This package is used to retrieve and transform historical weather data from into pandas dataframe and csv.
You can get API key for free (free trial 500 requests/key/day for 60 days, as of 30-May-2019).
example API explorer:
Input: api_key, location_list, start_date, end_date, frequency
Output: location_name.csv
Output column names: date_time, maxtempC, mintempC, totalSnow_cm, sunHour, uvIndex, uvIndex, moon_illumination, moonrise, moonset, sunrise, sunset, DewPointC, FeelsLikeC, HeatIndexC, WindChillC, WindGustKmph, cloudcover, humidity, precipMM, pressure, tempC, visibility, winddirDegree, windspeedKmph
pip install wwo-hist
from wwo_hist import retrieve_hist_data
import os
start_date = '11-DEC-2018'
end_date = '11-MAR-2019'
api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
location_list = ['singapore','california']
hist_weather_data = retrieve_hist_data(api_key,
location_label = False,
export_csv = True,
store_df = True)
api_key: string
(Premium/ free trial) API key from
location_list: list of string
US Zipcode, UK Postcode, Canada Postalcode, IP address, Latitude/Longitude (decimal degree) or city name
start_date: string
Preferred date format: 'dd-mmm-yyyy'
end_date: string
Preferred date format: 'dd-mmm-yyyy'
frequency: integer
1, 3, 6, 12, 24
1 hourly, 3 hourly, 6 hourly, 12 hourly (day/night) or 24 hourly (day average)
location_label: bool, default = False
If True, all column names will have city name as prefix.
export_csv: bool, default = True
If False, no csv file will be exported to current directory.
store_df: bool, default = False
If True, retrieved dataframe(s) will be stored as list in the work space.