is being kept)
So the previous example could be rewritten as:
abc = exactly("A") | exactly("B") | exactly("C")
bracketed_abc = exactly("[") >> abc << exactly("]")
The many
and many1
combinators repeatedly try to use the parser they're provided and return a list or results:
from effectful_parsers import many, exactly, run_parser, Success
list_of_xs = exactly("[") >> many(exactly("X")) << exactly("]")
assert run_parser(list_of_xs, "[]") == Success("")
assert run_parser(list_of_xs, "[X]") == Success("X")
assert run_parser(list_of_xs, "[XXXX]") == Success("XXXX")
Note that many
parses 0 or more repetitions of its parser, while many1
parses 1 or more repetitions.
Every Combinator
has a map
method which accepts a function of one argument. If the combinator successfully parses a result, then this function will be applied to that result, and that mapped value will be returned instead.
from effectful_parsers import py_int, run_parser, Success
parser = py_int().map(lambda x: x * x).map(lambda y: y + 1)
assert run_parser(parser, "12") == Success((12 * 12) + 1)
assert run_parser(parser, "asdfasdf").failed
The recognize
combinator ignores the result of the parser its given and instead returns the text that was parsed:
from effectful_parsers import exactly, py_float, recognize, run_parser, Success
parser = exactly("@@@") >> py_float() << exactly("@@@")
assert run_parser(parser, "@@@-12.4e5@@@") == Success(-12.4e5)
assert run_parser(recognize(parser), "@@@-12.4e5@@@") == Success("@@@-12.4e5@@@")