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It means "Relational Prolog".


Instead of predicates, this implementation focuses on relations. A Prolog predicate can be thought of as a name and an ordered tuple of arguments, but a Rellog relation is an unordered collection of name-value pairs (called attributes).

While in Prolog you might write

append([1, 2], [3, 4], Compound)

in Rellog you could write any of the following:

[prefix {1 2}][suffix {3 4}][compound Compound]
[prefix {1 2}][suffix {3 4}][Compound] # (Argument punning for `Compound`)
[suffix {3 4}][prefix {1 2}][Compound]
[suffix {3 4}][Compound][prefix {1 2}]
[prefix {1 2}][Compound][suffix {3 4}]
[Compound][suffix {3 4}][prefix {1 2}]
[Compound][prefix {1 2}][suffix {3 4}]


[prefix {}][Suffix][compound Suffix]
[prefix {First ..Rest}][Suffix][compound {First ..Compound}]
    - [prefix Rest][suffix Suffix][Compound]

[forwards {}][backwards {}]
[forwards {First}][Backwards]
    - [][]
    - [prefix][suffix {First}][compound Backwards]

Note that conjunctions are expressed as indented --preceded lists.

The equivalent Prolog code would be:

append([], Suffix, Suffix).
append([First | Rest], Suffix, [First | Compound]) :-
    append(Rest, Suffix, Compound).

reverse([], []).
reverse([First | Rest], Backwards) :-
    reverse(Rest, RestReversed),
    append(RestReversed, [First], Backwards).


  • Focus on relations between values rather than names of relations.
  • Be easy to type, avoid symbols requiring holding the shift key.
  • Have clean, simple syntax for grammars (DCGs).
  • Have efficient string types that still feel like lists.
  • Prioritize automatic choicepoint elimination rather than efficiency. This makes irrelevant many common uses of "cut."
  • Avoid the trailing period problem that prolog suffers from.

An example of a definite clause grammar being used in rellog. See examples/dcgs.rellog for code.


First download and build Rellog. You'll need a relatively recent (as of October 2023) Rust compiler. If you have Rust installed, you'll need to make sure you're using the nightly compiler.

$ git clone
$ cd rellog
$ rustup override set nightly
$ cargo build

It may take a few minutes to build, but afterwards you can open a REPL session:

$ cargo run

Language Reference

Table of Contents

Overview: The Big Ideas

Rellog is all about relations. A relation is a set of associations of values (kinda like a set of dictionaries each of which have the same schema).

An example of a relation might be a student-teacher relationship. In Rellog, the sentence "Gideon and Aditya are students of Dr. Blum" could be expressed as two facts about the world:

# Fact #1:
[student gideon][teacher dr_blum]

# Fact #2:
[student aditya][teacher dr_blum]

We refer to this relation by its signature which is written:


A signature is a set of symbols which are the names of the relation's keys.

If you're familiar with Excel, think of a relation as a spreadsheet. A relation's signature then is just the spreadsheet's column names.

Here's a bigger example involving multiple relations.

[course cmpsc385][instructor dr_null]
[course cmpsc375][instructor dr_blum]
[course cmpsc439][instructor dr_na]

[course cmpsc385][name "Operating Systems"]
[course cmpsc375][name "App Development"]
[course cmpsc439][name "Compilers"]

[student gideon][course cmpsc361]
[student gideon][course cmpsc439]
[student aditya][course cmpsc375]
[student aditya][course cmpsc439]

This is a set of facts about three different relations:

  1. The [Course][Instructor] relation,
  2. the [Course][Name] relation, and
  3. the [Student][Course] relation.

An interesting question to ask might be "who are all the students of Dr. Na?"

We can pose this question as a Rellog query in the REPL:

Note: lines beginning with two dashes (--) are meant to be entered in the REPL.

-- [instructor dr_na][Course] ; [Course][Student]

    - Course = cmpsc439
    - Student = gideon # Press ENTER to search for additional solutions
    - Course = cmpsc439
    - Student = aditya
    # Exactly 1 solution found.

The system says there are two solutions to the query. In the first one, Course is bound to cmpsc439 and Student is bound to gideon. Pressing ENTER has rellog go search for more solutions, if there are any. In this case one other solution is found.

We could even define the [Student][Teacher] relation in Rellog by writing a fact with a collection of conditions:

# In a .rellog file:
    - [instructor Teacher][Course]
    - [Course][Student]

This rule says:

A student called Student has a teacher called Teacher if:

  1. Teacher is the instructor of a course called Course, and
  2. Student is a student in that same course Course.

Now, to ask who Gideon's teachers are we could query:

-- [student gideon][Teacher]

    - Teacher = dr_null
    - Teacher = dr_na


A clause is a top-level definition. A clause is either:

  1. A fact:

    The following three facts declare that three symbols (socrates, chomsky, and you) refer to humans.

    [human socrates]
    [human chomsky]
    [human you]

    Here's another example of a fact:

    [nonempty_list {A ..B}]
  2. A rule:

    A rule has conditions. Here's an example of a rule:

    [mortal X]
        - [human X]

    This rule says "an X is mortal if that X is human.

    Lets query the mortal rule.

    -- [mortal socrates]
        - [true] # Exactly 1 solution found.
    -- [mortal Who]
        - Who = socrates
    |   - Who = chomsky
    |   - Who = you # Exactly 1 solution found.
    -- [mortal somebody_new]
        - [false] # The query has no solutions.

Rellog Values

Rellog has the following kinds of values:


  • Identifiers for concepts.
  • Have no meaning on their own.
  • Implemented as interned strings.





'still 1 singular/valid @symbol'


Arbitrarily-sized integers (positive or negative whole numbers)


0, 17, -3, 93740925370000349251

Text Strings

  • Represent textual data.
  • Useful when text must be constructed or parsed.
  • Warning: Text is still a work in progress.
Text Templates

Text templates allow manipulation of text in the same way that lists can be manipulated. Compare the following:

Lists Text
{1 2 3} "abc"
{1 2 ..Rest} "ab[{..Rest}]"
{1 X 3} "a[{X}]c"
{1 X Y 4 5} "a[{X Y}]de"

Note: You can only have one spread segment ([{..Variable}]) per text template, and it must appear at the very end of the literal. You can have as many character interpolation segments (like [{Char}]) as you like though.


"Text strings may contain spaces and punctuation."

# The following is 1 text string literal:
They can also be multi-line.

Like this!

Single linebreaks at the end of a 
line will combine the two lines into
a single paragraph.

Double linebreaks create a new paragraph.

# The following text templates are equivalent:
"[{a b c}]"


  • Must start with a capital letter or an underscore (_).
  • Very similar to variables in algebra.
  • Less similar to the variables in imperative programming languages.
  • May be known (bound to a specific value) or unknown (not yet bound to a value).
  • May optionally contain a period (.) which adds a distinguishing suffix.
    • The suffix may be a (non-negative) integer, or an (unquoted) symbol.

X, ListReversed, Pos2D, _123, X.0,


Two variables with the same prefix but different suffixes (for example S.0 and S.1) are seen as:

  1. distinct from the perspective of the runtime, but
  2. identical for the purposes of argument punning.

In the following example, the variables Arg.sub and Arg.sup are distinct variables because their suffixes are different (sub vs sup), but are able to be punned in the same way because they have the same stem (Arg).

[[clause_doc "<:->"]]
[in Tcx.0][sub [Arg.sub][Ret.sub]][sup [Arg.sup][Ret.sup]][out Tcx]
    - [sub Arg.sup][sup Arg.sub][in Tcx.0][out Tcx.1]
    - [fn [subst Tcx.1][tm Ret.sub]][ret Ret.sub1]
    - [fn [subst Tcx.1][tm Ret.sup]][ret Ret.sup1]
    - [sub Ret.sub1][sup Ret.sup1][in Tcx.1][out Tcx]

In other words, the following two lists are syntactically equivalent terms:

  • {[arg Arg.sub] blah [arg Arg.sup]}
  • {[Arg.sub] blah [Arg.sup]}

Relation Values

  • Sets of key-value pairs. We call a key-value pair an attribute.

  • The set of keys defines the name of a relation e.i. the set {k1, k2, k3} corresponds to a relation whose signature is [K1][K2][K3].

  • The following 2 relations are the same because order does not matter.

    • [List][Member]
    • [Member][List]
  • Note: you cannot put any whitespace between the ] and the [ within relation value, i.e. this is two separate relations, not one:

    [List]   [Member]
Argument Punning

If the name of the key of a relation's attribute is the same* as the name of the variable or symbol which is it's value, the key may be omitted.

For example:

[fav_color FavColor] = [FavColor]
[the_name the_name] = [the_name]

* Names are compared by converting out of snake_case/PascalCase first e.g. FavColor or fav_color --> {fav color} and the_name --> {the name}.

See also: Variable Suffixes

[list L][member M]

# The following 2 are the same:
[human human]

[numerator 4][denominator 3][Quotient][Remainder]

# The following 2 are the same due to argument punning:
[prefix Prefix][suffix Suffix][compound Compound]

# Relation values containing variables whose names match the keys are referred to as *relation signatures*.

# Use the `[Sig][Doc]` relation to get documentation on a relation.
[sig [List][Length]][Doc]

Relation literals can be used where structs, records, or classes are used in other languages. For example, if a datatype is represented in C like this:

typedef struct Person {
    char* name;
    uint8_t age;
    long bank_balance_cents;
} Person;

(Person) { .name = "casey", .age = 29, .bank_balance_cents = -4400 }

Or in Python like this:

from dataclasses import dataclass

class Person:
    name: str
    age: int
    bank_balance_cents: int
Person(name='casey', age=29, bank_balance_cents=-4400)

In Rellog, this kind of person is representable by values with signature [Name][Age][BankBalanceCents].

An example value of this type would be:

[name casey][age 29][bank_balance_cents -4400]


There are only a few operators in rellog (and parsing them is kinda buggy at the moment).

Operator Name Meaning
A = B Unification. Succeeds if A and B are unifiable, and in the process unifies them.
A ~ B Unifiability. Succeeds if A and B are unifiable, fails if they aren't.
A; B Conjunction. Succeeds if A succeeds and if B subsequently succeeds.
A::B Path separator. Does nothing right now, will be used for module system.


Lists are defined inductively by this relation:

[list {}]

[list {Element ..Tail}]
    - [list Tail]

In words, a list is either:

  1. The empty list written: {}
  2. A pair {A ..B} where A is an element of the list, and B is the tail of the list.

A list's tail is itself a list. So a tail is either a pair {C ..D} or the empty list {}.

The following is an abbreviation used to write out lists:

{1 2 3}
# The above is the same as the following:
{1 ..{2 ..{3 ..{}}}}
{} # The empty list.

{0 1 -1 2 -2} # A list with five integers.

{a b c ..Rest} # A partial list.

{1 ..{2 ..{3 ..{}}}} # Same as `{1 2 3}`.

{{}} # A list containing 1 element: the empty list.

{{1 2 3} {4 5 6} {7 8 9}} # A list of lists.

# A heterogenous list (rarely useful).
{{a b c} -31415 [x 3][y -1]}


  • Represent sequences of code.
  • Use - for conjunction ("and"), and | for disjunction ("or").
  • Semicolon (;) can be used for single-line conjunction blocks (useful in the REPL).
- [first_condition "asdf"]
- [second][condition {1 2 3}]

# Another way to write conjunction ("and"):
[first_condition "asdf"]; [second][condition {1 2 3}]

| [either][This]
| [or][that 49]
| [or][even][this]

Getting Help

There are many relations predefined for you to use in your Rellog code. Use the [Sig][Doc] relation to query them:

-- [Sig][Doc]

    - Sig = [Prefix][Suffix][Compound]
    - Doc =
       Relates a list `Compound` to some partitioning 
       of itself into a `Prefix` and a `Suffix`. Also 
       works for text strings.

The [Sig][Help] relation is good to use to document your own relations too.

There's also the [Help] relation. It performs a side-effect when queried (so it's not a pure relation). It prints out the Help text associated with the signature passed in:

-- [help [Pred][Succ]]

Relation: [Pred][Succ]
Relates two adjacent integers: a predecessor and a successor.

It's just a little easier on the eyes.


The REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop) is the interactive environment where Rellog code can be loaded and run.

REPL Commands

There are several commands that directly interact with the REPL. Most of them begin with a colon (:).

REPL Command Description
:h, :help, help, ? Show the help menu.
:r, :reload Reload the currently loaded source files.
:l <PATH>, :load <PATH> Load a source file located at <path>. Use in conjunction with [cd] to change the current working directory, and [cwd] to see the current working directory.
:u <PATH>, :unload <PATH> Sometimes you want to stop paying attention to a file (maybe it was deleted and is no longer relevant). You can tell the REPL to forget about the file with :unload.
:d, :debug Enters debugging mode. Once in, use help to learn how to use the debugger.
:q, :quit, :e, :exit, :wq Quit the REPL. Can also be done with CTRL-C or CTRL-D.

Relation Documentation

Builtin Relations


Relates a relation to a list of its attributes. An attribute is a [key Value] pair.


Relates an attribute (a [key Value] pair) to its key and value.


Extracts a value from a relation given the key name. Faster than searching through a list of the relation's attributes.

[eq List]

Unifies together the elements of the provided list.

-- [eq {A B C}]

    - A = B = C


Relates a term to the list of variables contained in that term.


Creates a duplicate of Original and unifies it with Duplicate.


Creates a duplicate of Original and unifies it with Duplicate.

The variables in the list Renaming that appear in Original will be renamed and their new names will be put in the list Renamed.

-- [original [a A][b B][ab {A B}]
   ][renaming {A Z}

    - Duplicate = [a A_1][B][ab {A_1 B}]
    - Renamed = {A_1 Z}


Convert symbols between snake_case and PascalCase.


True if the number Gt is greater than the number Lt.


True if the number Gte is greater than or equal to the number Lte.


Succeeds if its argument is an unbound variable.


Succeeds if its argument is an instantiated number.


Succeeds if its argument is an instantiated symbol.


Succeeds if its argument is an instantiated text string.


Succeeds if its argument is an instantiated relation structure.


Pushes a suffix onto a text string.


Relates two adjacent integers: a predecessor and a successor.


Always succeeds.


Always fails.


Succeeds if the goal passed to it fails, fails if the goal succeeds at least once. Note: This is safe because the knowledgebase is immutable.


Writes a text string to Stream, and then writes a newline character.

Stream can be the symbol stdin or the symbol stderr.


Writes a text string to Stream.

Stream can be the symbol stdin or the symbol stderr.


Relates a term to its text string representation.


Lists all builtin relations.


Gives the current working directory.


Changes the current working directory to the path provided as an argument.


Unifies its argument with a list of file/directory names from the current working directory.


Relates a rellog source file given by FilePath to that file's contained Clauses and Directives.


Expresses the relationship: $$ \text{Minuend} - \text{Subtrahend} = \text{Difference} $$

To perform addition, use mode [subtrahend][difference][Minuend].

Alias: [Min][Sub][Dif]


Expresses the relationship: Numerator/Denominator = Quotient (with a remainder of Remainder). More precisely, the relationship is Numerator = Quotient * Denominator + Remainder.

Can be used to express divisibility (when Remainder is set to 0), as well as multiplication (when Remainder is 0).

Alias: [Num][Den][Quo][Rem]

Common Modes
[num][den][Quo][Rem]   <=> quo = num / den, rem = num % den

[Num][den][quo][rem]   <=> num = den * quo + rem

[Num][den 1][quo][rem] <=> num = quo + rem

[Num][den][quo 1][rem] <=> num = den + rem

[Num][den][quo][rem 0] <=> num = den * quo

[num][Den][quo][rem]   <=> den = (num - rem) / quo

[num][den][Quo][rem]   <=> quo = (num - rem) / den

[num][Den][quo 1][rem] <=> den = num - rem

[num][den 1][Quo][rem] <=> quo = num - rem


Runs Goal. If successful Truth = true, if it fails Truth = false, and if it errors Truth = [Error] where Error is the error generated.

When Goal errors, all subsequent solutions are cut.

Module std

Automatically included in every program unless the --no-std-lib flag is provided.


Relates a list to a member of that list.


Relates a list to it's length.


Mode [len in][list out] is broken.


Relates a list to its last element.


Relates a list to its reversal.


Mode [forwards out][backwards in] loops forever. Does it need to be an intrinsic?


Requires the argument to conform to the given type test. It must be an instantiated value of the given type.

[must_be [List]]

List must be a ground list.

[must_be [Num]]

Num must be a ground number.


Allows the argument to be unbound, but if it's bound, it must conform to the given type test.

[can_be [List]]

List can be a ground list or an unbound variable.

[can_be [Num]]

Num can be a ground number or an unbound variable.


Finds relations which have not been documented.


Kinda broken.


Runs the goal passed as the value to the If key, if the goal fails this relation fails, if the goal succeeds (once or more) this relation succeeds (once or more).

Module elementwise


Fulfills a similar role to a list map function. See Prolog's maplist predicate for a rough idea of this relation's uses.

Use [Splat] and [Scalar] to wrap direct arguments of the relation passed in.

  • Allow deeper nesting.
-- [elementwise
            [splat {1 2 3}]
            [scalar 3]
            [splat Out]

    - Out = {1 8 27}
-- [elementwise [pred [splat {1 2 3}]]][succ [splat Succs]]]

    - Succs = {2 3 4}
-- [elementwise [pred [splat {1 Y 3}]][succ {X 3 Z}]]

    - X = 2
    - Y = 2
    - Z = 4


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